Monday – I mean, Wednesday – Open Comments

Courtesy of Grand Old Memes





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July 19, 2023 11:09 pm

Good Night All.  Hope the predicted cooler weather really does appear over this weekend, with some rain tagging along.

July 19, 2023 10:11 pm

#42 Adee I am noticing how my stray project cat Billy knows when to start expecting food, and gets himself situated. He still spends a lot of his time in the back yard to the east of me — not sure why, since they currently only have one old indoor dog, and their grown son and his giant back yard… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:03 pm

Michigan’s Dem dingdong AG is the reason that folks who live in the upper half of Michigan want to defect and join Wisconsin. Bringing the upper half with them.  They seriously have discussed doing that.  Saw that about 7-8 months ago on a conservative website.  🙂  Meanwhile Detroit sadly continues to go farther downhill from the great city it once… Read more »

July 19, 2023 7:47 pm

#26 mharper42,

I am convinced house cats know how to tell time. 🙂

July 19, 2023 7:40 pm

#25 Texpat, Excellent news that your wife is doing well in recovery.  You might want to consider having a visiting nurse come to help her with things like bathing and starting to gain back strength at a sensible pace walking as well as keeping track of her vital signs. What she has been through can be harder on the body… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
July 19, 2023 7:39 pm

At what point do we call this treason? hate to break it to you big fella but the USSA has already fallen and it can’t get up. The law is being used as warfare on all things Trump. and biden isn’t doing anything. you’re getting the third term of the Creature from the Kenyan Lagoon and you’re most likely going… Read more »

July 19, 2023 7:31 pm

I think I need to pull my clothes off the line.  They were probably dry five minutes after I hung ’em up.

July 19, 2023 6:38 pm

From the quick search I just made, I may still be able to run payroll in manual mode.

Since the tax rates in Texas don’t change often, it shouldn’t be a problem.  Not much different from what I’m already doing – I just don’t have to log in to get updates.


July 19, 2023 6:31 pm

I just received an email from Intuit/Quickbooks that I can no longer use it for payroll.  Unless I pay an additional $500/year for their “enhanced” service.  For one part-time employee.  I’m already paying $800+ each year for the basic service, to keep the tax info up to date.  When we were running the plumbing company AND the property accounts, and… Read more »

July 19, 2023 6:19 pm

It’s not when WE call it treason.  That boat sailed a long time ago.

It’s when those in power, with the power to do something, call it treason.

July 19, 2023 5:16 pm

So let me get this straight:

Biden is spending our military arsenal in Ukraine without replacing what he is using


emptying the Strategic Petroleum Reserve


opening up the southern border in a full scale illegal alien invasion.

At what point do we call this treason?

July 19, 2023 3:46 pm

Listening to IRS whistleblower testimony today, it seems the libs have an issue with the phrase “two tiered justice system”.  It seems they are afraid it’ll be culturally appropriated away from their meme of colored folks being unfairly treated by TPTB. I guess they can’t refute the facts.  Deflection and selection outrage is their attempt to minimize the Biden corruption… Read more »

July 19, 2023 3:10 pm

Its almost like I don’t know you people anymore.

July 19, 2023 3:01 pm

I am on a self-imposed hiatus from alcohol until my birthday next week since I got out of the hospital.  I have cheated a couple of times but I’m trying to stick to it. I gave up drinking for Lent this year. In the interest of being successful at the effort, I limited it only to weeknights, specifically Mon-Thu. I… Read more »

July 19, 2023 1:11 pm
July 19, 2023 12:48 pm

The return to previous levels of energy and stamina is taking longer than I thought. I was talking to my CPA/friend just a little while ago, discussing “what’s going on” with us lately.  I told him “this getting old is getting old”. I remember a friend telling me that her mother had said that if she’d known getting old was… Read more »

July 19, 2023 12:03 pm

Texpat 1018:  Great news that HH is doing well.

Are they going to do the cath through the groin or can they get there via the arm?  I am inclined to side with your cardiologist about making darned sure about no more blockages before anything strenuous; having something shake loose is deadly.

Do you need some of Bonecrusher’s Honeyshine Elixir?

July 19, 2023 11:52 am

Good Wednesday Morning Hamsters, Just dawned on me that slogging through this heatwave that seems to not have an end in sight is pretty much like the Covid Extravaganza, full of sound and fury and at first silently screaming “FRAUD” if one took timeouts from worrying about it.  The Signifying Nothing part rolled in later as the screw-ups were being… Read more »

July 19, 2023 10:35 am

Morning, gang. I had hungry cats insisting I get up this morning, several minutes before the alarm clock went off at 9 a.m. I don’t know how they do that. None of the wall clocks do any audio signals. But come to think of it, I often fall asleep with the bedside radio on, and it’s then on all night… Read more »

July 19, 2023 9:51 am

I’m listening to Caviezel being interviewed about “Sound of Freedom”.

For such an accomplished actor, his unscripted speech seems remarkably stilted.

July 19, 2023 9:40 am

Texpat 0924:  Thank you for the restoration.  I mostly repeated myself on #14.  There might be something about me posting from 3 different devices, including my phone.

On a more important note:  How is Her Highness recovering?  How are you recovering?

July 19, 2023 9:17 am

Handyman is putting tile down on what was going to be a kitchenette next to the master bedroom upstairs. I am charged with figuring out how I want to move all of the stuff now residing in the newly floored master bedroom into this area once the tile is down.  Then the MBR will be used as a work area… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:57 am

From the comments – I’ve heard about “shedding” the virus; it looks like this might be an example: Good morning Jeff! Thank you for your work. I look forward to your writings every morning. After reading about Jason Aldean, I wanted to share so info with you. I am NOT vaxed. I have been feeling crappy lately so I asked… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:56 am

Childers likes to end on an upbeat note.

