Weekend “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder” Open Comments

Liberal youth are far more depressed than their conservative counterparts — especially the girls

A Columbia University study revealed a striking difference between conservative and liberal teenagers. Conservatives are generally happier than their leftist counterparts — not by a little, but by a significant measure.


While some have since proffered various explanations for the delta, such as the impact of social media or respondents’ religiosity, there is a growing sense that the progressive mentality is a key depressive factor.

Unwoke and smiling

The study, entitled, “The politics of depression: Diverging trends in internalizing symptoms among US adolescents by political beliefs,” was published in the journal Social Science & Medicine – Mental Health in December.


The researchers found that “conservatives reported lower average depressive affect, self-derogation, and loneliness scores and higher self-esteem scores than all other groups.”

Some of the findings, reduced to bullet point:

  • Generally, conservative kids were happier than their liberal counterparts.
  • Conservative guys were slighter sadder than the conservative girls, until 2016, when girls scored higher.
  • The more educated the family, the more likely the kids were to be depressed. (I wonder if they broke it down by educational institution of the parents?  Aggie offspring of 20 years ago are markedly different than their Ivy League counterparts.)

Whereas conservatives may have been better equipped to handle reality, the researchers also intimated that liberals may have had a harder time internalizing “a series of significant political events,” such as the election of a black president in 2008; the Great Recession; the student debt crisis; Republicans taking control of Congress; and former President Donald Trump’s 2016 victory.

The researchers indicated the spike in liberals’ emotional instability in recent years might also have something to do with “war, climate change, school shootings, structural racism, police violence against Black people, pervasive sexism and sexual assault, and rampant socioeconomic inequality [that] became unavoidable features of political discourse.”


I look at that list and ask – how many of those crises were media phantoms, and how many were real?  How responsible is the media in creating a culture of mental dis-ease?


Why are liberals so sad?

Musa al-Gharbi, writing in American Affairs, noted that this study is not the first to highlight that conservatives “do not just report higher levels of happiness, they also report higher levels of meaning in their lives.”


Additionally, people “who are unwell may be especially attracted to liberal politics over conservatism for a variety of reasons.”

To that I say, in the vernacular of my childhood: “No s**t, Sherlock!”  Hurt people hurt people.  Sad people, and those who haven’t succeeded or are unhappy with the way their lives are turning out, are drawn to a though process that rationalizes their status: “it’s not your fault, you’re a victim” or “here you are, you rudderless skull of mush, here’s your purpose in life: go to the street and chant to /save the whales/save the world/fight for the supposed oppressed/etc.”

“Instead of changing the things they can change and seeking the grace to accept the things they can’t, they’re dwelling unproductively as problems fester,” wrote Yglesias.

I repeat the above vernacular.

While catastrophizing is bad for the soul, Yglesias indicated that progressive institutional leaders have taught young ideologues that it’s a “good way to get what they want.” (Emphasis mine)


Filipovic added, “Just about everything researchers understand about resilience and mental well-being suggests that people who feel like they are the chief architects of their own life — to mix metaphors, that they captain their own ship, not that they are simply being tossed around by an uncontrollable ocean — are vastly better off than people whose default position is victimization, hurt, and a sense that life simply happens to them and they have no control over their response.” (emphasis mine)

Conservative commentator David Brooks appeared to agree in part with Yglesias, suggesting in the New York Times that liberals are less happy and more prone to depression because they “suffer from what you might call maladaptive sadness.”

This maladaptive sadness allegedly has three main features:

  • A catastrophizing mentality whereby the infected routinely assumes the worst and makes catastrophic pronouncements to signal acknowledgment of the “brutalities of American life”;
  • Extreme sensitivity to harm whereby the infected expresses constant fear of possible assault “by offensive and unsafe speech” such that she comes to rely upon “safe spaces, trigger warnings, cancellations, etc.”; and
  • A culture of denunciation whereby the infected participates in a limitless arena of maximalist denunciation where “nobody knows who’s going to be denounced next. Everybody finds himself living in a climate of fear, and every emotionally healthy person is writing and talking from a defensive crouch.”

In the May issue of First Things, editor Rusty Reno further suggested that “one cause of rising teen suicide is late-model liberalism and its embrace of the cult of the victim.” (emphasis mine, again)

Farm kids didn’t have these problems.  They got up, milked the cows, fed the chickens, ate breakfast, cleaned up, and went to school.  They had a purpose – they contributed to their family’s well being.  They were too busy getting their hands dirty to contemplate their navels and wonder what they were going to do with their lives.  We have a whole generation of folks who had so much handed to them that they think it’s always going to be there and have no idea what to do with themselves.

