Tuesday Open Comments – The John Kennedy We Always Needed





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May 9, 2023 10:08 pm

Perhaps Tucker will be Elon’s foray into streaming.

Another network. It’s has been and is being tried already. But, I’m betting on the charming mad scientist Elon.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 9, 2023 8:07 pm

I hear there’s gonna be a big wooden dummy jr crackhead story dropping tomorrow to ensure everyone forgets about the invasion on Thursday.
WEF puppet Guv Abbott will be like tweety bird on Thursday.
I taut i taw a puddy tat.

Meanwhile here’s another story about how recucklican’ts fight for you.

May 9, 2023 7:44 pm

I hadn’t planned on going all a-Twitter, but I just might.

Just to stick it to the man.

El Gordo
May 9, 2023 7:13 pm

Tucker must figure to make that $25 extra large back in the first few weeks.  Wonder if his advertisers will follow him or if he has to get new ones.  What would Bud Lite pay Tucker to run a spot on their behalf right now?  $25MM would be peanuts when they are losing billions. And you know Elon is back… Read more »

May 9, 2023 7:05 pm

It is so odd to see Billy get all excited when I go out the back door with a bowl of food. He is usually up on the gazebo when he is hungry and watches me get closer. Soon he thinks I’m too close, so he jumps down and moves away from me. He waits until I put his bowl… Read more »

May 9, 2023 6:48 pm

Wow. Tucker forgoing $25million to break non-compete clause.

And is going to do his show exclusively on Twitter.

So, how does he make money on Twitter?

El Gordo
May 9, 2023 6:44 pm
May 9, 2023 5:23 pm

Bee Guy just dropped off the trap hive box for my backyard friends.  I went out there to talk with him, and he showed me the frame with the old comb in it.  “Once they find this,” he said, ” they’ll want to move in.  The queen will have a place to lay her eggs right away.” I could smell… Read more »

May 9, 2023 3:55 pm

SanFran loses one more.

The ship is sinking and soon there will be nothing left but the rats.

May 9, 2023 3:51 pm

Lender Friend made a funny today.  We were talking about how I want to start canning again, my gardening this year, etc.  One of his employees said he has a bugout place – a friend’s ranch with a garden, cattle, chickens, and guns. Lender Friend then said “We have a plan for surviving, too.” Me: “What’s that?” LF: “We kidnap… Read more »

May 9, 2023 3:47 pm

Finished running errands – signed off on a lien release for one of my investments and talked to my friends there. Got a new box for the cable, since the power outage on Saturday seemed to have given the old one a permanent case of the hiccups.  Went by the store and picked up some chicken for canning. No beef… Read more »

May 9, 2023 3:35 pm

Where is Dan Patrick and Bettencourt while all this is happening?

Watching RINO Speaker Dade Phelan run the legislative agenda – just like his jackass predecessor did.

Not a damn thing they can do about it.

El Gordo
May 9, 2023 3:27 pm

Had a nice nap and got up to some cloudy conditions.  I suspect the clouds helped with the nap as they do help create sleepy conditions.  JJust got new house appraisal – up 31% this year versus usually around 20%.  These appraisals have just gone crazy – home doubles every 3 or 4 years?  Out here in the boondocks?  Apparently… Read more »

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 9, 2023 3:18 pm

Oh , I almost forgot that the recucklican’ts are also great at preventing endless foreign wars.

Ukraine is a prime example.
And we were only in Afghanistan for 20 years or so.

Just goes to show you they do fight for us and truth, justice and the American way.
Whatever that is these days.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
May 9, 2023 1:12 pm

Great Kabuki Grill Theatre Hour from Kennedy which will yield 0 results. meanwhile 1 million illegal invaders are set to storm the border on Thursday and Mayorkis and the wooden dummy pretend president still have jobs. way to go recucklican’ts. But just remember, the recucklican’ts always fight for you because if they didn’t we’d have millions of illegal aliens pouring… Read more »

May 9, 2023 11:59 am

I got up late and was amazed how deep the rain water was on the patio. While I was looking out, I was startled to see Billy Cat streaking through the grass and leaping up into the old gazebo. It was raining too hard for me to go out there, but I prepared him a bowl of canned cat food… Read more »

May 9, 2023 10:35 am

I’m about to venture out into the storm.

It’s looking nasty out there.  Hope I make it home alive!

Super Dave
May 9, 2023 10:05 am

How about some fine art; Tri-Power setup for a 289 Ford SB.  😉

May 9, 2023 9:53 am

I linked to, or at least mentioned, this study yesterday.

Last month, BioRxIV published a headache-inducing pre-print study on the accumulation of covid spike protein in the brain. The researchers confirmed their results both in live mice as well as in cadavers of dead humans.

comment image

The researchers explained their troubling findings:

Our results revealed the accumulation of the spike protein in the skull marrow, brain meninges, and brain parenchyma. The injection of the spike protein alone caused cell death in the brain, highlighting a direct effect on brain tissue. Furthermore, we observed the presence of spike protein in the skull of deceased long after their COVID-19 infection, suggesting that the spike’s persistence may contribute to long-term neurological symptoms.

Notice how they said, “injection of the spike protein alone.” Meaning, without the virus. They didn’t come right out and say it, but they basically said it. The researchers explicitly reported they found the damaging brain injuries even in subjects that were not covid infected, leaving only one other potential source of spike, and you know what that is:

However, even without detectable virus RNA in the brain parenchyma, signs of widespread immune activation could be detected. The lack of evidence for the viral presence and especially viral replication in the brain led to the hypothesis that virus-shed proteins circulating in the bloodstream may promote an inflammatory response independent of direct viral infection of the affected organs, including the brain. Notably, the highly immunogenic spike protein, also used in COVID-19 vaccines, might be a candidate for triggering infection-independent effects.

