Wrap up my Tuesday: Got the mowing and edging all done, but needed a nap more than I needed to tidy up with the blower. I will do that tomorrow. There are a million sticks fallen on the driveway so I will use the blower to get that mess into piles I can sack up for the trash bin. Good timing since I need to have the black bin out tomorrow evening.
Ummm i was talking about Monkey’s data. That guy is a genius. Not many i trust but him in his element I do.
Abuck Syxbits
October 4, 2022 9:47 pm
Squawk @ #60 Data has been twisted and corrupted by Bidet and company for over two years. The current Recession being an example. The rule for when to call it a Recession was met at the end of the second quarter. Bidet and his minions promptly changed the definition and criteria by which it was to be met. So nothing to see here move along. By the third quarter, reality has hit and so has the recession. But it is much worse than they are letting on. It is my belief Wall Street will play ball as long as the… Read more »
Getting close to shut down time out here in the country. GF up in Philly returned to baby sitting duty upon making it back from a 3 week safari in Africa. She immediate caught a cold from her grand daughter, and her son tested positive for COVID. So by the end of this week, she had a cold, and she tells me this evening that she could not smell grand daughter’s dirty diaper yesterday – son had to tell her. Today she says she cannot taste anything either. Not a good sign from what I hear about the covid stuff. … Read more »
E.G. it’s pretty quiet around here – Squawk is working on something, I’m dehydrating eggs, and the Astros are up 6-0 over Phillie, bottom of the 3rd… And he grilled some nice meaty boneless beef ribs – we get to have leftovers tomorrow 😉
I made a swing by the thrift store and Rose brought out her stash of canning jars for me. It’s a good thing she was hiding them, because I think I found my competition, who saw the jars and asked me where I found them as her face lit up. I told her I have to look in various places to find. Which I do. Some of them I found with Rose and three others I found with the canisters. Quite a few of them are vintage. I just looked ’em up, and as best I can tell, I have… Read more »
I went to Floore’s Country Store in Helotes to meet up with some great old friends of mine from high school many years ago and there was this incredible band and singer/songwriter there nobody had heard of. His name was Robert Earl Keen and he went on to fame and fortune. It was a beautiful night and I even had my daughter and mother with me.
Texpat at 2:08 pm The part of 34th St between 290 and TC Jester used to be much more commonly visited by me than it has been lately. For 15 years, I used a veterinarian Dr Jack Moore who was situated there, until he moved pretty far out on I-10. The drive wasn’t horribly long, but my cat Millie who is now 20+ old just couldn’t be in the carrier that long. I have banked at the Bank of America site on 34th since 1983 — not that I have much reason to go to the bank in person these… Read more »
My afternoon nap worked out just fine today. That’s one thing I’m getting better at – napping. Did a few outside chores this morning, will do a few more this afternoon.
October 4, 2022 2:51 pm
Well, I ran out of steam before I was quite finished. There’s a strip of lawn on the east side of the house that should only take 10-15 minutes to mow, but I wasn’t up to it. I’ll prolly have my usual lunch (sandwich with a side), then take a nap, and then see if I’m able to finish up.
Texpat – I feel your pain… I clicked on the Texas Dance Halls interactive map, and although they did have The Cabaret in Bandera and Floore’s Country Store in Helotes, I was aghast they didn’t recognize Arkey Blue’s Silver Dollar LOLOL… Guess I oughta get back to rearranging stuff in the kitchen part of our “great room” – the kitchen cart that “Nellie” lives on is at the end of the kitchen peninsula, and the cart was something Squawk’s Mom brought with her when she moved in with us… It’s amazing that, after the ump-teenth time of cleaning up whooped… Read more »
Earlier, I took a streetview Google Map tour of 34th Street from North Shepherd to 290. I don’t recognize it. One of the few buildings not torn down and replaced is my old office complex near 34th and Mangum. It feels weird.
