Monday Open Comments

Forgive the original artist’s spelling mistakes.  Bless his heart, he went to public schools.





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April 18, 2023 12:58 am

Ah, I know that from 4WD stuff, as in front tire size has to be same as rear tires but didn’t snap to that the AWD’s and would certainly be sensitive to that.

April 17, 2023 11:23 pm

It’s one reason I blew off my dream car, the Subaru Outback. (And the fact that I wanted/needed more room for my tools and crap.)

Subarus are all full-time AWD.

April 17, 2023 11:18 pm

Highly recommended to replace all the tires at the same time with an AWD car. “In an all-wheel-drive system, the central computer ensures that each wheel gets the right amount of torque. It reduces slippage and maximizes the wheel control. If any of the tires have less tread amount or smaller circumference than the others, the computer will take incorrect… Read more »

April 17, 2023 10:59 pm

Not understanding what you mean by having to buy tires on an AWD, do they wear them out faster?

April 17, 2023 10:12 pm

And I didn’t get the all-wheel drive. The thought of being required to buy four new tires every time just rubbed me the wrong way.

I didn’t need it anyway. If it snows around here, I won’t be driving.

April 17, 2023 10:04 pm

#21 Bsue, I think they have completed my new sewer line as far as my back yard is concerned. I think the home on the other side of my back fence is also completed. I’m not sure about the home to the east of me; the workers had part of the fence down between our back yards so I saw… Read more »

April 17, 2023 10:01 pm

Texpat@9:23 Heh. I had the Toyota and the Kia at 1 & 2 also. But the most dependable vehicle I had ever owned previously was a Toyota. And they’ve been building hybrids longer than anyone on the planet. And, hell, it was bad enough that I was actually putting myself in a frikkin minivan. But a Kia? No way, José.… Read more »

April 17, 2023 9:41 pm

#19 mharper42 – if I remember correctly, Junior is a bird… I think he’s one of the smaller heron varieties but I’ll be hanged if I can remember which at this moment… if pressed, at the moment, I’d say a black crested night heron (to me they look kinda like a real birdie version of a penguin but pretty sure… Read more »

April 17, 2023 8:53 pm

I’m getting really sick of not being able to watch Tucker and only being able to watch his opening segment the next day on YT. The cheapest way to have FoxNews Channel LIVE, that I can find, is subscribing to Sling TV for $40/month. That includes 39 other channels that I have absolutely no use for. I have yet to… Read more »

April 17, 2023 8:42 pm


TT, remind me who or what Junior is…


El Gordo
April 17, 2023 8:28 pm

Kinda not feeling all chipper today.  Don’t know if it’s pollen, but that seems the most likely culprit.  Staying put indoors all day, except for trip to Lakeway and back, due to wind.  Hopefully I’ll be back on my game tomorrow when I get released to mow my yard and do other chores.  Plants are looking OK, and I peeked… Read more »

Super Dave
April 17, 2023 7:59 pm

Elon is on Tucker

That was interesting he was on for the full hour and will be back tomorrow. BTW; Elon Musk has a subtle sense of humor.

April 17, 2023 7:03 pm

Elon is on Tucker

April 17, 2023 4:19 pm


I see him or his cousin in the back yard.

But will he stay?

Either way, it makes me happy.

April 17, 2023 1:39 pm

I went ahead and clicked on the last link in Tedtam’s #8.

I encourage you to take an hour to watch Robert Kennedy interviewing Sasha Latypova.

She explains the bogus legality of the U.S. COVID response and why the entire operation had to be run by the Department of Defense.

