Wednesday’s Wicked Witch Behind the Throne Open Comments

Anita Dunn speaking to students at an American university in 2009.  It is appalling.

Jill Biden stays close to her husband and guards him like a Rottweiler. But she doesn’t possess the skills, the background or knowledge to keep the Biden charade going. This job has always belonged to another woman, Anita Dunn, a long time DC operator and player in the Obama White House.

The Biden administration has always been run almost exclusively by hard-core, seasoned leftist women which should come as no surprise to any observer. Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Avril Haines, Lisa Monaco and a whole conga line of other females.

Darren Beattie at Revolver has already done the hard work for me on this story.

The “big gun” running the “Joe Show” behind the scenes is actually this domineering woman…

Make no mistake, Jill Biden is running the show. But she’s not the only dominatrix whipping Biden into shape. There’s another leather-bound lady who’s controlling the “Joe Show,” and her nickname is the “brawler-in-chief.” Her real name is Anita Dunn, and she’s the savagely controlling woman “bodyguard” who is guarding and guiding everything behind the scenes. As a matter of fact, Anita Dunn is the woman who came up with the cringeworthy “Dark Brandon” campaign that depicted Joe Biden as some strong, shadowy Batman-like comic book character in response to the humiliating “Let’s Go Brandon” meme that took the world by storm.


CNN spoke to more than a dozen current and former White House and administration officials, lawmakers and Democratic strategists – many of whom requested anonymity to speak freely – who paint a picture of Dunn as a deeply loyal aide with a big-picture view of Biden’s strategy – with a hand in nearly all aspects of his political life.

Her instincts for brawling are now directly intertwined with the president’s political fortunes, as she bolsters an already expansive role as a presidential adviser with steering 2024 messaging from the White House. For a president who relies on a very tight circle of trusted advisers, sources say Dunn has emerged as a powerful chief political communicator, a key strategist and someone who will fight on his behalf. She takes these responsibilities on with a combination of deep experience and Biden’s trust.







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Super Dave
June 28, 2023 9:12 pm

I’m not a fan of Bret Baier but I did watch his interview with the Biden Whistle Blower and it was worth my time.

June 28, 2023 8:46 pm

Tedtam – ROTFLOL… I’m allergic to wool, so I get to use the more “summer-friendly” sweater materials like cotton  😉

And I’m mostly trying to get “ingredients” made shelf-stable… Nat lives in what was Mom’s bedroom – same A/C unit but different thermostat.  And we have LOTS of fans, LOL.  But I DO understand.

June 28, 2023 8:43 pm

There may have been a bunch of placebo jabs in Europe. I’ll bet those folks are grateful that they were deceived now. Finally, we have the ‘yellow batches’ clustered around the yellow line, which, as can be seen above, barely gets off the x-axis. On Dyker’s calculation, the yellow batches represent around 30% of the total. Dyker notes that they… Read more »

June 28, 2023 8:37 pm

Bsue – I think I’m going to wait for this heat to break before I put Elsa through her paces again.  Hubby tells me I may need to break out my sweaters – gonna get all the way down to 95 next week! Triple digits may be too much right now. I’m looking forward to some cheesecake bites.  And I… Read more »

June 28, 2023 8:12 pm

Nat’s next load is in the freezer – we got a 5 lb bag of frozen no-sugar added mixed fruit (pineapple, strawberries, peach slices and mango cubes) at Sam’s… Decided that if/when TSHTF we might like a sweet treat sometimes. I may wait til morning to start it up – I had to cut some of the pineapple chucks down… Read more »

June 28, 2023 7:44 pm

John Solomon got ahold of the phone number of the Biden’s “secret cell phone” via some leaked documents.


He called the number.  The Big Guy answered and promptly hung up.

June 28, 2023 7:23 pm

Texpat 2:27 pm, Solar panel farm in complete disarray thanks to hailstones.  Mother Nature makes hailstones regularly that don’t always melt into mere raindrops by the time they start hitting something down here.  Can’t put umbrellas over the solar panels and have them still work….  Can’t imagine how much replacing those panels will cost vs. how much they cost in… Read more »

June 28, 2023 4:48 pm

It never ceases to amaze me that big mega$ corporations continue to go down the woke road.  How many examples of ‘get woke go broke’ do they need to see before they come to the conclusion that it does not work?