I haven’t posted anything for tomorrow and I have to go out and run errands before sundown and the beginning of Yom Kippur. In case I don’t get back in time I hope some contributor steps up.
The medical people constantly asking patients for their name, birthdate and treatment is to protect them, not the patient. It’s to make sure they haven’t screwed up and aren’t giving a colonoscopy to someone in there for a heart cath.
Hat Tip – ACE American Medical Association Demands Merrick Garland Begin Intimidating Critics of Transgender Surgeries and Prosecute Journalists for “Disinformation,” All in the Guise of Stopping “Threats” —Ace This is what the National School Boards Association did last year — in order to intimidate political opponents who protested their policies of pushing transgender grooming on children, they conspired with Merrick Garland to label concerned parents exercising their political rights to speak up at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists” and open investigations into them. I say when we get a Republican president and a Republican DOJ and a Republican… Read more »
Yesterday, having freed myself of my clothes and what little dignity I had to begin with, these two nurses sashayed into to my pre-op room and started the process. I discovered years ago that the only defense in this situation is full-blown humorous banter and gentle flirting. Nurse #1 is the tenth person of the day to ask me my name, my birthday, and why I am there. Meanwhile, Nurse #2, a Mediterranean-skinned beauty worthy of a Brunette Friday post, skillfully jabs me to set up the IV. Nurse #1 has me sign three last forms, no doubt absolving them… Read more »
‘Sweet Truth Act’ would require sugar warnings on chain restaurant menus
Spearheaded by Manhattan Councilmember Keith Powers and health advocates, the bill, dubbed the “Sweet Truth Act,” would require chain restaurants to place warning icons next to all menu items that contain more than 50 grams—or 12 ½ teaspoons—of added sugars.
December 2015, John Nova Lomax for Texas Monthly Greater Houston seems to get a little less stereotypically Texan with each passing year, and that shift is about to take a big leap forward with the loss of Tin Hall, the last real old-school Texas dancehall in the entire Houston metro area, which is closing at the end of the year. We’ll soon be left with little more than a SPJST Lodge that looks more like an elementary school than a dance hall. Tin Hall started hosting events in 1889—the same year Coca-Cola incorporated, the Eiffel Tower rose over Paris, and Vincent Van Gogh… Read more »
Spent many a Monday (dollar night?) at Thunderbird, it was the hang out. Pull my Texas Card, I never went to Tin Hall. When my dad passed and we moved down here after some time my mom started dating a bit and went to Tin Hall fairly often.
And discovered right away that Satan himself has decided to personally direct my brand new sinus infection. Good news is that I didn’t suffocate during the night.
Like I’ve always said, the best place to go catch something and get sick is a hospital. There is no doubt you picked this up at the cath lab.
October 4, 2022 11:12 am
Morning, all y’all. I am thinking about mowing my front yard today. Soon as I finish breakfast, I’ll go outside and decide yes or no.
When I was a kid, I always wanted to go to the Esquire Ballroom, but back in those days you had to be 21 and none of us Hempstead Highway cowboys could get in. All my life I wanted to see Ernest Tubbs live, but something always got in the way and then it was too late. We could go out to Tin Hall in Cypress to dance where if you were tall enough to slide two quarters onto the bar, they would sell you a beer as long as you said it was for your father. TIN HALL DANCE… Read more »
Oh no. I used to go see Loretta and ET at the Esquire Ballroom out on 290 back in the day. One day Loretta brought her little sister with her, and she was a pretty good singer too. Her name is Crystal Gayle. Going out back and talking with them on the bus just like we were old friends or something.
And discovered right away that Satan himself has decided to personally direct my brand new sinus infection. Good news is that I didn’t suffocate during the night.
Don’t bother calling me today, as I have completely lost my voice.
I’ve had enough. I can no longer ignore the bizarre corollary to Godwin’s Law proven here on a daily basis:Tipton’s Corollary to Godwin’s Law:
As any Open Comments thread grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving conservatives and authoritarians by Bob42 approaches 1. In other words, given enough time, in any OC discussion — regardless of topic or scope — Bob42 inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to beliefs held by authoritarians.
