Thursday Fake News Dies Quickly Open Comments

It was on Monday that The New York Times ran an article claiming that “election deniers” had made Konnech the center of a “conspiracy theory.” The article claimed that these “election deniers” had used “threadbare evidence” to suggest that Konnech “had secret ties to the Chinese Communist Party and had given the Chinese government back door access to personal data about two million poll workers in the United States.”

The Times claimed that these allegations against Konnech “demonstrate how far-right election deniers are also giving more attention to new and more secondary companies and groups.”

Konnech, based in Michigan, had been contracted by Los Angeles County, and Allen County, Indiana, to work on “election logistics, such as scheduling poll workers.”

“Konnech,” the Times stated, “said none of the accusations were true. It said that all the data for its American customers were stored on services in the United States and that it had no ties to the Chinese government.”

The Times lamented the damage done to Konnech’s reputation by these “election deniers” who claimed that the company had ties to the CCP.

Yes, that was on Monday, October 3rd.  Oh, my gosh, what the hell ?

Eugene Yu, the CEO of the software firm Konnech, has been arrested in connection to the storage of data on servers in China.

“Yu, 51, was arrested early Tuesday just outside of Lansing, Mich., after prosecutors alleged he improperly stored the information on servers in China, according to Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascón. Yu, who is the chief executive officer of a company named Konnech, is expected to be extradited to Los Angeles in the coming days, Gascón said,” according to the LA Times.

“Konnech allegedly violated its contract by storing critical information that the workers provided on servers in China. We intend to hold all those responsible for this breach accountable,” Gascón said.

The arresting prosecutor was the hard-core leftist, Soros-backed DA of LA County, no less, making the embarrassment even more severe for the wonder boys & girls at the NYTimes.





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October 6, 2022 10:53 pm

Well, I was present for yet another milestone for the GIP. The last 6 still standing from the original GIP, turned everything over to the new GIP board of 6 that will try to get it out of the Covid ditch and carry on from there. For sure, if there is still to be a Spring plant sale associated with Treesearch Farms, I’ll be there as a volunteer.

El Gordo
October 6, 2022 10:12 pm

Bedtime out here.  You all have a good evening.  Nite nite.

October 6, 2022 8:57 pm


yeah I don’t want to mess with the pro. 😀

Super Dave
October 6, 2022 8:17 pm

Checking in, it’s been another busy day but we had left over chili for supper and it was much better than the first go around, or the second. 😉

Super Dave
October 6, 2022 8:15 pm

How bout that SD, kilt it for 2 hours!

You’re just a piker. 😀

El Gordo
October 6, 2022 8:11 pm

Not bed time yet.  I’m watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before for some reason.  Anyway, couple that with me being over here posting and see if there is a connection.  More later before bedtime.

October 6, 2022 8:00 pm

Moe and Joe are coming to 2929 Roadhouse the 22nd. Looked at getting tickets but, I don’t know, $150 TTL for a two seat table seems a bit much to watch a 78 and 79 year old men waddle around mumbling mimicking they old selves. Sorry not sorry.

October 6, 2022 5:56 pm

Tedtam was it Szechuan??? Those are the hottest things I’ve ever been brave enough to try in Chinese food – I cook it with them, then fish the pepper out and toss it out

October 6, 2022 5:23 pm

I forgot that I put one of those tiny little red peppers in the dish.  I bit down once and my entire head got cleaned out and my mouth was on fire.  Fortunately, I just broke the skin of the thing and was able to extricate it before I did any permanent damage.

But I’ll remember the next time.  I wish I could remember the name of the pepper.  Maybe the tag is still in the dirt somewhere.

October 6, 2022 5:21 pm

My wife was cleaning out her office and ran across some old gift cards, one was Willie G’s. I’ve never been there so I did some surfing on their reviews. Here’s one –


willie g is racist…don’t waste your money nor time! The manager there disrespected some ladies while I was dining and I had to get up and leave! Something needs to be done about the management

October 6, 2022 4:55 pm

I guess The Uvalde ISD got themselves in a pickle hiring a former  DPS person who was there on the day of the shooting.

October 6, 2022 4:53 pm

Oh hey Tedtam, didn’t see you there….

October 6, 2022 4:52 pm

How bout that SD, kilt it for 2 hours!