June 28, 2023 2:42 pm

Texpat 1427:  They had hail in Nebraska?!?  Who the heck could have possibly predicted that such a thing would happen there?  It probably hasn’t hailed there in at least 6 weeks. . . .

June 28, 2023 2:32 pm

You know they are available and sitting on a shelf somewhere right?

June 28, 2023 2:31 pm

Aw ain’t nothin, just change out a few panels.

June 28, 2023 12:59 pm

I have a placard in my car for those times when my stepfather is with me. It’s the only time it sees the light of day.

June 28, 2023 12:25 pm

Pyro see my answer to your #10 with my #11.

June 28, 2023 12:23 pm

The Hurry-Up-Gang all rushed to my bed when they heard the alarm go off. I turned it off and rolled over. To my surprise, when I finally got up, an hour and a half had gone by, but the cats must have given up. So clearly, it was their fault. Even after they all had a bowl of late breakfast,… Read more »

June 28, 2023 11:58 am

Morning, gang! (Hey, 2 minutes to go before it will be too late to say that…)

June 28, 2023 11:51 am

Oh, and the guy who used the last of those scooters to ride on while shopping with his girlfriend…. I had to shop leaning over my grocery cart handle, trying not to go into agony.  I kept seeing those two as I was shopping, and something told me he was just fine but I kept my mouth shut….because you never… Read more »

June 28, 2023 11:46 am

I rank these wheelchair scammers right along those folks who purchase those “service animal” vests for their non-service animal pets, and those who illegally acquire or immorally use handicap parking placards. I had a placard while caring for my mother.  I still sometimes had difficulty finding a spot for her, since non-handicapped folks were using those spots. I should have… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
June 28, 2023 11:36 am

The entire family is composed of congenital liars. It really is stunning these lowlife creeps are now occupying the White House. not so hard to believe those lowlife creeps are occupying the White House when the foreign born Kenyan occupied it and the 2020 and 2022 elections were so blatantly stolen that even the 3 blind mice could see it.… Read more »

June 28, 2023 11:35 am

Probably because it mentions Gates, Biden, and Fauci in the same post.

Too many bad words.

June 28, 2023 10:35 am


I found it in the Deep Trash bin.

June 28, 2023 10:18 am

And finally – some GOOD cancer news!  And it has nothing to do with the Dems buying votes! Speaking of cancer, Medical News Today recently ran a very surprising and encouraging story headlined, “Dose of Measles Virus Destroys Woman’s Incurable Cancer.” In what they describe as a proof of principle study, Mayo Clinic researchers were able to keep a woman… Read more »

June 28, 2023 10:16 am

Speaking of cancer… Biden has created another form of graft under the cover of “cancer care”. But it has nothing to do with curing cancer.  It has everything to do with perceived racial factors in cancer care.  Biden’s “Cancer Moon Shot” plans to hand out a $50M “grant” (translation: graft) to five different cancer research centers for woke research into… Read more »

June 28, 2023 10:11 am

More sad news from the Suddenly and Unexpectedly Department: I don’t know if Toby Keith’s cancer is part of the jab’s collateral damage, but I hope he fully recovers. Turbo cancer takes out a Latvian pro soccer player, Gints Freimanis.  He was only 38.  Latvian news called it sudden and unexpected, labeling it a “shock diagnosis.” Paulinha Abelha – her… Read more »

June 28, 2023 9:57 am

I hope my last post is in the spit bucket so I don’t have to re-write it.

