Wednesday Open Comments

Listen closely…and/or read the following transcript.

From Bob Graboyes speech at the Health Care Administrators Asscociation meeting in New York City:

I’m going to talk about two intertwined themes which have become the mainstay of what I talk about. There are two deep, deep problems that medicine, and more generally healthcare, have. One is a tendency to reject valid, legitimate scientific dissent—orthodoxy. The second is medical doctors and others who are focused on social action projects, rather than on individual patients. And I’m going to say two things: One, this problem, especially during COVID-19, has become markedly worse and is getting worse by the day. And the second part is, it is going to bite everybody in this room if something isn’t done to change the course we are on.

Now, as I say in some of my essays, this is not a new problem. In fact, the part about politicization and and rejection of scientific dissent is at least an 1,800-year-old problem in medicine. And the other problem, the focusing on groups rather than on individuals, is at least a 140-year-old problem. 1,800 years ago, the Greek-Roman physician Galen—probably tied with Hippocrates as the greatest figure in Ancient Western medicine. He gave us many or maybe most of the big specialties—pharmacology and urology and all of those were essentially his inventions.


And about 300 years later, in the 1500s, a Spanish physician by the name of Miguel Serveto (or Michael Servetus, as we know him) for the first time wrote down and marked the correct system, which was that the heart has four chambers, with a set of capillaries running into the lungs and back. He wrote it out. It was the first time in history it had been written. He was thanked by the church at the time by a condemnation to death. He fled from the Catholic realms into Switzerland hoping that the Protestants would give him better shake. John Calvin ordered him burned at the stake. Not just for his medical beliefs, but it was embedded in theological debate about the basis of the Holy Trinity and that sort of thing. But in part for saying that the heart had four chambers, he was burned to death.

But John Calvin and the Roman Catholic Church believed in The Science, don’t you know.

This belief lasted into our own country. Benjamin Rush, the only physician to sign the Declaration of Independence, the greatest doctor in early America, was an absolute fanatical devotee of this. In 1793,  during an epidemic in Philadelphia, Rush believed firmly that the way you stopped this thing is by removing 75% of the blood from anybody. And so, his front yard looked like the French Revolution, and his reputation ultimately was ruined by it.

Damn, and he was my ancestor…,

There’s a long list of things that happened because of miasmism two of the most notable ones were Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian physician, discovered that if physicians wash their hands between going from one mother in childbirth to another or especially from the cadaver room to the mothers—if they simply wash their hands with a solution—that the death rates for babies and mothers drop precipitously. He was viewed as insulting the cleanliness of doctors declared a heretic.

Doctors fabricated data to refute him. They ultimately imprisoned him in a mental institution where, almost immediately, he was beaten to death by guards—or beaten severely and died of an infection from the beating about two or three weeks later.

Dr. Semmelweis was murdered in a filthy prison at the age of 47 barely 150 years ago, in 1865, for telling other doctors to wash their hands while delivering newborn babies.

But, hey, they believed in The Science !

In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court bought into this. As a result, in the ensuing decades, 70,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized—most of them for ridiculous reasons. And if you think it ended a while ago, the end of that era, so far as we know, came when California finally stopped sterilizing prisoners in 2014.

Scholars, writers and historians can make all their claims about the human race and modernity, but we have barely stumbled out of a primitive, dark existence of depravity and it appears human beings have rejected this morality and are choosing to walk backwards into the darkness.

Pray and then…






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March 22, 2023 11:18 pm

Blue Bell ice cream makes a great evening dessert when you have the main meal at noon or the early afternoon.  Wonder who at the factory comes up with the different flavors and combinations thereof that never cease to amaze us all. There must be at least 3 kinds of vanilla all by themselves and not counting those mixed with… Read more »

El Gordo
March 22, 2023 10:12 pm

The BRIIC nations are uniting to take Americans place in the world.  Our economic house of cards is about to fail by the end of the year.  So yeah, lets argue about social justice, climate change, other people’s business, and such.  Anyway, it’s bedtime.  More tomorrow.  Nite nite.

March 22, 2023 8:41 pm


I did order that anti-fatigue mat runner for the kitchen. 6 footer.

If it helps, maybe the sink will stay cleaner.

