Tuesday Open Comments

The best comment on our dark times that I have seen lately.





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February 7, 2023 11:12 pm

#42 Texpat,

Surely Apple sends a user’s manual with the thing, don’t they?  Or do you have to pay for one?  Or if they send one for free, is it written in Early Klingon?

February 7, 2023 9:49 pm

I kept seeing dollar signs on end user products with every freebie he listed.

You wanna make insulin costs almost nonexistent?  Guess who’s gonna quit making it.

Wanna restrict how companies make money?  Guess who’s gonna quit producing.

The economically ignorant just lap it up, though.

February 7, 2023 9:44 pm

Just saw a picture of an earthquake damaged church in Turkey.  It’s all gone –

except the altar where the Eucharist is stored.

Super Dave
February 7, 2023 9:43 pm

TexMo; Snollygoster, I like it and I’m stealing it. 😉

Super Dave
February 7, 2023 9:41 pm

Well that was grueling. The angry old Bastard went off script a few times but overall came off as Pi$$ed off at everything. IMHO; The highlight of the whole mess was when Marjorie Taylor Greene called him a lair. This was right after he said some of the Republicans wanted to “Sunset” Social Security and Medicare. That said; I can’t… Read more »

February 7, 2023 9:21 pm

Did you hear the calls of “Words!  Words!” when Bidet was talking about border security?

Oh, and he brought up amnesty for all the illegals, too.

Like we didn’t know.

C&C otta be fun tomorrow.  I’m watching via Daily Wire, so I’m waiting to hear Shapiro rip all sorts of new ones in our resident in chief.

February 7, 2023 8:30 pm

Don’t complicate your wheaties.

February 7, 2023 8:30 pm

Snollygoster: Noun

A shrewd, unprincipled person, especially a politician.

Sounds fitting for the SOTU address.

February 7, 2023 8:30 pm

And then there is 1-800-asksquawk,  We do not see your information and all correspondence are held in the strictest of secrecy.


February 7, 2023 8:26 pm

Ain’t nuttin to it.  Open Safari, login to Hamous.net everything else works the same.

February 7, 2023 8:25 pm

44 wagonburner

Macs might be intuitive to use for someone who has never used a computer and sits down to one for the first time.

For anyone who has used Windows their entire life, it’s a different experience entirely.

February 7, 2023 8:21 pm

Right now, I’m hating on Apple crap.

This s**t is maddening.

February 7, 2023 8:03 pm

42 texpat

I thought Mac’s were intuitive to use.

At least that’s what we’ve all been lead to believe by some crazy person that’s been known to skulk around here from time to time.

43 granny


February 7, 2023 7:56 pm

Wagonburner – you need a title for your OC  post for tomorrow.

February 7, 2023 7:26 pm

I’m still trying to figure out how to navigate this Mac.  My only previous Apple experience has been with iPhone and iPad and that is not near enough.

Somebody else needs to do it if y’all want a Wednesday thread.


February 7, 2023 7:19 pm

A couple of days ago Chanel 11 also featured what damage the tornado had done and how damaged homes were starting to be put back together.  A shortage of some building materials delays some repairs.  Some homes were destroyed to rubble and others were torn apart but fixable.  Amazingly some homes were barely touched but right next to one that… Read more »

February 7, 2023 6:31 pm

Must be slow news day.

Channel 2 is doing a feature story on the tornado two weeks ago.

El Gordo
February 7, 2023 6:02 pm

For me it’s about the last of my latest batch of cabbage soup and a few ounces of beefsteak that I found in the freezer. Tomorrow looks like the mirror image since there is enough meat and soup for one more meal.  It’s getting pretty cool outside this evening, so the warm soup sounded better than just some vegetable.  The… Read more »

February 7, 2023 5:56 pm

Sometimes experimenting with seasonings can turn out well with a pinch of almost everything in the spice drawer.  If it is good, hope you have written down what went into making the goodness.  Same for what to avoid if it is not good.

February 7, 2023 5:45 pm

I will be interested in what Hamsters who watched State of the Union think about it.  We may be sure that most of the LSM will praise it to the heavens regardless of what is said.  And perhaps there will be a few realists who tell it like it was and how dangerous it is.   The Chinese will be watching… Read more »

February 7, 2023 5:20 pm

Cloves…heads…I think either one would work. 😉

February 7, 2023 5:20 pm

I love garlic, and I don’t want to scare anybody, but I tell folks to put in as much as you think you can stand, then add about ten more cloves.

What are these “cloves” of which you speak?  All my recipes measure garlic using the perfectly acceptable measure of “heads”.

February 7, 2023 5:20 pm

I just got through with my last touch ups on the soup.  I wish y’all could smell my kitchen right now.

Smells like my Dad is still here.

