Weekend Open Comments





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June 11, 2023 9:45 pm

We have arrived. We won’t be following the Google map directions on the way out. We went through some scenic but must drive slowly one lane roads getting in.

June 11, 2023 9:24 pm

52 Tedtam

I literally just came hear to search out the info. Thank you. I will be attending.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
June 11, 2023 9:19 pm

Just saw the nj jelly roll is in a 5 way tie at 1% in the goopeeCon lineup of losers running in the joined@thehipparty primary.

jelly jelly

he’s our man

if he can’t win it

no one can

roll him up

in laundered dough

and he’ll become

a spyduck ho

June 11, 2023 7:32 pm

Tedtam, I saw your announcement on TexMo’s funeral arrangements.  That was very kind of you to post the information.  Mind boggling that 3 of our old timers have passed on within the last year, folks who have been here for a long time and knew so much about the early years of hamous.net in its start and changes in its… Read more »

June 11, 2023 7:17 pm

Pretty disappointed that one of you didn’t show up in my absence and mow my yard.

However, I see where we are moving headlong into a stretch of 100-degree days. So perhaps it will all dry up and blow away by next weekend.

Hope springs eternal.

June 11, 2023 6:50 pm

I wanted to make sure y’all saw the information on Texmo’s funeral services. I posted it earlier in this thread at 8:38 a.m.

No one said anything so I don’t know if it was noticed or not. I wouldn’t want anyone to miss their chance to pay their last respects if they wanted to attend

June 11, 2023 6:05 pm

46 shannon

I came very close to getting the giggles during a (funeral) rosary for the recently departed sister of a friend.

I was in my 40’s.

June 11, 2023 5:33 pm

The confirmation story is priceless.

June 11, 2023 5:01 pm

It was a fellow confirmand who had joked. But I don’t remember what it was. Something silly told by a ten or eleven-year-old, I’m sure.

June 11, 2023 4:24 pm

#46 Shannon:  Who was it that told the joke and, more importantly, what was the joke?

June 11, 2023 4:06 pm

Home from a lovely dinner at the Olive Garden in Rosenberg.  That place is at the top of our lists for dining out.  The portions are generous, and they supply take-home containers that keep the food very well.  Spouse saw an OG under construction to the northeast of us a ways in an area with other restaurants of various specialty. … Read more »

June 11, 2023 3:20 pm

Every Sunday, subscribers to First Things receive via email a couple of choice articles chosen from years past. One of today’s offerings is a very humorous recollection of the author’s Confirmation Sunday. Anyone who has been through the Confirmation process (or is familiar with it) will enjoy it. As for my own confirmation, it was a nightmare because one of… Read more »

June 11, 2023 3:02 pm

We’re at the Big Texan restaurant in Amarillo. None of us are tempted to take the 72 oz steak challenge.

Was anyone taking it on when you were there? I think there were two doing it when my son was through there a while back.

June 11, 2023 2:25 pm

I guess it was Friday that I went to Kroger with a shopping list, and on my way there, I stopped at the neighborhood donut shop and bought a bacon-and-egg-croissant which I planned to have for lunch after I got back home. Well, those sammiches are so large that it is always 2-meals-worth for me. So on Friday I had… Read more »

June 11, 2023 2:24 pm

We’re at the Big Texan restaurant in Amarillo. None of us are tempted to take the 72 oz steak challenge.

June 11, 2023 1:57 pm

I guess my vote doesn’t count for much with the powers-that-be at HEB. I sent them a communication that I’m none too pleased with the changes to their in-store coupon strategy over the last two years. For many years, individual items might have a yellow coupon for X-amount-off. Recently their coupon strategy now requires you to buy multiples of the… Read more »

June 11, 2023 1:31 pm

#39 Super Dave,

Yes, regrettably, the well-run government that we enjoyed when Mr. Trump was at the helm is no more thanks to the wicked and definitely not-too-bright Socialist-democrats now in charge.  Notice that democrat is spelled with a small d.  They don’t deserve a D.  That party is no more.   Instead:  Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves all.  🙂

June 11, 2023 1:18 pm

Spouse and I went grocery shopping this morning, something we rarely do together these days.  When it is me alone, I take the smaller grocery cart and think when it is full I am done shopping.  That controls how many bags there are for me to put in the car, some of them being awkward to handle.  I always take… Read more »

Super Dave
June 11, 2023 12:54 pm

As I was returning from the Pig I heard a Democratic Spokeshole, Matt Bennet saying something on Fox about what Biden needs to do is get out and show the people what he’s accomplished that will actually affect them in their daily lives. He was of course referring to the $500 Billion Infrastructure Green Donor Payoff Bill that he passed.… Read more »

June 11, 2023 12:39 pm

I don’t recall noticing any tree limbs along my driveway when I went down to the curb to get the HouChron. After I’d worked the sudoku, I was out putting some trash in the CoH barrel, and I could see some small broken limbs fallen around my redbud tree. It is on the narrow strip of my yard to the… Read more »

June 11, 2023 12:35 pm

. Dolly Parton/Linda Ronstaft/EmmyLou Harris 1 Tempted and tried we’re oft made to wonder, Why it should be thus all the day long; While there are others living about us, Never molested though in the wrong. Refrain: Farther along we’ll know all about it, Farther along we’ll understand why; Cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine, We’ll understand it… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
June 11, 2023 12:16 pm

They’re not going to break me.  I refuse to give up the secret codes !

beware the Jersey jelly roll.

he wants those jelly donut codes and he’s liable to do anything to get them even it means donning a hospital gown, crawling up in your bed and sharing your intravenous fluids.

talk about torture.:)

June 11, 2023 12:11 pm

Well, Billy showed up about 11:30 am and sat in the shade of the gazebo, waiting to be noticed. He got a bowl of canned cat food and a bowl of dry kibbles. He always eats leisurely, and for all I know he could be getting food at other homes in the neighborhood.

