Thursday Open Comments

Another video from the Institute of Human Anatomy, so we can understand the enemy coming across our border:


From the comments:

I wish you had talked about how FAST opioid dependence happens. I was sent home from spinal surgery (C2,3 & 4) with a script for 80 Oxycodone, 10ml, to be taken 4 times a day. At first I took 3 per day. Quickly I went down to 2. One night I felt pain free. I didn’t take the night pill. I woke up next morning with severe “flu.” Aching joints, cold chills & hot shaking. Running nose etc. My adult son told me, “You’re in withdrawal, ma.” Nah nah nah. I’d only been taking them 3 weeks & always less than the prescribed dose. No way could I be in withdrawal! I called my sister, an RN. She told me to take half a pill. I did. I called her back: “Flu is all gone.” She told me how to taper off comfortably. I did. NEVER would I have believed anyone could become so dependent so fast. I believe it now. I experienced it. I flushed about 40 pills down the toilet. That was so hard to do. I realized I was not just physically dependent; I loved them. Twenty years later I still think of them. Fondly.

I remember Rush became addicted after his back surgery.  I shudder now, remembering how much of the oxy I took after my surgery.  I was lucky.

Those videos of the zombies in the streets of San Francisco…those were all living. laughing people once. I’ve always said that we pump so much money into cancer…the Jerry Lewis telethons for muscular dystrophy…we should put as much of an emphasis into solving the addiction problem.

I guess if you are a foreign power trying to overthrow your nemesis, getting a large number of the population addicted to a debilitating drug is one way of doing it.



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April 20, 2023 10:26 pm

There was an incident in my neighborhood this afternoon, but I was napping through it. It wasn’t close to Chez Harp, anyway. There was a report to HPD that a man was seen climbing up the bank of Cole Creek, on the south boundary of our neighborhood, and went over the back fence into someone’s yard. Then people were posting… Read more »

April 20, 2023 9:47 pm


Sure miss Ol’ Skeeter.

April 20, 2023 8:58 pm

38 – Duly hunkered. Not much I can do about it, no place to hide the cars. Baby’s (Kubota) in the garage though!

El Gordo
April 20, 2023 8:43 pm

Too early to go to bed yet, but I’m going to do it anyway I think.  Nothing else going on and I’m trying my best to avoid getting some ice cream, so the safest place for me to be is under the covers.  I’ll probably be up and 2 or 3 in the morning, so don’t be surprised if you… Read more »

April 20, 2023 8:39 pm

That is one nasty storm that just left College Station. You people on the north side beware.

April 20, 2023 8:38 pm

I believe the source of the “learn to code” suggestion was former conservative impersonator, writer David French.

April 20, 2023 8:26 pm

35 – Yes! I remember that! Now I can knowingly chuckle!

El Gordo
April 20, 2023 7:39 pm

#34 – Off the top of my head, I think it goes back to Omabamama shutting down all the West Virginia coal mines, and when confronted about the coal miners’ job losses, advised them to learn to code.

April 20, 2023 7:27 pm

Some kind of hilarity going on referring to a BuzzFeed tweet sometime back about laid off people learning “code” and karma? Sometimes the Twitter world is all about inside jokes I’m not in on.

April 20, 2023 5:42 pm

#32 – No journalists were impacted

Well SHEZAMM Sgt Carter  ya caint LOSE what ya never HAD eh?     *no smiley*

April 20, 2023 5:02 pm

Seen perusing the web

News: BuzzFeed News is shutting down


No journalists were impacted

El Gordo
April 20, 2023 4:36 pm

I waded out the back yard to the rain gauge and it showed 1 3/4″ which is a really good rain for out here.  Might even generate a little run off for the stock tanks and such.  My plants on the back patio took a pretty good licking from the hail, but they should all be able to grow back… Read more »

El Gordo
April 20, 2023 4:14 pm

We’ve had a pretty nice squall blow through here for the past hour or so.  Still raining, so not sure how much rain.  Got some BB sized hail, then some marble sized hail, then some larger sized hail.  I’ll get out and do an inspection soon as it lets up.  All in all, a much needed good rain storm, despite… Read more »

El Gordo
April 20, 2023 2:49 pm

One of the most difficult parts of dealing with an addict is the pain inflicted on those who love him/her; and knowing that there is nothing they can do to help.  Having to turn one away in what appears to be their time of need, knowing that if you let them in they will steal you blind or maybe even… Read more »

April 20, 2023 2:00 pm

TT 1308hrs:  Perhaps I should have been a  bit more verbose.  There is nothing easy about kicking an addiction.  The easiest way to kick the addiction is to never start.  The easiest way to help people make better choices is to expose them to what happens if they go the other way and have to deal with the addiction. The… Read more »

April 20, 2023 1:51 pm

Tedtam – ran across another interesting YT series from a link on Rain Country, with someone whose channel is called “Mary’s Nest” – lots of info on substitutions that my grandmother, Mama (and her sisters) likely learned to use, because of scarcities of things on the farm during the Great Depression…  Also “regrowing kitchen scraps”… and thought I’d toss out… Read more »

April 20, 2023 12:41 pm

ELG a proponent of cannibalism and thinning the herd.