March 22, 2023 8:38 pm


Last dessert? Cake? No way.

Full half gallon Blue Bell Pecan Pralines n’ Cream.

March 22, 2023 8:12 pm

I got an email from the city – they wanna sell us a rain barrel.

Ummmm….nope.  We gots a really big one, thank you very much.

March 22, 2023 8:09 pm


So, for your last meal, for desert your request would be Lemon Crunch Cake??

March 22, 2023 7:59 pm

An empty dishwasher and an empty, scrubbed, sanitized kitchen sink is a nice thing.

Doesn’t happen often around here. 🙂

March 22, 2023 7:37 pm

#37 Adee

I had started the post this morning but didn’t finish it until late this afternoon owing to Dr. appointment later in the morning that took up lots of time waiting, then coming home to have a late lunch of heated leftovers from yesterday.  So that’s how Good Morning Hamsters ended up this afternoon. 🙂

March 22, 2023 7:23 pm

One of my favorites.

Beef flank steak stuffed with Feta, Spinach, and Black Olive. X2

Great Northern White Beans lavishly laced with jalapeños.

And a less than dainty piece of Lemon Crunch Cake.

Yes, after several weeks with no sweets in the house, I just had to have something.

Sugar kills. Oh well.

March 22, 2023 7:01 pm

Texpat 3:52

I’ve always said that men need to have rights, too, when it comes to their unborn children.  I’m glad he’s suing.  This could open up a whole new way of saving babies, if the fathers want their children.  What doctor wants to be sued for wrongful death or murder?

March 22, 2023 5:34 pm

Good Morning Hamsters, By all means, read the opening comments on medicine mistakes through the ages. It amazes one how the various beliefs embraced utter trash through the ages.  But not to be outdone, there is in this day and time also utter trash beliefs foisted upon the public.  For our current screwed up example we have COVID the GREAT… Read more »

El Gordo
March 22, 2023 5:17 pm

TP @ 4:15 – I’ve been in and out of John Wayne Airport a few times, I’ve reviewed the published approaches and departures, and I can find nothing dangerous about any of it.  Now a 5700 foot runway will probably not accommodate a 747 or an A380, but that’s not what flies in and out of there.  A 737 can… Read more »

March 22, 2023 4:57 pm

And I predict that, once again, the Texas House will continue to let doctors poison and butcher the bodies of sexually confused children.

March 22, 2023 4:53 pm

So much for checking whether I had forgotten any important chores I needed to do… I took an after-breakfast nap, then got up and had a light lunch. I watched the jury verdict on Jussie Smollet, whose sentence was starting immediately with 150 days in jail. He declared that he was innocent; that if he was found dead in jail… Read more »

March 22, 2023 4:24 pm

And that the Governor has now finally decided – after all these years – to aggressively support School Choice, it won’t make a damn bit of difference.

It will never make it out of the Lege.

March 22, 2023 4:22 pm

The same goes for school choice.

There are many otherwise-conservative Republicans who are totally against School Choice.

They truly believe there is something sacred about our pathetic public schools.


March 22, 2023 4:15 pm

Texpat @3:26

Conservatives in the Texas Legislature have been trying to prohibit Counties and Cities from using taxpayer monies to lobby against citizen interests ever since Dan Patrick got there in 2007.

It never makes it out of the RINO-controlled Texas House.

March 22, 2023 3:12 pm

TP @ 2:41 – now THAT is H I L A R I O U S!

March 22, 2023 2:30 pm

Buncha Stasi wannabes.

March 22, 2023 2:23 pm


If you read the entire court filing, the entire episode sounds straight out of Cold War period East Germany.

What scum we have leading our various government agencies and military these days.

Buncha Stasi wannabes.

March 22, 2023 1:42 pm

Oh, and I watered all of my tubs, especially the new ones, very well.  Wanna make sure the contents are nice and moist, to keep the worms happy.

It was nice to be able to water to my heart’s content and not worry about my water bill.  Sweeeet.