So they find purposes to fulfill the empty void inside.  The put the locus of control in their lives outside of themselves, thus making them a victim to powers supposedly beyond their ken.  Nothing like feeling like you’re being tossed on a vast ocean of emotion to turn your head inside out.



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El Gordo
May 14, 2023 9:55 pm

Mr. and Mrs. TexMo did stop by for a visit when they were out roaming the wilds of centex a while back.  Delightful couple.

About time to shut things down out here for the evening.  Nite nite.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 14, 2023 8:52 pm

When they do, aren’t you going to call it kabuki theater anyway?

It depends.
but there’s always a good chance that I might, uncklo.

May 14, 2023 8:37 pm

I wish I was in Texas.  I’d find a way to go see TexMo.

May 14, 2023 8:06 pm

Actually there have been a number of Republicans call out Biden over his hate speech at Howard U.

May 14, 2023 8:04 pm

We have now the worst wheat harvest in 106 years.

May 14, 2023 7:07 pm

Will the republican’ts ever call him out on this?

When they do, aren’t you going to call it kabuki theater anyway?

May 14, 2023 7:05 pm

Happy Mother’s Day to moms everywhere. I have two God children who are now at least in their late 40s or early 50s. 🙂 Spouse and I kept checking on the Swingin’ Door from Friday through today in hopes of having one last dinner there before it closes this evening.  The place was jammed Friday through tonight, overwhelmed with folks… Read more »

May 14, 2023 7:02 pm

. Ranchers Report The Biggest Cattle Supply Drop In Forty Years Tens of thousands of ranchers are reporting the largest beef supply drop since 1962 as herds continue to shrink all across the country. The meat shortages we have been warned about for months are now hitting all major grocery stores, and consumers are seeing prices soar to levels last… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 14, 2023 6:59 pm

The ventriloquist Kenyan via his wooden dummy continues to stir the pot of his scathing hatred of whites.


Will the republican’ts ever call him out on this?

May 14, 2023 6:52 pm

. A great little Mother’s Day story. My mother, though, started tapping her right foot—always a bad sign. When the Expert finished she asked for questions, with the most benign and self-certain expression on her face. My mother raised her hand; I sank into my chair. “Tell me,” mother asked, “do you have children of your own?” “No,” the expert… Read more »

May 14, 2023 6:13 pm


Thank you so much for your visit to our dear TexMo today and letting us know how he and his family are managing now.  Prayers that hospice care could, by Our Lord’s grace, soon not be needed because good things can still happen.

May 14, 2023 5:51 pm

Thank you, Tedtam, not only for visiting our guy TexMo, but also for meeting and greeting his family.  You are so kind and thoughtful. <3


May 14, 2023 5:38 pm


God BLESS you Sis!

El Gordo
May 14, 2023 3:28 pm


got my little nap in.  It’s too hot and still too wet to mow, so I can just do that tomorrow I guess.  Meanwhile, guess I’ll just to try to find an old YT movie to watch or something.

May 14, 2023 2:16 pm

where’s mine?

Psssssst, phil.

You can sit over here with me and the rest of the uncool kids.

May 14, 2023 2:07 pm

Some of y’all not all y’all.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 14, 2023 2:02 pm

Some of y’all got email from me yesterday.

where’s mine?

May 14, 2023 1:33 pm

#73 – SD is a bad bad boy!    *snikker*

May 14, 2023 1:30 pm

#57 TP:

O’JugEars internal security forces.  Just imagine how horrifying it will be when they are as well funded and equipped as our military.

May 14, 2023 1:19 pm


Project Veritas, a far-right activist group that engages in deceptive practices to do hidden camera-style investigations, filmed health care professionals at Dell Children’s and other facilities around the country as they discussed gender-affirming care.

Dang. Bias much?

Super Dave
May 14, 2023 1:06 pm

1953 Ford uses the airbag for the first time in a concept car.
The system only needs to be further developed, and will later no longer be mounted on the person, but on the steering wheel.     😀

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 14, 2023 12:48 pm

I like how the Texas tribune labels O’Keefe “far right and he uses deceptive practices.“

Could then the tt be considered a far left paper using left wing propagandist practices?





May 14, 2023 12:38 pm

Sadly, the physicians sneaked out of town before that could be tarred and feathered.

May 14, 2023 12:36 pm

Texas Tribune reporting: Dell Children’s Medical Center in Austin has stopped providing transition-related care to transgender teenagers, according to several parents who were told they would need to find new providers. Dell Children’s said in a statement Saturday that while its adolescent medicine clinic remains open, “the physicians who previously staffed the clinic will be departing.” Parents said they were… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 14, 2023 12:35 pm

I guess the Creature from the Kenyan Lagoon-Wooden Dummy regime feels they haven’t quite stirred up enough hatred of whites yet so they felt a huge need to stage that phony fed rally.

comment in reference to link in #57 post.

