The Mighty Rio De Los Brazos de Dios enters the Gulf of Mexico at Freeport
1,280 miles of winding river from northeastern New Mexico through the heart of Texas to the Coastal Bend it holds a million stories and beyond.
Goodbye to a River by John Graves
Agree with #51 El Gordo about the red/orange italic letters in TT’s comments. They are harder to read and can’t be looked at for long before I have to look away, especially in italics that size. Blue and purple colors work fine, and maybe green would also be good. I see both purple and blue print just fine under the Leave a Reply heading for comments.
Night all.
Several years ago (my last ticket) I went the deferred – I think here they call it disposition – that was my inquiry via email, cost of that vs defensive driving. I’d much rather just pay it and be veddy careful for three months. I remember those last few weeks I was very nervous cause I never get a ticket for 80 in a 70, it’s always the ticky tacky ones like this one – 47 in a 35.
Been AWOL most of the day, show up @ 9 and kill the blog Graveyard Dead. Dang I’m good! But I’m also Tarred so I’m hitting the sack. 😉
#56 Shannon did you say catfish? Ole Dave’s supper; 2 fried catfish, hush puppies, fries and slaw @ Our Place Diner, their Friday special. Man that was some kinda’ good. FWIT; There’s not many places left that you can get whole fried catfish, they had filet’s but the catfish just taste better if whole.
Remember I said VERY POLITE trooper – wrote me up for 87 in an 80
And the Todd Mission Municipal people will not let you setup defensive driving over the phone, they direct you to their webpage which looks like it was designed and operated by the ObamaCare folks. Well, Nassau Bay has a better Idea. First they don’t allow defensive driving BUT the alternative is that you plead guilty, pay a fine and ask for Deferred Adjudication. So if you don’t have another infraction in 3 months your record is wiped clean so your insurance will not find out. I think that this is a good idea and I like the fact that they’re… Read more »
Bellville 34-3 after 3 quarters.
Bellville begins 4th quarter with a score, now lead 41-3.
Tedtam – that would be marvelous… I’ve gotten where I leave my food saver in the counter/cabinet under my food processor, and the accessory hose is in the box with the jar/lid adapter… so I know where they are – and they’re close at hand… but then I can only seal ONE jar at a time (and they are all right next to the little cart where Nellie lives)
Bsue, I think I’m going to suggest to Hubby that he make vacuum chambers for her like the ones he made for me. Since they’ve been saving jars, it’s quite likely she’ll need them.
#63 Tedtam – what a thoughtful MiL you are… I’ve also used the edge-lip trays for tomato leather – since I was silly enough to get a #10 can of crushed tomatoes in tomato puree – basically lumpy tomato sauce… shiniest thing I’ve dehydrated yet…
I don’t know what his business is running these days but in the mid 00’s his was running ten grand in cash each week buying the bread and selling it, had to eat what went bad. He’d profit maybe $900-$1,000 a week out handling all that cash. Didn’t seem worth it to me but he’s still doing it, his truck and trailer and all the maintenance and fuel.
I have a buddy that is a breadman, has been for I guess 24-25 years now. You think of bread as lightweight but those carts are heavy and a lot of work.
I don’t think that minivan could haul Bonnie’s oversized buns.
Bellville 20-3 at the half.
Looks like the cheating is already getting started. “Faith in our elections is at an all-time low because far too many jurisdictions across the country, including right here in New York, are failing to comply with even the most basic election integrity measures. With the 2022 midterm elections quickly approaching, the Department of Justice must take swift and immediate action to ensure New York is fully compliant with HAVA’s voter registration requirements,” Tenney added. A group of House Republicans, led by Tenney, sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland in September calling on the DOJ to enforce basic election integrity laws… Read more »
Lovely DIL’s birthday present arrived, and since I wracked my elbow again, I called Handsome Son and told him to gather his wife and come down to get her early birthday present since I didn’t think I should be picking up anything heavy. They just left. She is very happy with her version of Fred. I also bought her silicone mesh sheets and the silicone leather trays – called such because they are used to make fruit and vegetable “leathers”. Bsue and I use them for eggs. I also bought two books that she can use for reference and recipes. … Read more »
Bellville 13-3 after 1st. Quarter.
That explains it.
He likes big buns and he cannot lie.
(My # 57)
I simply couldn’t resist wording it the way I did.
It got me a free Bonnie Burger whenever I was in the mood.
I used to haul Bonnie’s oversized buns from New Ulm – since I was going thru there most days.
The bread man wouldn’t deviate from his route to deliver them to Cat Spring.
I haven’t shopped in two weeks – again.
So I picked up the Friday catfish from the Crossroads Tavern in Cat Spring.
Rumor has it that owners Bonnie and Bill are ready to sell and retire from the Austin County institution.
They’ve been doing Friday Catfish for as long as I can remember.
But the real star of the show has always been the Bonnie Burger – available only Mon-Thurs at lunchtime.
Bonnie is a distant cousin of Fay’s.
Last I checked, Bellville is ranked 5th in the state. They breezed through their schedule until last Friday against Columbia (West Columbia).
In the second quarter Bellville lost their quarterback to “illness”. The Junior replacement (and an awakened defense) brought them back from a substantial deficit to win the game late.
Tonight they face the only other undefeated district team – Brookshire Royal. And next week, their bitter rival Sealy – a game where anything can happen.
A tough two week test.
I think Tedtam’s red font is her version of quotation marks. When we quote, it narrows the margins quite a bit which extends the length we have to scroll.