R.I.P. Loretta Lynn, Ditto’s that. My wife is going to be sad, she was determined to see her on stage before she passed away. She (my wife) missed her when she played in Birmingham a couple of years ago. My wife was going until something with daughter came up and she decided daughter was more important, of course. Wife even had tickets.
RE: My comment at 10:03 AM I’m constantly amazed at the sloppy, deceptive garbage pumped out by leftwing institutions in this country. They don’t even try to hide it anymore because they know how gullible and ignorant “reporters” and “editors” are at media outlets today. 2016: In a stunningly blunt interview, top Obama adviser Ben Rhodes asserted that the administration’s foreign policy team built an “echo chamber” of experts to help sell the controversial Iran nuclear deal. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes made the comments as part of an extensive profile in The New York Times Magazine. The article detailed… Read more »
October 4, 2022 10:22 am
Yom Tov to our Jewish friends and if you fast may it be meaningful and good.
Now that I’m using the arm a bit, it’s not as close to 100% as I thought. Maybe..85-90%. Believe it or not, it’s being on the computer that seems to stress it the most. (When I’m not trying to move packed dirt in my container garden.) It’s something about the angle upon which I rest my hand on the keyboard. I try to support it with something under my elbow, but pillows keep moving on me. I’ll keep trying to be careful with it, as much as I can. I do hate being straitjacketed, though. Still, so much better than… Read more »
There are reportedly 4,858,883 people living in Harris County, Texas. There are reportedly 2,557,666 registered voters in Harris County, Texas. In July 2022, the University of Houston’s Hobby School of Public Affairs conducted a poll with 1,169 likely voters in Harris County and declared it a neck-and-neck race with Hidalgo 48% vs del Moral Mealer 47%. Uh oh. So now, in September 2022, as we move closer to the election, the Hobby School of Public Affairs, Texas Southern University and dedicated leftist Mark P. Jones of Rice University join together to poll 195 likely voters (in a county of 2,557,666… Read more »
Wrap up my Tuesday: Got the mowing and edging all done, but needed a nap more than I needed to tidy up with the blower. I will do that tomorrow. There are a million sticks fallen on the driveway so I will use the blower to get that mess into piles I can sack up for the trash bin. Good timing since I need to have the black bin out tomorrow evening.
Night all!
Ummm i was talking about Monkey’s data. That guy is a genius. Not many i trust but him in his element I do.
Squawk @ #60 Data has been twisted and corrupted by Bidet and company for over two years. The current Recession being an example. The rule for when to call it a Recession was met at the end of the second quarter. Bidet and his minions promptly changed the definition and criteria by which it was to be met. So nothing to see here move along. By the third quarter, reality has hit and so has the recession. But it is much worse than they are letting on. It is my belief Wall Street will play ball as long as the… Read more »
Getting close to shut down time out here in the country. GF up in Philly returned to baby sitting duty upon making it back from a 3 week safari in Africa. She immediate caught a cold from her grand daughter, and her son tested positive for COVID. So by the end of this week, she had a cold, and she tells me this evening that she could not smell grand daughter’s dirty diaper yesterday – son had to tell her. Today she says she cannot taste anything either. Not a good sign from what I hear about the covid stuff. … Read more »
You cannot argue with data. The US. did the deed.
E.G. it’s pretty quiet around here – Squawk is working on something, I’m dehydrating eggs, and the Astros are up 6-0 over Phillie, bottom of the 3rd… And he grilled some nice meaty boneless beef ribs – we get to have leftovers tomorrow 😉
No news to speak of. Just checking in. Might try once more before bedtime.
Good to see CFP covering Monkey Werks.
He had a great segment on The Nord Stream pipeline sabotage and the exact time and plane that was involved.
He had this right after it happened and I believe Squawkbox posted the link as well.
