Thursday Seething Rage Open Comments

What does one do when it is discovered that there was a cheap, highly effective treatment for the WLR – and most other infections – that was refused by The Powers That Be?  A chemical manufactured by our very own human bodies as part of our immune system?

No need for ventilators, “vaccines,” Remdesivir, monoclonal antibodies.  Something that could’ve stopped this whole scamdemic in its tracks.

Read it here in Dr. Malone’s column:

What if your body produced its own antimicrobal?

Hypochlorous Acid and Its Revolutionary Impact on Healthcare, Skin Care and Disinfecting

Hypochlorous acid is created by our own immune system to fight bacteria and viruses.  It can be used on the skin to treat a multitude of issues (even aging?) and in the nasal passages to kill the viruses that just love to party down on our mucosal surfaces.

It is naturally a short-lived chemical, but a coupla engineers in Tampa, FL figured out how to produce it in volume and keep it stable.  It’s made from water, salt, and electricity.  They tested it, specifically against the WLR, and it stopped it dead in its tracks. Then this happened…

  • took their data to the FDA believing that this would provide an important method for reducing the damage and spread associated with this (supposedly) highly lethal pathogen, and the FDA in its infinite wisdom basically told them to go pound sand (much as happened to Steve Kirsh with his Wash U drug trials) and threatened legal action if these engineers tried to promote their finding,
  • and these clever American engineers, undeterred by the FDA intransigence, went to the EPA and convinced that agency to approve their non-toxic antimicrobial for disinfecting surfaces.

And then, crickets. The whole “hand and surface disinfectant” industry was so heavily invested in a variety of toxic alcohols and soap formulations that no-one would consider anything else.

The major route of infection for the WLR is, as you may have guessed – the nose!  A simple wash of this solution…

Surely this must be an imaginary parallel universe. There is no way that the US FDA would have blocked rather than expedited the availability of such lifesaving treatment using an inexpensive agent which is less toxic than povidone–iodine!

I bought a bottle of that nasty smelling iodine stuff!  Just in case..

I am very sorry to tell you that what I am describing is not some parallel, dysfunctional universe in which the FDA has been transformed into a bootlicking sycophantic captured promoter of the commercial interests of the patented pharmaceutical industry, or yet another sordid example of the US Federal Imperial Administrative State making arbitrary and capricious decisions which have indirectly led to a large unnecessary loss of life. Unfortunately, as is often the case, both scenarios are clearly true in THIS universe.

More from Dr. Malone:

…I have heard many physicians (including eye and plastic surgeons) as well as many other lay people ascribe what sounds like magical healing properties to this natural agent. My advice, as always, is to do your own diligence and research, and if you think there is merit, consider trying out the product.

Curative Bay’s website, if you want to look at their product line.

HOCl works by neutralizing bacterial and viral proteins, making them unable to spread or cause infection. (Wish we had something like that for libs.)  It’s non-toxic and safe, so it can be used on surfaces.  Think: doctor’s offices, hospitals, school cafeterias, etc.

However, the benefits of Hypochlorous extend beyond its EPA approved disinfectant properties. It is also becoming increasingly popular as a skin care product due to its non-toxic nature and ability to fight off bacteria, eradicate acne, and speed up the healing process of burns and wounds.

Furthermore, it has strong anti-aging characteristics, making it a one-stop solution for skin health.

Just think how different our world would be today if this option had been pursued instead of masking, lockdowns, jabs, etc….but then, there wouldn’t be much money to follow, would there?  How does one grab power when the people are free to move about?

A report out of Stanford University last month by one of the premier virus research groups in the USA nails it—the SARS 2 coronavirus gets into your body by invading the mucous membranes in your nose, not through your lungs! Moreover, the virus takes quite a while to infect cells after it latches onto their surfaces –about 24 hours, in fact, before it invades and starts the cycle of infection and spread. All during that time it’s exposed on the nasal cell surfaces, and… that’s where it can be attacked.


Dr. Ivan Delgado and about 30 medical professional- colleagues at the University of Colima in Mexico published the results of their studies in two peer- reviewed papers. In the first 2 they showed that a nasal spray solution of hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a natural product made in human white blood cells, could reverse the symptoms of SARS2 coronavirus positive patients that came to his hospital. It was also highly effective in preventing worsening of symptoms in those people already suffering from the disease. These researchers then went on to show that nasal sprays sprayed up each nostril several times per day were highly effective in preventing infections in nurses and healthcare orderlies who were caring for COVID19 patients every hour of their waking days.

Although HOCl is a natural product it’s possible with modern technology to manufacture it in large quantities (300,000 gallons per month), pure, stable, and at a cost that is a tiny fraction of the cost of monoclonal antibodies and antiviral drugs being promoted. Something like a cheap, safe, effective nasal spray that people could use as many times per day as they wish, and especially in situations of high exposure risk is much more desirable.

There are more than ten thousand scientific papers published on HOCl, its chemistry, natural and synthetic production, safety and all the powerful effects it has on germs of all types, including coronaviruses, and even Mad Cow prions!