October 6, 2022 4:27 pm

I just made a pass through the back yard and collected: icicle plant (tastes like curry), divine smelling ginger leaves, two small sweet peppers (I may have a third one in my basket), amaranth seeds and leaves, a coupla pods of okra, and some purslane.  Along with some shrimp and cabbage, I may have the makings of a stir fry. I’d forgotten how good ginger smells.  I think I’m going to dry some leaves.  I have more ginger than I’ll probably use, but I’m going to let it keep going.  I can process it later and give it away as… Read more »

October 6, 2022 2:57 pm

I got a ticket going to my son’s house in Plantersville last Thursday. On a danged county road too! County Road 302, right at the RV entrance at the back of the Renaissance. Screw you Todd Mission Police! Try to go 35 on that road you will be run over or shot at!

October 6, 2022 2:51 pm

Stole it and shared it. That’s danged funny!

Edit: I had no idea what the last cop was doing. Now I see you ‘stained he was an inflatable dancing stick. Ha!

October 6, 2022 2:24 pm

When he started talking about horses, I thought he would segway into horsepower aka Mustangs, Cameros, or Challengers. I didn’t thing about the one horsepower mounted patrol. 🙂

October 6, 2022 2:22 pm

#39 Shannon

That’s the best thing I’ve seen in awhile. Pretty darn funny.

October 6, 2022 1:43 pm

What a hoot!

October 6, 2022 1:29 pm


The old cop at the end imitating an inflatable dancing stick man is pretty funny.

October 6, 2022 12:46 pm

Description of the shooter’s vehicle – white Chebby truck.  Not but about 4 out of 5 vehicles in the county match that description.

Any minivans?

October 6, 2022 12:35 pm

Ron DeSantis: Illegal Alien Looters Should Be ‘Sent Back to Their Home Country’

Scroll down a bit for the video.

El Gordo
October 6, 2022 12:30 pm

I wasn’t seeking an apology or pointing fingers in my rant above.  I’m simply making a declarative statement that I refuse to live in constant fear.  Happy, joyous, and free.  That does not mean that I will not try to be prudent, but having my life revolving around all the things that might go wrong is simply not for me.  And trying to organize around things are are likely to happen as opposed to more rare events that could happen leads me to take what are hopefully the most logical precautions rather than ignoring those things and preparing for the… Read more »

October 6, 2022 12:28 pm

Good grief.

Three weeks from right this minute, I will have been in New Jersey for several hours already.

October 6, 2022 12:17 pm

Re: Bright sun effects on poor eyes I haven’t been to my ophthalmologist in a few years. I really need to remedy that situation. Twenty-five feet from my living room north-facing window sits my 16 x 20’ storage building. It is light grey in color, but might as well be white this time of year. The sun, in its fall/winter path, casts blinding reflected light off of that building, such that by noon I must close the curtain for the rest of the day. I told the rubber plant that sits in front of that window, sorry, it’s time for… Read more »

October 6, 2022 12:13 pm

I’m going to my final GIP board meeting tonight. Greater Inwood Partnership was responsible for virtually all of the trees, shrubs, and flowers planted on the esplanades in near northwest Houston since the 1990’s. The aging of the leadership was already affecting the group, even before Covid dealt it the knock-out punch. So, we were down to a membership of 6, and in the process of closing it down with the state of Texas, when… Employees of the Near Northwest Management District, who have their offices in the White Oak Conference Center — in the heart of Inwood — decided they… Read more »

October 6, 2022 12:03 pm

Texpat 1157:

Your post confirms Bonecrusher Truism in #2 above.

October 6, 2022 11:54 am
October 6, 2022 11:37 am

Morning, fellow Couch Critters. Some very thought-provoking entries here today.

October 6, 2022 11:24 am


Sorry about the”fear mongering”. I was expressing concern about your recovery. My mother thought she was doing everything right and look at what happened.

You do you, dude. As always. And I will continue to hope that your surgery is a great success, both during and after.

October 6, 2022 10:56 am

We hear reports of fox sightings out here, coyotes and even bobcats but rare. We’ve always had lots of rabbits but not so much this year for some reason, squirrel activity is down too. Raccoons and possum are regular visitors, moles constantly tearing up my yard, made worse by Buddy the Dog trying to dig them up.