June 28, 2023 9:53 am

Skipping the malaria non-story, I see that Bill Gates is next on the discussion list: Fox News ran a story headlined, “Rand Paul Rips Bill Gates’ Alleged Tie To Gain-Of-Function Research: ‘Funding The Biggest Danger To Mankind’.” Sounds about right. During an interview …with Maria Bartiromo, Senator Paul specifically called out the software billionaire as potentially endangering the entire human… Read more »

June 28, 2023 9:47 am

I slept in a bit, trying to reduce my sleep deficit.  Coffee in hand… MEASLES AND WEASELS ☙ Wednesday, June 28, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Roundup: Good morning, C&C, and Happy Wednesday! Your roundup today includes: Hunter Biden’s lawyer makes a major admission; corporate media advertises a microscopic new epidemic of malaria; Rand Paul identifies Bill Gates as a civilizational… Read more »

June 28, 2023 9:39 am

The modernists are about to completely ruin the beautiful Notre Dame cathedral. I’ve heard some pretty horrific ideas put forth, and at least the Disney feel may have been scrapped. But it looks like the stone cutters are going to have their way with this beautiful worship space. BTW – “stone cutter” is term used by Mr. Stine, since the… Read more »

June 28, 2023 9:31 am

Good Morning Hamsters, We made it down to 77 before the daily climb started.  High overcast at the moment and breezy has overtaken the earlier sunshine.  Rain of course is predicted but not for us as usual, so it is again the sprinkler system to the rescue of our flowers and lawns. Momma deer and her baby are in the… Read more »

June 28, 2023 9:18 am

#10 Pyro:  We normals frequently claim that the Bidet admin are incompetent – this is false.  Because we normals want what is legal, efficient, and profitable for the majority of Americans, we erroneously assume that the current deep state wants the same thing.  If they wanted the same thing, they would rightly be branded as incompetent.  The fact of the… Read more »

June 28, 2023 9:13 am

8 bone Before they could do what you suggest, they’d have to impeach him. His biggest problem is that he’s a slimy little weasel who’s bitter about having his Supreme Court nomination cancelled when Black Jesus’ term ended before the confirmation process could begin. Which was obviously a good thing when you see him now. Mayorcas needs to be taken… Read more »

June 28, 2023 9:07 am


Hey! I like Hellman’s/Best Foods (same product different branding depending on geography). Kraft is too sweet for some odd reason. Dukes is very good, but I prefer Hellman’s.

Duke’s enjoys a place in my heart for the Duke’s Mayonnaise Bowl, after which the winning coach receives like 5 gallons of Duke’s to enjoy.

Poured over his head.

June 28, 2023 7:50 am

The Rs are talking about impeaching Grandmother Merrick Garland.  I think this is absurd; he should be charged with and convicted of obstruction of justice in his handling of the laptop from hell, shielding Coke-Hunter from IRS scrutiny, and shielding The Dimwit Joe from bribery, corruption, and treason charges.

Super Dave
June 28, 2023 7:45 am

BTW; did y’all see my #32 last night about Donald Trump being the only living US president whose ancestors did not own slaves?

It rates right up there with Donald Trump being more Injun that Elizabeth Warren. 😀

June 28, 2023 7:45 am

#4 Shannon – I knew it had to be closing in on a year, but wasn’t sure of the date… I flew ON July 4th once (early ’80’s) and it was a piece of cake – but I wouldn’t want to try it again in the 2020’s… NO WAY

Super Dave
June 28, 2023 7:42 am

Today, let us pause to remember a magnificent culinary hero of the South, Mrs. Eugenia Duke. In 1917, Mrs. Duke began selling sandwiches to the soldiers stationed at Camp Sevier, near her home in Greenville, South Carolina. The sandwiches were a hit and her business soared, primarily because of her amazing homemade mayonnaise. Today, Duke mayonnaise is the 3rd largest… Read more »

June 28, 2023 7:08 am

This time last year, Texpat and I were holed up in my house with COVID and he’d already decided to stay past the 4th to avoid that travel nightmare.

June 28, 2023 7:04 am

I think Dark Brandon is a good monniker; the light ain’t on and no one’s home.

Super Dave
June 28, 2023 4:57 am

Dark Brandon?!?! BAWHAHAHA!!! And Revolver gets it right;

“Dark Brandon” never caught on beyond left-wing Twitter circles, for obvious reasons. Joe isn’t “Batman,” he’s more like the Joker, and everybody knows it.   😀

Super Dave
June 28, 2023 4:53 am

I’m familiar with Anita Dunn but didn’t know the extent of her power at the White House. They’ve kept her out of the limelight just like Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice who I knew were pulling some of Bidens strings. Great catch and I’ve already RTWDT. If I do get it done early I just run out of time. Issit… Read more »