I guess the water bowl was empty:

July 19, 2023 8:54 am

Again, from the detransitioning forum: I couldn’t track down where this interview ran, but it is a perfect example of how to handle a hostile interviewer on live TV. Scott Newgent, a trans biological female, who now campaigns against gender “affirmation” of kids and was the accidental star of Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman?”, posted this clip yesterday.… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:52 am



: to reduce the mental or moral vigor of


: to lessen the vitality or strength

July 19, 2023 8:50 am

Childers reports that trans-surgery doctors are now starting to face lawsuits. More. Of. This. Please. The latest black eye to the medical-industrial complex is the string of lawsuits against doctors who prescribed and performed transitioning surgeries on teenagers. Yesterday the UK Daily Mail reported on the latest one: [insert headline from UK Daily Mail. The **UK** Daily Mail.] According to… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:44 am

Now, from the Joe Is Not Up to the Job department: At an enervated meeting with Israel’s president Isaac Herzog at the White House yesterday, Joe Biden imitated the Energizer Bunny running out of batteries. After about the first minute, Biden’s chin met his chest and he started incoherently mumbling. The problem seems to be that since he read the… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:32 am

C&C: The left is now weaponized against the “alternate electors” re the election fiasco.   Yesterday, Michigan’s democrat attorney general, Dana Nessel, announced felony charges against 16 elderly Republican electors, some of whom are top GOP officials in Michigan, charging each with eight felony counts, including forgery, conspiracy, and “uttering” (an antiquated common-law term for fraud), for allegedly falsely signing… Read more »

Super Dave
July 19, 2023 8:32 am

Battery powered Weed eater. As you may know I’ve got my wife a bunch of battery powered Stihl tools, starting with the MSA 120 chainsaw. The second tool I got her was the FSA 60 trimmer and it is the least used tool in her shed and that is because the line is small (it has to be because of… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:28 am

I think that Biden will get the 25th around the end of the year.  Kamala the Cackler will be ‘potus’ but will get smoked in the primaries.  Those that are controlling the White House, and that is neither Joe nor the Cackler, will deal with her stupidity for a little while and make sure she doesn’t burn the house down. … Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:24 am

Hummm what to make of this, I’m wondering just what is in GJT’s head.

Well, once I got past the boobs and listened to the words maybe she said “rain” ten times….

July 19, 2023 8:24 am

#7 GJT I need to get a battery powered weed eater for those small jobs. I didn’t want to mess the gas/oil stuff.  My little Black & Decker job is fine for the pace I can manage.  The batteries don’t last as long as I’d like, which is why I now have several of them.  But I also am quite… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:22 am

We are finally putting the final finishing touches on our new front porch almost a year later lol. Got gutters put up Monday, love them but on one downspout they installed it where it angles down across the front about five feet to catch a post going mid air. Looks so damned stupid. Taking real time pictures, texts and phone… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:18 am

TRIPLE STANDARDS ☙ Wednesday, July 19, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS  Roundup: Good morning, C&C, it’s Wednesday! Your roundup today includes: Jason Aldean update; the appalling Michigan electors prosecution, explained; the Biden Administration finally suspends the Wuhan lab from getting any more federal grants; Biden sleeps through meeting with Israeli president on camera; Ukraine buys Twitter ads to promote propaganda; another… Read more »

Super Dave
July 19, 2023 8:17 am

listening to the weather person with boobs this morning, there is a very slight 30% chance of rain Sunday and she must have said “rain” eight times in a couple minutes. Once it was in my head I couldn’t stop focusing on it lol.

Hummm what to make of this, I’m wondering just what is in GJT’s head. 😉

July 19, 2023 8:10 am

I need to get a battery powered weed eater for those small jobs. Love my gas powered Echo (insert Tim the Toolman noises), but a bit of a pain if I only need to tidy up around the BBQ pit or such.

July 19, 2023 8:09 am

#4 GJT Hubby noted that Rhett is down to 550 gallons.  He was commenting on the “rain chances,” but I am still going to cut back a bit on the watering.  The plants still need moisture, but I’ve been pretty free with Rhett’s abundance so far. Fortunately, it doesn’t take much to fill him back up. I really don’t want… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:07 am

I’m listening to today’s ReturnToTradition podcast.  This whole “synod” process is just a means to an end – to destroy the very fabric of the Catholic Church and remake it into an “ape of the Church” devoid of solid belief systems. Comments nail it. In truth I’m so tired of all this. Synodality has destroyed the Anglican church. It looks… Read more »

July 19, 2023 8:06 am

You’ve seen those videos where the dog owner is acting like they’re on the phone and they keep saying the dog’s trigger words like “park”, “walk”, “treat”, etc to get the dog’s reaction (perk). Well that’s what got in my head listening to the weather person with boobs this morning, there is a very slight 30% chance of rain Sunday… Read more »

July 19, 2023 7:58 am

I finally found all the batteries and chargers for my weed eater, and I got some of those chopped down yesterday, the lush growth alongside my tubs outside.  Hubby and Handyman will mow, but not trim.  So I guess it’s up to me. I’m going to try to finish cutting all of the grass and trumpet vines that are growing… Read more »

July 19, 2023 6:57 am

I have one in the spitoon. . . . .