HOCl is safe to breathe and stands as the first and most powerful line of defense in your natural immune system. And it can be made available for daily use by hundreds of millions of people for a few dollars per day per person.

How’s that for a contrast?

Heads. Should. Roll.  There should be an avalanche of extreme haircut victims rolling down Pennsylvania Avenue.  Tomorrow.







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June 8, 2023 9:55 pm

Just opened a Christmas gift bottle of chocolate wine, a Netherlands delicacy we discovered several years ago.  It is Dutch chocolate mixed with red wine, and it is powerful beyond expectation.  A little goes a long way, and half of a wine glass is the limit if you want to be able to navigate through the house when the glass… Read more »

June 8, 2023 9:39 pm

#52 Shannonigans


June 8, 2023 9:19 pm

Insert racist okay hand sign here.

June 8, 2023 8:19 pm


Take care and be safe on your trip to Texarkana tomorrow.

June 8, 2023 8:18 pm

Tucker dropped another video monologue this evening.  It is only 12:38 long.

It is here on this page.

June 8, 2023 8:03 pm

Hello Doood

June 8, 2023 7:25 pm

Dood, I was thinking that – but don’t trust my memory too well… When we looked at the radar, we were guessing that most of the storm was going to miss us to the west, and while we did lose power briefly, a good soaking rain was about all we were blessed with.

June 8, 2023 7:13 pm

I’m in NW near Willowbrook Mall 77066

June 8, 2023 7:09 pm

Deep blue sky toward the NE over Houston and very windy here for about 10 minutes on the way through to the SE.  We were at the very edge of it passing by.  Purrscilla kitty was frightened (I don’t blame her) and has taken refuge under the dining room table, with a convenient view of the front yard through the… Read more »

June 8, 2023 7:07 pm

Rain has stopped so I went out to put down food for the raccoons under the breezeway. To my surprise, Billy came to the patio to see what else there was to eat. The dog chow I put out for the big critters does not appeal to cats, so I went in again and fixed him a bowl of dry… Read more »

June 8, 2023 6:54 pm

#33 Texpat Two questions. I neglected to mention, the dad came out yesterday, when the kid was still missing, and said that report was erroneous and there was no missing weapon. So, can’t say for sure on that but something told me that was false. The kid pulled this same trick about a month ago, no reports of a gun… Read more »

June 8, 2023 6:44 pm

Rain stopped, but everything is still dripping. I saw that Billy Cat had made it to the gazebo, where he is pretty well sheltered. I had just fed the 6 indoor puds, so I opened a can for him, put half of it in a large bowl and took it out to him. The umbrella made him nervous, so he… Read more »

June 8, 2023 6:32 pm

#41 Dood – which part of town are you in? Sorry – I don’t remember

June 8, 2023 6:21 pm

No power here and multiple large limbs down. Haven’t seen one this bad in quite a while. Probably tornado but passed now.

June 8, 2023 6:17 pm

We had a little rain then BOOM the power went off… Blessedly, our whole home generator kicked right in – and Nat’s screen said “do you wise to resume???” I was almost freaking out because I have a load of pre-cooked sausage patties in there – first meat with any fat I’ve done… and it is looking different than any… Read more »

June 8, 2023 5:53 pm

Overcast here with a storm to the north of us apparently slowly moving this way.  Many storms coming from any direction this year have left a few raindrops here on the way to somewhere else that gets all the rain.    Aha, the wind has really picked up from the north, trees are really swaying now, and Old Glory is… Read more »

June 8, 2023 5:47 pm

Raining doves and squirrels, with raccoons and possums to come later on. And hooboy, it started here hard and fast. I thought I’d put out the early supper under the breezeway, but the rain was already coming in at a 45 degree angle. I don’t see Billy in the gazebo, so I hope he is in good shelter somewhere.

June 8, 2023 5:38 pm

Regarding the Burisma Biden Bribe, remember the video of Biden bragging that they had to fire the prosecutor looking at Burisma malfeasance or they wouldn’t get the billion dollar loan?  Wanna bet that the bribe came from that very fund, almost like a finders fee?

June 8, 2023 5:29 pm

The confidential source said the Burisma executive told him he “paid” the Bidens in such a manner “through so many different bank accounts” that investigators would not be able to “unravel this for at least 10 years.” I suppose this helps to explain how they evaded the Suspicious Activity Reports banks are required to file, at least for a while. … Read more »

June 8, 2023 3:02 pm

#34 mharper42 – judging by the growls from the sky and the images on the radar – we be in for some more “falling weather” as Mama used to call it… guess it covered all forms without having to try to outguess west Texas weather 😉

June 8, 2023 2:42 pm

We got a nice rain last night, and may get a bit more this afternoon.

June 8, 2023 2:23 pm

29 GJT

Two questions.

How does anybody know the boy didn’t hide the gun somewhere in woods ?

Would the Waller LEOs have mobilized at DEF-CON 1 if the parents had not mentioned a gun missing ?