Here is the link, again:

El Gordo
April 17, 2023 12:27 pm

Made it over to Lakeway and back without incident to visit with the surgeon.  As expected, he cleared me to mow the lawn tomorrow and says that everything is good to go.  He said the hernia was larger than he anticipated and that I was right when I told him it was a big one.  Great guy – an Aggie… Read more »

April 17, 2023 12:25 pm

I just finished vacuum sealing some dried veggies for the shelf, and put some tomatoes and eggs in for Fred to process next. My big double oven went caput last night, so I need to call for service to come take a look at it. From what I can tell, it’s the cooling fan.  I’ve been meaning to run it… Read more »

April 17, 2023 11:32 am

Morning, chickadees! I got up oh-so-late, and only because I had 6 cats on the bed letting me know they were hungry. And to my surprise, after I fed the indoor kitties, I loaded a bowl for Billy the loose cat, and when I looked out back, he was on the patio. I usually have to walk around the yard… Read more »

April 17, 2023 10:59 am

Thanks BC. Got a sick patient this morning, wife began having sore throat late last week, turned into really bad head and chest congestion last night. Talked to teledoc this morning, they say it’s viral, not much to do other than send in a script for ‘roids and cough medicine. Love the ObamaCare teledoc service, free! Should be, they absolutely… Read more »

April 17, 2023 10:33 am

I was out of town for my nephew’s wedding in Scottsdale AZ, from last Thursday through Sunday afternoon.  There were over 20 kids at the wedding who were under 10 and most of my 5 siblings and their spawn did not make the trip. Fertility does not seem to be much of a problem in my family. I did not… Read more »

April 17, 2023 9:41 am

OH, and I scrounged another tote from the side of the road yesterday. Saved me about $7.  Times that by the number of roadside items, I’m definitely gardening on a budget. Most of my totes are scrounged or bought at thrift stores for $4 – even the big ones. My chairs, too.  I can use broken ones, so I get… Read more »

April 17, 2023 9:25 am

From the C&C comments: I have to take issue with your statement regarding the Jabs: “Imagine that, when you rush production, mistakes happen. I bet some people would’ve benefited from knowing about that risk, instead of being told “this is the safest vaccine rollout in history.” — This was’t an accident. They pushed the most dangerous batches to conservative states.… Read more »

April 17, 2023 9:01 am

And, re the new “scariant” version is named after a bright object in the sky: Arcturus. Meant to be scary – I mean, Arcturus is SO BIG, right? – and the CDC has added it to the terrifying “watch list”. Arcturus features a terrifying new symptom. You’ll know you have it if during this summer’s allergy season, you have mildly… Read more »

April 17, 2023 8:58 am

More jab science: Researchers injected free spike protein (same as the type from the ‘vaccines’) directly into mice brains. They discovered that being exposed to spike protein destroyed brain synapses and caused neuro-inflammation, memory loss, and cognitive dysfunction between 30 to 45 days after exposure. They also found the spike’s neurotoxicity seemed to be related to the brain’s immune-response, and… Read more »

April 17, 2023 8:54 am

On to the jab news: The Epoch Times ran a story Friday about a new Danish study concluding that most Pfizer adverse events in the country could be traced to just 4.2% of its vaccine batches… Dr. Peter McCullough writes that this points to production problem, and not the fault of a patient’s weak constitution or some such. Childers notes… Read more »

April 17, 2023 8:48 am

 WOKE-CABULARY ☙ Monday, April 17, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Roundup: Good morning, C&C, it’s Monday! Today’s post is a trifle on the short side, since a client emergency arose over the weekend, I am flying early to and back from Atlanta today for meetings, and am sitting in the Jacksonville airport right now typing up today’s report. Today’s slightly-abbreviated roundup… Read more »

April 17, 2023 7:34 am


These videos never fail to tug at my heart:

Babies hearing for the first time

Babies getting their first pair of glasses so they can see

Folks getting a pair of glasses that allows them to see color

Super Dave
April 17, 2023 5:04 am

“Do’s and Don’t’s” Yup that was the rules I learned 60+ years ago and they’ve not changed. On my 6th birthday I got a Daisy Red Rider and at 8 got a Savage Stevens Made, Sears N Throwback, JC Higgins SS 20 Ga Youth shotgun. Well it’s Monday again, time to get this fine spring week started. I’m hoping that… Read more »