Squirrel and rabbit activity being down this year are a subject of the neighborhood FB page conspiracy theorists.

El Gordo
October 6, 2022 10:26 am

Texpat at 10:18 – Like so many things, everyone out there (us, the Russians, the Brits, NATO, the Israelis, et al) all know exactly what happened to that pipeline and who did it, and even how they did it.  But no one can tell without divulging their own sources and methods.  So they just continue to point fingers and make accusations, knowing full well that no one is willing to tell the truth. Remember that jet liner that went missing in Indonesia a couple of years ago that CNN said got taken up in a black hole?  do you think… Read more »

El Gordo
October 6, 2022 10:19 am

I just do not understand the fear based effort to scare people all the time put forth on the MSM and often even on this thread.  I simply refuse to run around living my life in fear.  Things happen – actuaries can even calculate with near certainty the frequency of certain odd events occurring which will prove to be the exception rather than the rule.  It happens in the court system, it happens on the streets of America and other countries around the world.  Things we do not talk about are the most frequent and dangerous things we do that… Read more »

October 6, 2022 9:56 am

Super Dave

Plant you some turnip greens this fall and you may see some, plant English Peas in the spring and you surely wll see  some.

While our subdivision has homes on acreage, mostly one to one and a half acres and some are half acre lots, the houses are pretty tight together and not really grounds deer could easily roam. When we do see them I assume they come from the woods surrounding our hood.

October 6, 2022 9:48 am

And with that……. I am out of here.

October 6, 2022 9:48 am

Today’s Hamousonian

No one believes me but I had a great uncle named Demon.

October 6, 2022 9:40 am

Okay, it was another 3:00 a.m. morning for me, so I’m going to get moving while I’m still vertical.  I have money for a bank run, so I shall spend some time foraging at the thrift shop and Aldi’s while I’m out.  Those stores are on my route back home. I’m going to try for another bacon session today, too.  This time, I’ll par-cook the bacon before canning.  Then I’ll do a comparison of raw vs. precooked to see which method I prefer. Then I’ll go to town putting bacon on the shelf.  If the world is going to end… Read more »

October 6, 2022 9:21 am

DeSantis is trying not to disrespect the President publicly, especially since he could use federal funds, but Childers points out that body language says quite a lot.  I like that the camo guy is trying not to break into a smile as Bidet tries to blame global warmongering for the hurricane.

Nope, Joey, a hurricane does not end the argument.

I’d love to see a real, live, and lively public debate on climate change. PUBLIC.  Let the science be discussed, not settled.

EDIT: forgot the linkie×270/0XsBPBpMq6NolKJL.mp4?tag=12

October 6, 2022 9:16 am

10 Tedtam From the comments: The real question is how this will play out. I don’t think Mr. Putin will do anything crazy, but whatever he does will be carefully thought out (in ways that will likely be opaque to most in the West) and bring serious consequences to all and sundry. Already the frozen food industry in Germany is going bankrupt and cannot afford the energy needed to keep the frozen food frozen. It’s going down. Other things will follow. The EU is certainly finished. In the long (very long) run, we may find that this painful and likely… Read more »

October 6, 2022 9:16 am

The FBI found 11 more people to arrest for FACE violations at abortion clinics.  (More likely, they were on their knees praying a rosary, but that’s just my take.)  They were found after the FBI combed through their social media accounts.

Meanwhile, zero FBI raids or arrests have been made of “Jane’s Revenge” group members who firebombed a dozen pro-life pregnancy centers this summer after the Supreme Court’s decision came out.

Sounds fair.

October 6, 2022 9:13 am

C&C also discusses a new internet “disinformation” law that is up for discussion in the UK.  If this law is passed, then the government will get to decide what is “suitable” to be on the internet.  They are using a suicide by a teenager who researched methods for killing herself online. Childers makes the same point I’ve been trying to tell lefty people for years: This law would be a double edged sword.  You may think you are safe today, because your politically correct views are protected.  Today.  Who’s to say that tomorrow your views are unprotected?  Will you complain… Read more »

Super Dave
October 6, 2022 9:11 am

We never, ever see deer in this neighborhood, crazy.

Plant you some turnip greens this fall and you may see some, plant English Peas in the spring and you surely wll see  some. The tender stalks of the English Peas are their favorite I bet a person could eat them and they’d be good.


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