June 8, 2023 2:08 pm

Far more than GMO and Bioengineered Foods, I would be a lot more worried about all the attempts to develop mRNA vaccines for livestock and children everywhere.  Where else are they trying to sneak it in to our food supply and medicines ?

June 8, 2023 2:00 pm

Remember, not all GMO food is necessarily bad, despite the hysteria generated by the food mob. In this article, as an example, it’s pointed out the canola plant has been genetically modified for different pests and diseases.  It’s only the plant, not the oil from the seed, that is GMO. I’m not automatically alarmed because something has been genetically modified… Read more »

June 8, 2023 1:20 pm

Back when, peoples with mental issues were taken to psych wards, or similar. When my mom was in the hospital, we were chatting with a couple nurses and that came up, mental patients are admitted the same as anyone, and are, on the regular.

June 8, 2023 1:03 pm

BTW, I didn’t mention that the fourteen yr old autistic boy a couple houses down from us was found yesterday afternoon. He was in the area the whole time evidently, they found him across FM1488 just outside the subdivision. Either Waller County K9’s aren’t very good or K9’s are not as good as we are lead to believe. I bet… Read more »

June 8, 2023 1:00 pm

Well, here’s a list of the ingredients:

Clabber Girl Baking Powder contains food grade cornstarch, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), anhydrous sodium aluminum sulfate, and monocalcium phosphate.

I don’t see anything but the corn/cornstarch that would be considered “food” – but then, quite often what “we” consider and what “they” consider are worlds apart (NO SMILEY)


June 8, 2023 1:00 pm

This is one tweet from a series by Matt Walsh from the Daily Wire.  They sat down and started calling these transgender “clinics” to see how the procedure works.  Matt’s producer got a letter recommending castration, after a 22 minute tele-video conversation with a “gender counselor”, to be handed to his doctor so he could be diagnosed with gender dysphoria… Read more »

June 8, 2023 12:56 pm

#25 BSue

I don’t know, it simply states it contains a bioengineered food ingredient.

June 8, 2023 12:51 pm

#24 GJT – let me guess…. it’s in the corn(starch)????

June 8, 2023 12:43 pm

Wife has a cousin that is zeroed in on finding food products containing bioengineered food. She just posted the ingredients in Clabber Girl baking powder – yup, in there too.

June 8, 2023 12:05 pm

There is good news out there today. First The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) School of Medicine has officially discontinued its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) task force. Originally formed in 2019, according to a school statement made to Daily Mail, the group was assigned tasks such as “finding environments where diverse groups of students [can] thrive” and “eliminating… Read more »

June 8, 2023 11:06 am


By Jove, I think Super Dave has at last slain the Blockquote beast !


June 8, 2023 11:04 am

This the OC headline story from Tedtam on January 18,2022: Charles Mark Tipton September 5, 1957 – January 7, 2022 IN THE CARE OF Brookside Funeral Home & Memorial Park Charles Mark Tipton age 64 departed family and friends on January 7th 2022 in his Houston home.Mark was born in Orlando fl to Charles J Tipton and Shirley(Hyde) Tipton.He… Read more »

June 8, 2023 10:29 am

Tedtam – we got brave and purchased some frozen “fully cooked” sausage patties and “links” (no casing – look like… well – never mind… I’m sure you can imagine) to try in Nat King Cold… 3 trays worth… I’ll let you know how they turn out.  I’m sure the long term storage won’t be quite as long as if they… Read more »

June 8, 2023 10:14 am

#18 – Wagonburner, hopefully the fact that Mama and Daddy lived at least 1/2 block south of what eventually became known as I-20 business route (known as South 1st St to locals in Abilene) counteracts the fact that the hospital where I put in my appearance was several blocks north of it is a mitigating circumstance…  And since technically, NEITHER… Read more »

June 8, 2023 10:03 am

16 bsue

Both have to be true to count as “yankee”.

June 8, 2023 10:02 am

Mets Stadium



June 8, 2023 9:59 am

#15 Wagonburner – you make me feel so much better… I was born south of I-20 (by a few blocks) and faaaar west of I-35…

June 8, 2023 9:31 am

Anything north of the south side of a northbound Dallas is Yankee Land.

So basically north and east of I-20 & I-35?

June 8, 2023 9:29 am

How did anybody miss all the discussion here about Mark Tipton’s memorial service ? Tedtam, TexMo and Bonecrusher were able to make it with a last minute’s notice (we’re talking hours).  I believe I discovered it online, but obviously couldn’t make it. NOTE:  There was only that very short notice memorial service at the local Roman Catholic Church in Mark’s… Read more »

Super Dave
June 8, 2023 8:40 am

From yesterday; 50 Bones I got to share a drink with him in the parking lot just before Hamous’ funeral. What? There was a Mark Tipton funeral to attend? When? Where? And I am stunned. I had no idea. was there Tipton family there? what church? you have got to be kidding me. Then #59 Re Hammy’s funeral I probably… Read more »