June 11, 2023 11:14 am

Bellville-Katy-Texarkana-Bellville was 719 miles which includes a few miles running around Texarkana. Total travel time was about 12 hours, which includes breaks. At the 2/3rds point (both ways) I took a long fifteen minute break to stretch and walk. Got lucky on the weather. It was beautiful both days. Glad I didn’t have to deal with any deadly Spring storms… Read more »

June 11, 2023 10:51 am

Saturday night, Billy Cat didn’t show up in my back yard until after dark, and by then the local raccoons were swarming for chow. Billy couldn’t compete, so he left to the east via a loose fence board. I never saw him again last night, and haven’t seen him so far this morning. Poor addle-brained kitty. If only he’d learn… Read more »

June 11, 2023 9:59 am

Good Morning Hamsters, Zero rain overnight, as sadly expected.  All of it was east of us again, and the only watering came from the sprinklers in the yards.  Only one flash of lightning to the east and one rumble of thunder out here.  That was it.  Up to 82 already with 79% humidity, and a brisk breeze.  Could be too… Read more »

Super Dave
June 11, 2023 9:40 am

Graveyard Dead. But don’t blame me I didn’t do it, it was Tedtam.   😉

June 11, 2023 7:33 am

Texpat, I feel ya’ dude. I hope you get some rest soon. You need it to get better. We are packing the car for our trip and Aggie Beau is getting breakfast together for everyone, trying to use up what’s in the frig and cleaning up the rest. Sunshine cookrd the eggs. The girls are getting all grown up on… Read more »

Super Dave
June 11, 2023 6:51 am

Hang in there Texpat, did they wake you up to give you a sleeping pill?

Mornin’ Gang

June 10, 2023 11:12 pm

Hoping for some rain to slide over here, but we currently are under a possible storm warning.

June 10, 2023 10:03 pm

btw – any day with the charming Miss Hepburn is a good one.

June 10, 2023 10:03 pm

I remember when California was actually pretty libertarian. Places like SF were pretty left leaning, but not loaded with total looks like now.

Seems the only places remaining that are not completely off the reservation are a few pockets in the Central Valley and far northeast California like Modoc County.

Im just glad I no longer live there.

Super Dave
June 10, 2023 8:47 pm

Texpat I just popped in to see what’s going on and I’ll Ditto everyone’s thoughts. Just hang in there and get better soon. I guess that you’ve had a pretty rough time this past year.

And Shannon, thanks for the Katfish Memoral picture, I’ll be sure to look it up the next time I’m in Texas.

June 10, 2023 8:04 pm

Texpat – amen to what everyone else said – and thanks for going to get checked. Our prayers are with you, for your docs to find the right combination of medications and Texpat to get things under control QUICKLY.

June 10, 2023 6:57 pm


Take full advantage of being taken care of from A-Z at the hospital, and prayers that your heart rate quickly slows down to where it should be.

June 10, 2023 6:00 pm

Texpat, here’s my fervent hope that your hospital gets that heart rate down. Rest easy, if you can, and get back home soon.


June 10, 2023 5:35 pm

Here’s a weird one.

For the last four hours, I have a nerve gone rogue on my scalp.

It feels like there’s a bug walking around up there on a small spot.

Hope it goes away.

June 10, 2023 4:20 pm


Thanks for the pic Shannon.

June 10, 2023 3:21 pm

Crossed the Brazos.

Back home in Austin County.

June 10, 2023 2:51 pm

Sun comes and goes most of the afternoon so far.  We have 90 on the front porch and 94 on the back porch.  Trees in the front yard give lots of shade but still make room for sunny spots pretty much all over the yard.  Back yard has more sunny spots and fewer trees but plenty of shade.  Very disappointing… Read more »

June 10, 2023 2:30 pm

Roadside Memorial

Super Dave
June 10, 2023 1:42 pm

Well I made it back to the farm, rolled in about 10:30 and Lil Dawg was tore slam up to see me. She had got up earlier, went for her walk but skipped breakfast and went back to bed. I snuck in and woke her up but it took a minute for her to realize she wasn’t dreaming and the… Read more »

June 10, 2023 1:08 pm

Garth must be chasing that neon rainbow.

June 10, 2023 12:08 pm

Couldn’t possibly recall the last time I took Texas 7 through the Davy Crockett National Forest.

June 10, 2023 11:43 am

Caught a mighty fine classic country station out of Nacogdoches..

I haven’t heard this one in a long, long time.

June 10, 2023 11:17 am

#10 Shannon,

A good choice of route, and may it be helpful.

June 10, 2023 11:08 am

Texpat 9:52,

I read someplace several years ago that northern California wanted to split off and join another state, Oregon being adjoining.  However these days it seems that Oregon and Washington State are getting nearly as crazy as California. And maybe the craziness is spreading to Canada’s British Columbia, since it is not as conservative as the other western provinces.