Uh oh. Other studies have concluded that free spike, such as produced by the jabs, can cross the blood-brain barrier. But this study found another, different way for spike to get into the brain — through cerebral bone marrow.

As a sort of bonus, the researchers dyed the spike protein and found that it accumulates in lots of humanized mouse organs, including but not only the brain: [insert images here]

I repeat myself:

The thoughts that went through my mind:

1. Glad I didn’t get the virus.  That I know of.

2. Glad I didn’t get the jab.  Why pile on spikes unnecessarily?

3. Would’ve been nice if folks could’ve stopped the virus from replicating more spike proteins via therapeutics that worked (ivermectin, HCQ) instead of being forced to get poked.  Repeatedly.  Putting more of those long-lasting spikes into their system.

4. ALL OF THIS COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED IF THE VIRUS HADN’T BEEN CREATED!  Who will pay for this?  /not holding my breath


May 9, 2023 9:53 am

It’s a by gum frog strangler in Austin County. I need another higher speed on the windshield wipers.

May 9, 2023 9:48 am

…Newsweek ran an op-ed yesterday by actual-expert Stanford Professor Jay Bhattacharya headlined, “It’s Time for Laws Limiting the Power of Public Health Institutions.” Bhattacharya made the obvious point, the point Wall Street Journal editor Allysia Finley was only hinting at: Using emergency power that most people never realized an American government possessed, public health violated Americans’ most fundamental civil rights… Read more »

May 9, 2023 9:45 am

Wow – this guy is still alive?  I wonder if he functions any better at 99 than the White House meat puppet does in his 80’s…but then, that’s a pretty low bar.  Yesterday, Newsweek ran a story headlined, “Kissinger Predicts China Involvement Will Lead to Ukraine Peace Talks.” /snip In a Sunday interview with CBS’s Ted Koppel, Kissinger said he… Read more »

May 9, 2023 9:42 am

Since I’ve had my coffee…  RECONSTRUCTING ☙ Tuesday, May 9, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS  Roundup: Greetings, C&C, and good morning. It’s Tuesday! Your roundup today includes: a Taiwan Neo-Proxy War update featuring excess deaths and excess U.S. military aid that isn’t going to another Proxy War country; Kissinger predicts end of Ukraine war; Kiev professor predicts end of Ukraine war;… Read more »

May 9, 2023 9:36 am

The posts magically appeared; whodathunkit?!?

#4, 6, and 7 are brought to you by the Department of Repetitive Redundancies Department

May 9, 2023 9:28 am

EG –

PS – Interesting, the ranchers around here are actually physically fortifying their places to the extent they can to prevent or discourage illegal crossings in the next few days.

I never thought I’d be a proponent of land mines…but gotta fence the livestock off to keep them from turning themselves into hamburger meat.

May 9, 2023 9:25 am

Just got off the phone with an Xfinity rep – since our brief power outage last Saturday, our service has been erratic.  I’ve done the reset and power down/up cycles, and we still never know when we’ll be without the cable channels.  Hubby gets pretty wissed off when that happens. During the call, the rep was trying to engage me… Read more »

Super Dave
May 9, 2023 9:09 am

Gotta’ love E. J. Potter AKA the Michigan Madman. Laughing in the face of death. 😀

May 9, 2023 9:07 am


Most Lutheran churches have such an eternal flame candle near the altar, perhaps not quite so elaborate.

May 9, 2023 9:04 am

Bonecrusher – The story about the sanctuary candle was from…last week?   I saw a story yesterday that the backlash was so severe that they’ve backed off. Supposedly the sanctuary candle was a fire hazard, even though it’d been there for over 60 years without a problem. For those who don’t know, the sanctuary candle is usually housed inside a red… Read more »

El Gordo
May 9, 2023 9:04 am

Morning gang.  Back from TOK, and looks like I made it in under the wire for posting this morning.  People both in the  southern and northern parts of the county got rain last night, but not us city dwellers here in town.  They are saying we have another shot at it later this afternoon, so maybe we can get a… Read more »

Super Dave
May 9, 2023 8:58 am

This is pretty neat; The old man’s boy grows older.   ~ Robert Ruark ~

May 9, 2023 8:14 am

NOw it appears that there are 2 being held hostage.


May 9, 2023 8:13 am

HEADLINE: Biden Threatening A Catholic Hospital The disgusting Biden administration has sent their HHS goons to a Catholic hospital in Oklahoma, stating the hospital must remove their sanctuary candle or be defunded. You guys still think there isn’t a war against Christians? The Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued an ultimatum to a top-rated Catholic hospital network in… Read more »

May 9, 2023 7:51 am

Did I lose one in the spit bucket?

May 9, 2023 7:49 am

Here is another example of the left’s war on Christianity generally and Catholicism specifically: HEADLINE: Biden Threatening A Catholic Hospital The disgusting Biden administration has sent their HHS goons to a Catholic hospital in Oklahoma, stating the hospital must remove their sanctuary candle or be defunded. They keep attacking and gaining ground because there is no significant, painful, expensive pushback.  Unless and until… Read more »

May 9, 2023 7:19 am

Sen Kennedy has a brilliant knack for getting right to the root of the issue in an amusing way.  We need more who are willing to wipe away all the BS and get to the root of the issue like he does.  Expose the lying, commie bastiges for what they are and what they want to do.

Super Dave
May 9, 2023 5:36 am
Super Dave
May 9, 2023 5:33 am

I just heard a hoot owl in the pines beside the house, don’t hear them often.

I always enjoy John Kennedy, he tells it like it is and is humorous about it. Well it’s not daylight yet but the coffee should be about ready so it’s time to start the day.

Mornin’ Gang