March 22, 2023 1:40 pm

I’ve gardened, showered, and rubbed cream on my elbow.  I got quite a bit done this morning.  I refreshed some of my tubs with new compostable material, since the worms have already processed the original stuff and moved on.  I put together a new tub, full almost to the top with new material and topped off with a few inches… Read more »

March 22, 2023 1:29 pm

Faith Academy –  the K-12 Christian school – only graduates 15 (or many less) Seniors each year. I’m sure they struggle to have enough players to field baseball and football teams.

March 22, 2023 1:25 pm

I read Shannon’s #13. Frightening. That sound you hear is our Founding Fathers spinning in their graves.


March 22, 2023 1:25 pm

Just so you know, the huge Bellville Little League organization has a great concession stand – I’m sure it’s an important part of their revenue.
So does the public Bellville High School. A good friend of mine spent many years volunteering at it.

March 22, 2023 1:24 pm

I remember Jay Leno commenting years ago on the late show, on going to some school event in Texas, I think a football game. He made his new to him experience of Frito pie a big part of his monologue. I remember being shocked at the revelation that not everybody has experienced that concession stand standard .

March 22, 2023 1:11 pm

Texpat have no fear. The Sugar Land Little League still proudly supports a concession stand with all the standard fare. They even employ 12 – 13 year old boys at the counter. Even the Sugar Land Girls Softball league has a nice concession stand at their fields. I sure miss those days. The ball play was innocent and the games… Read more »

March 22, 2023 1:11 pm

believed in The Science

Wait just one minute, bub.

Dr. Anthony “The Science” Fraudci, despite his hyper-inflated sense of self could not have been alive then.

March 22, 2023 11:31 am

In my #13, there is a link to the actual court filing. It is a document that should scare the hell out of you.

March 22, 2023 11:16 am

Re: OC

I’ve been saying for years that this is a bad time to be an aging white guy. Once they get their Social Justice ideology fully embedded into the health care workers, including physicians, euthanization by omission will become de rigueur to cleanse the earth of deplorables.

March 22, 2023 11:02 am

The OC video is very good.

Super Dave
March 22, 2023 10:28 am

#14 El Gordo Yup.

March 22, 2023 10:04 am

Morning, gang. I’ve been feeling like I’ve overlooked some stuff I should have taken care of this month, so I need to spend what’s left of the morning going through piles of stuff to see if I find anything that got skipped… I’ll start that as soon as I finish up my breakfast. The cats are funny: just as soon… Read more »

March 22, 2023 9:18 am

From the C&C comments: Anybody else seeing the events between China and Russia building to form fulfillment of biblical end time prophesy…. While the USA who is not mentioned in those end time scenario’s, continues to slosh through the garbage that is men becoming women, men having babies, giving the alphabet minority foreign policy protections, grooming kids, hiding crimes against… Read more »

March 22, 2023 9:09 am

Now, on to the fungus scare:  The WHO and the CDC have rolled out their latest emergency de jure this week: “drug-resistant” fungus. There are lots of hysterical stories making the round, but I chose this next example of corporate media’s pile-on, because it — predictably — blames the fungi’s recent success on “climate change.” Because if it’s not Orange… Read more »

March 22, 2023 9:00 am

FUNGUS AMONG US ☙ Wednesday, March 22, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Roundup: Good morning and Happy Wednesday, C&C! Your roundup today includes: Fox suggests that DA Bragg might not charge Trump; Joe Biden discovers respect for individual rights, at least when it comes to cross-dressing; MIT math professor SADSly slips a decimal; pro-vaccine State Rep strokes out; mini-actor misses his… Read more »

March 22, 2023 8:54 am

The back is stiff.  Hubby likes to play Jenga with the dishes in the dish strainer, so when I reached to grab something from the cutlery some tongs fell to the floor. Took me five tries and a lot of grunting to pick ’em up. So, I’ve taken a muscle relaxant and am waiting for it to fully kick in. … Read more »

El Gordo
March 22, 2023 8:41 am

Back from TOK.  Not any real news to report on this morning.  Now it’s time to start figuring out what needs to be done today, and of those things that need doing, what I’m able or willing to do.  Decisions, decisions.

March 22, 2023 8:38 am

Clarification: From not washing his hands and delivering babies.

March 22, 2023 8:36 am

Interesting article. My dad’s (born 1916) mother died as a result of her doctor have a sinus infection and not washing his hands. If memory serves this resulted in the deaths of four women.