I need to stop drooling.

February 7, 2023 3:21 pm

I still have a Daily Wire subscription, so I may watch them during the SOTU tonight.  That may be amusing.

February 7, 2023 3:20 pm

Hubby stopped on the way home to get me some fresh Italian sausage, so it’s my Italian sausage soup tonight.  I had a crock pot full of chicken stock, so I was inspired.  I still have some left over, and it’s cooling.  I’ll try to freeze it later; not enough to try to can. The recipe varies every time I… Read more »

February 7, 2023 2:41 pm

Hannity is ripping to shreds every false topic Biden will read from his script tonight in the State of the Union.  Also, the % of Americans say they are worse off with Biden in office has hit 66%.  And rising with more citizens who can fog a mirror will attest to.  The dunce is still trying to convince Congress that… Read more »

February 7, 2023 2:20 pm

28 squack

#1 – ask Santa for one of these.

Also, you channeling the Statler Bros.?

February 7, 2023 1:42 pm

I’m saving a big pile of just-washed & dried socks for tonight to pair them while the speech scene is on the air but the sound off.  🙂

February 7, 2023 1:31 pm

Curious – what will y’all be doing tonight?

  1. Cleaning fuzz out of my belly button.BSue needs the fuzz for a pillow
  2. watching colon cleanse infomercials
  3. working on my ingrown toenail
  4. count the flowers on the wall
  5. playing solitaire till dawn with a deck of 51
  6. smoking cigarettes
  7. watching Capt Kangaroo

Don’t tell me I don’t have much to do.

February 7, 2023 1:22 pm

#24 – SOTU???

MOron prez first needs to know what freakin ‘state’ He is in

I would not WATCH that soup sammitch for a BILLION dollars tax free!


El Gordo
February 7, 2023 1:18 pm

For virtually my entire adult life, I always watched the SOTU, regardless of who the President may be or which party he represented.  I just could not take Obama, so I quit watching then.  I watched some of Trump, more for entertainment value rather than for content.  No plans to watch Biden.  I think it will just be too painful… Read more »

February 7, 2023 1:14 pm

Youtube’s head of Trust and Safety runs from Project Veritas.  He was being asked about YT taking down the “pfizer mutating virus” video.

February 7, 2023 12:58 pm

Curious – what will y’all be doing tonight?

1. Watching Biden bumble through the SOTU

2. Wash your hair

3. Watch reruns of your favorite TV shows

4. Do #1, but with drinking game rules

February 7, 2023 12:57 pm

Texpat: First World Problems

February 7, 2023 12:52 pm

Shannon @ 11:45am

We use those to hang up back packs, jackets, and coats with fairly good success. We’ve never hung up anything with glass or any other fragile items. I know they sell them with different weight ratings.

February 7, 2023 12:38 pm

Shannon @ 11:45 AM Only if they weigh less than a feather. Finally posting from my new Mac.  Old Dell died and I couldn’t use Apple’s migration manager.  Called Carbonite and they won’t download Windows files to a Mac so I had to send the $100 I saved at Costco to get them to send me an external hard drive… Read more »

February 7, 2023 12:38 pm


If you are talking about the Command line, not much experience but we do have two hooks on the walk-in shower wall for towels. Been there four years and still holding, they are attached to tile though, drywall may have different results.

February 7, 2023 12:02 pm

Water back on= CIVILIZATION!!


February 7, 2023 11:53 am

Shannon @ 11:45 – zero experiences here w those – IMHO I would not trust’em

El Gordo
February 7, 2023 11:11 am

Been outside messing around with my seeds and the greenhouse, filling the bird feeder, etc.  My volunteer bluebonnet plants are looking very good, and some little buds are already forming.  It won’t be long until the first blowers start popping out.  They have invaded my flower bed/garden as well as the front yard, and I’m not going to do anything… Read more »

February 7, 2023 10:54 am

Three Hall of Famers in the first six picks. Other than that I, personally, don’t recognize any names until Steve Grogan in the fifth round.

February 7, 2023 10:46 am

Dang, that was a helluva draft class.

February 7, 2023 10:17 am

Morning, gang. Water supply failed yesterday out here in near NW Houston, and it is still a trickle this morning. Because I wasn’t able to wash dishes last night, I was afraid I wouldn’t have bowls that the cats were willing to eat breakfast from… But there were plenty of bowls in the cat-dish section of the cabinets, and not… Read more »

February 7, 2023 9:22 am

SHOW ME ☙ Tuesday, February 7, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS Ooooh, this is going to be interesting.  Today, Childers breaks down the Missouri v. Biden court case.  This is an important civil liberties case. It’s so important that in a rational world, we’d get daily updates from every major media channel about the lawsuit, every middle and high schooler would… Read more »