When Hubby and I went on our honeymoon trip to St. Thomas, we were on a big jet – L1011? Anyway, the approach was on a runway that was extended out into the ocean. When we were landing, I couldn’t see land, just water under the wings. We had what I call a 3×1 landing – a three point landing and each wheel got its own turn. After a few of those, the plane managed to get all three wheels on the ground at the same time. As we disembarked the plane, I could see that the other end of… Read more »
I’ve been somewhat hesitant to ask Tt, but what’s with all the screaming angry red squiggles? Is something wrong?
Nap arrived just in time, and abut an hour later, I feel much refreshed now. Still a couple of hours until the football weekend begins. I’ll have some left over meat of some kind and sliced tomatoes for dinner. I’m still amazed that the price of eggs continues to sky rocket. $10 for a generic 18 pack which should be $1.50 regular price and $.99 on sale. $32 for my $8 or$9 5 dozen box. I’m gonna have to substitute T-Bone steak for my breakfast eggs or something. And BTW, when I stopped at the grocery store, a few items… Read more »
I was certain he’d blown some tires, if not wrecked the landing gear.
For some reason he didn’t greet us at the exit.
Rasmussen ran a poll this week asking Americans if they thought it was wise to go with electric instead internal combustion vehicles.
From what I’m hearing, electrical vehicles ARE the epitome of internal combustion vehicles.
I just wonder if that one is fake. Who ever heard of that airline?
45 Texmo
I had a flight back to Houston from Kansas City years ago.
The landing felt like that one looked.
45 TexMo
You can’t land a plane that size and weight with an approach like that. I hope there was some mechanical malfunction to explain it instead of pilot error.
As Kate at SDA would say: We don’t no sparky, flaming cars ! So the electric cars are spontaneously combusting all over the Sunshine State. Five already in Naples alone. The fire chief said they put one out on a major thoroughfare, but didn’t want to immediately move it and they got a call about 6 hours later the dang thing burst into flames again. Rasmussen ran a poll this week asking Americans if they thought it was wise to go with electric instead internal combustion vehicles. Yay – 1.4% Nay – 98.6% I’m thinking the electric car market is… Read more »
This ended better than expected.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Texas is the the tightest penny pinching insurance carrier I’ve ever had. They have denied a few things over the last 1.5 years and my doctors have always gone to bat for me to provide additional information to get “X” procedure approved. It’s just a bunch of jumping through bureaucratic red tape. I am supposed to have an MRI and PET scan next Tuesday. BCBS denied the PET scan. I am really ticked off at this because those scans were supposed to be reviewed by the tumor board on Wednesday. Then I would have a discussion… Read more »
I called my primary care physician’s office to schedule my Fall Medicare checkup, and was asked if I could drive to the location where she is currently working, which was somewhere near NRG Stadium. I’ve been seeing her for 13 years at Mem-Hermann North Loop, 2 miles from home, so naturally I was not thrilled to hear about the new location 20 miles away. So next, they tell me that if I wait 2 weeks she will be reinstalled back at the old spot, and I could call again to make an appointment. So naturally that is what I will… Read more »
#41 – That’s what I WAS DOING!
Remember I said VERY POLITE trooper – wrote me up for 87 in an 80 🙂
110 in an 80?? My ticket specifically said over 90 no class, no deferred whatever it’s called.
27 Katfish
I’ve written about and linked Mark Pulliam here several times over the years. Native Texan and very smart guy.
My trip to the inspection station cost me to price of two new tires in addition to everything else. I’m glad the defects were spotted now instead of me being out on the road somewhere though.
The breadth and depth of the ongoing corruption in the small town of Uvalde’s schools continues to be exposed as the onion skins are peeled back. You have got to wonder why in the world they hired the DPS trooper to go to work for them in the first place – somebody’s in-law or something I’m sure. Until the entire school board and the administration from the Superintendent on down are removed, the corruption will continue. Wonder what trick these weasels have up their sleeve next. You may recall that the Democrat party sent New York operatives down there to… Read more »
#s 32, 36, 37 – Quite a while back on my way to BACA State meeting in Kerrville – a VERY polite DPS Trooper pulled me over for speeding (naturally). 110 in an 80mph zone +/- and only FOUR exits from Kerrville dangit!
I had write a formal letter of request to the Kerr Co. Judge requesting permission to take online safe driving class. Permission was granted thankfully. $25 for the class was less than the reduction of fine for completing the course.
And the Todd Mission Municipal people will not let you setup defensive driving over the phone, they direct you to their webpage which looks like it was designed and operated by the ObamaCare folks. It directs you to send them an email which I did two days ago and no response.
#31 TexMo
One of the advantages of being an old man is most times a cop will let you go. Unless you are in Todd Mission. Punks.
Dr. Malone’s Friday Funnies (opens in new tab)
Good news: First Lawsuit Drops Against AB 2098, California’s Doctor-Muzzling, Anti-Free Speech Bill Your average 7th-grader could tell you that the bill violates the First Amendment of the Constitution, which reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Yet AB 2098 says, we don’t care—we’re going to punish you anyway if you say what we don’t like. /snip McDonald and Barke are far from… Read more »
I got quite a bit of gardening done. Emptied my compost tea bucket into various containers. This is the first time I’ve done this, so I’m interested in seeing ‘the burst’ that I’ve heard the gardening lady online talks about. I dumped those half composted remains (and the flies) onto the compost pile, then went about refilling the strainer bucket in the system with new trimmings from the garden. I pulled up some melon vines that have run out their allotted time on this earth, a few collard and broccoli leaves (which I hear make for some powerful compost tea),… Read more »