April 20, 2023 11:53 am

 Legalize everything and let the people decide for themselves which way to go.  Wasting time trying to interdict drugs at the border will never work – and besides, most of our politicians are owned by the drug cartels anyway.  there is just too much money there for the politicians to not get hooked on it.  That’s why they will never… Read more »

El Gordo
April 20, 2023 11:38 am

I;’m certainly no expert when it comes to narcotics and pain reliever medications.  However, I do tend to rely on others who are experts on the topic, typically those that have MD following their names.  I believe that pain relief aids in the healing aspects of severe injury or surgical procedures and the like.  I know nothing about fentanyl, but… Read more »

April 20, 2023 11:06 am

Morning, y’all. The discussion about oxycodone took me back to my knee replacement surgeries in 2013-14. There is a long and painful recovery while learning to walk again with lots of old stuff removed and new stuff inserted into each leg. I could not do my PT at home or at the hospital gym without the use of oxycodone. I… Read more »

April 20, 2023 11:00 am

20 GJT I don’t think that’s exactly what happened.  This sounds more likely, but there are still not enough facts known. Dell Cameron, a senior writer at Wired who covers Big Tech, wrote about the hack on Wednesday and even interviewed the person allegedly responsible for posting to Walsh’s account. That interview was apparently enough to get Cameron banned for… Read more »

April 20, 2023 10:51 am

Recently the Biden Administration released a report on the fiasco and unsurprisingly blamed the whole thing on Donald Trump. Because of course, they did. Biden, after all, is the Smartest President Ever™ and a foreign policy expert. The report itself was embarrassing in its dishonesty, and poor John Kirby looked like a fool defending the administration’s performance and the accuracy… Read more »

April 20, 2023 10:46 am

I’m reading today that someone named Matt Walsh had his Twitter and email account hacked and a bunch of stuff was sent out in his name, I think. Turns out it was because all his accounts were tied to his phone, all they had to do was get the phone information, call phone provider say I lost my user name/password,… Read more »

April 20, 2023 10:37 am

By now you’ve certainly heard about the shooting of Ralph Yarl, a 16-year-old who went to pick up his younger brothers but mistakenly walked up to the wrong house. His brothers were on 115th Street and Yarl mistakenly went to 115th Terrace. When he rang the bell, 84-year-old homeowner Andrew Lester fired his gun through the door hitting Ralph twice… Read more »

April 20, 2023 9:49 am

ELG encouraging cannibalism.

Super Dave
April 20, 2023 9:23 am
El Gordo
April 20, 2023 9:08 am

Back home after morning coffee break.  I should go mow my yard, but there is a chance of rain and I would not want to interfere with that chance.  Worm report is that all but one seem to be feeling well – I found one on the floor that must have escaped, but his results were not good.  I tossed… Read more »

April 20, 2023 8:57 am


I think you might be right….nobody reads my posts.

Why just the other day I wrote about watching Top Gun Maverick on Amazon Prime.

April 20, 2023 8:54 am

I must have a similar make up as Texpat. I always have Hydrocodone on hand for emergencies with my back. I have never felt like I might become addicted. Perhaps because I, too, hate taking it. Have never taken it more than three days in a row. Thirty of them usually last me at least  a year. I have heard… Read more »

April 20, 2023 8:46 am

Valium is often given to calm the patient before out-patient surgery or procedures like heart catheterization.  It was administered to me in both of these cases in the past.

Wife 1.0 got hooked on Valium back in the 70’s. She weaned herself off of it, which was a miserable experience for her. And me.

April 20, 2023 8:39 am

“Valium is the brand name of the drug diazepam, which belongs the class of drugs called benzodiazepines; it is not an opioid. Benzodiazepine drugs, often called benzos for short, are sedative and hypnotic drugs that slow down: Heart rate. Blood pressure. Respiration. This class of drugs also lowers body temperature. While opioid drugs also slow down some of these bodily functions, prescription… Read more »

April 20, 2023 8:15 am

Hydrocodone, I think Valium is a brand name, is not an effective pain killer for me.  AT. ALL.  It does not reduce the pain with one or 2 pills, and after 4-5 in an afternoon, I am a bit sleepy, nauseous, and still hurting.  Ibuprofen works much better for me and without any of the side effects.  Anything in the… Read more »

Super Dave
April 20, 2023 8:11 am

Texpat @ 7:57 AM I was going to mention that this morning. The fact that the Doddering Old Fool in the White House called the black kid but since the white girl didn’t fit the narrative,….crickets. 

Super Dave
April 20, 2023 8:07 am

When my boy broke his wrist after flipping his GSX 600 the doctor prescribed Oxycontin for pain. He was in a lot of pain right after his surgery and took one pill, one! It had a weird effect on him, he didn’t know where he was or what was going on and it scared the crap out of him he… Read more »