Super Dave
May 14, 2023 12:25 pm
Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 14, 2023 11:48 am

During a press conference Wednesday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas suggested the Texas operation was illegal and under review by the Department of Justice.

Says the mr dereliction of duty Alejandro Fidel Castro Mayorkus.
He should’ve been impeached and fired a long time ago but the house republican’ts are what they are.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 14, 2023 11:42 am



just like Jan 6.
All the world’s a deep state stage.

May 14, 2023 11:41 am

I lucked out when I got up and promptly headed down the driveway to get my Sunday HouChron sudoku. I say LUCK because there were lots of puddles but I was able to get it, and it was still dry. On the way to it, I saw there was also a plastic-sleeved paper on my sidewalk (from front door to… Read more »

May 14, 2023 11:18 am
May 14, 2023 11:07 am

ACE rarely lacks plenty to publish in these insane days and age. May 14, 2023 Progressivism In A Nutshell: Defund The Police, Decriminilize Most Crime, Then Sue The Auto Companies For Causing Car Theft? —CBD I have a great idea! Maybe the car companies should offer a free pistol and some training with every purchase. That way more law-abiding drivers… Read more »

May 14, 2023 11:01 am

Local bridge tournaments will never be the same.

With Mom’s love of entertaining and feeding her guests She had 26 dinner guests here only 19 days before She passed.

I am ever grateful that neither Mom nor Dad ever saw the inside of a nursing home.

Happy Mother’s Day Betty Virginia Shelton Russell.

El Gordo
May 14, 2023 10:50 am

I found Mother’s old food processor in the back of one of the cabinets, in tact with extra blades, and surprisingly it still works like a champ.  I finally figured out how to set it up so that the locking mechanisms all worked and started chopping.  After a while I sort of got the hang of it as to size… Read more »

May 14, 2023 10:48 am

Back in the early 90’s I guess, we had a water leak on a ten inch line in Cat Spring. Most of those hills out there are bottomless sugar sand. Boss man called our friend from Brenham – who can do things with a Case backhoe that you wouldn’t believe. He promptly buried it in the wet sand, almost to… Read more »

May 14, 2023 10:25 am


Try two pickup trucks, a customer’s reach forklift, a rollback truck, a heavy duty wrecker truck and $700 in wrecker charges then call me back. I think we are in the Guinness Book, look it up.

May 14, 2023 9:55 am

56 Shannon

That’s hilarious.

May 14, 2023 9:53 am

I’m calling complete, unmitigated bullsh*t on this clown show.  My money says at least half, if not all, of these morons are FBI/Homeland Security agents playing “terrorists.”  They look silly and obvious in their matching, preppy blue shirts and khaki pants.  It’s ludicrous and obviously timed to coincide with Biden’s speech down the road at black Howard University’s commencement in… Read more »

May 14, 2023 9:51 am


Paul stuck two tractors and two trucks at the Goebel place last evening.

So, my record has fallen.

May 14, 2023 9:46 am


May 14, 2023 9:45 am

Made the decision to get my beef and pork ribs cooked on the smoker yesterday giving flexibility to work around the weather for today’s Mom’s day dinner. It was the correct decision.

May 14, 2023 9:32 am

I suppose I should watch the news more, I had no idea the Gubna grew some. Hooray for doing something finally, brief as it may be. Razor wire is not all that temporary though, so there is that.

El Gordo
May 14, 2023 8:58 am

Got the worms all tended to.  There is heavy dew this morning and it’s still too wet to mow.  I scored more rotten produce at the grocery store yesterday, and I’m trying to figure out how all to deal with it.  As mentioned on several occasions, my worm herd is not all that big yet, and I’m trying to be… Read more »

May 14, 2023 8:49 am

Phil Mushnick has been writing about sports the old-fashioned way for a long time.  He’s cranky, temperamental and correct. Sports have been so purposefully and senselessly denuded of sportsmanship — modesty, self-respect, respect for the sports and their audiences — that at least one entire generation has entered adulthood not knowing right from wrong, and worse, has been encouraged to… Read more »

May 14, 2023 8:30 am

I realized how beautiful my mother was when as a pubescent boy I began to notice how adult men would look at her and then tuned into how some of their friendliness was actually flirting with her.  She was, however, never very comfortable with her own attractiveness it seemed.

Happy Mothers’ Day, Patsy Estelle Pointer Johnson.

Super Dave
May 14, 2023 8:23 am

Thanks Tedtam, Now I gotta finish fixing breakfast. 😉