A lot of finger pointing has been happening since and I look for Spyglass to be throttle as well as Monkey Werks.
I made a swing by the thrift store and Rose brought out her stash of canning jars for me. It’s a good thing she was hiding them, because I think I found my competition, who saw the jars and asked me where I found them as her face lit up. I told her I have to look in various places to find. Which I do. Some of them I found with Rose and three others I found with the canisters. Quite a few of them are vintage. I just looked ’em up, and as best I can tell, I have… Read more »
52 bsue54
I went to Floore’s Country Store in Helotes to meet up with some great old friends of mine from high school many years ago and there was this incredible band and singer/songwriter there nobody had heard of. His name was Robert Earl Keen and he went on to fame and fortune. It was a beautiful night and I even had my daughter and mother with me.
I knew it. I said it. I can’t remember when.
I always thought Musk would do the Twitter deal, no matter what. All the genius chattering heads said he was backing out.
And he is not.
Texpat at 2:08 pm The part of 34th St between 290 and TC Jester used to be much more commonly visited by me than it has been lately. For 15 years, I used a veterinarian Dr Jack Moore who was situated there, until he moved pretty far out on I-10. The drive wasn’t horribly long, but my cat Millie who is now 20+ old just couldn’t be in the carrier that long. I have banked at the Bank of America site on 34th since 1983 — not that I have much reason to go to the bank in person these… Read more »
My afternoon nap worked out just fine today. That’s one thing I’m getting better at – napping. Did a few outside chores this morning, will do a few more this afternoon.
Well, I ran out of steam before I was quite finished. There’s a strip of lawn on the east side of the house that should only take 10-15 minutes to mow, but I wasn’t up to it. I’ll prolly have my usual lunch (sandwich with a side), then take a nap, and then see if I’m able to finish up.
Texpat – I feel your pain… I clicked on the Texas Dance Halls interactive map, and although they did have The Cabaret in Bandera and Floore’s Country Store in Helotes, I was aghast they didn’t recognize Arkey Blue’s Silver Dollar LOLOL… Guess I oughta get back to rearranging stuff in the kitchen part of our “great room” – the kitchen cart that “Nellie” lives on is at the end of the kitchen peninsula, and the cart was something Squawk’s Mom brought with her when she moved in with us… It’s amazing that, after the ump-teenth time of cleaning up whooped… Read more »
Earlier, I took a streetview Google Map tour of 34th Street from North Shepherd to 290. I don’t recognize it. One of the few buildings not torn down and replaced is my old office complex near 34th and Mangum. It feels weird.
Nurse Shannon hoped to see and convince us he saw
Nurse he got
I haven’t posted anything for tomorrow and I have to go out and run errands before sundown and the beginning of Yom Kippur. In case I don’t get back in time I hope some contributor steps up.
The medical people constantly asking patients for their name, birthdate and treatment is to protect them, not the patient. It’s to make sure they haven’t screwed up and aren’t giving a colonoscopy to someone in there for a heart cath.
Hat Tip – ACE American Medical Association Demands Merrick Garland Begin Intimidating Critics of Transgender Surgeries and Prosecute Journalists for “Disinformation,” All in the Guise of Stopping “Threats” —Ace This is what the National School Boards Association did last year — in order to intimidate political opponents who protested their policies of pushing transgender grooming on children, they conspired with Merrick Garland to label concerned parents exercising their political rights to speak up at school board meetings as “domestic terrorists” and open investigations into them. I say when we get a Republican president and a Republican DOJ and a Republican… Read more »
Yeah the SMALL (it’s cold in there!) talk amongst two nurses working in such close proximity of the nether regions is interesting at best.
I went out, I decided, I’m now half done and taking a hydration break. Sparkling water is my fav these days.
Yesterday, having freed myself of my clothes and what little dignity I had to begin with, these two nurses sashayed into to my pre-op room and started the process. I discovered years ago that the only defense in this situation is full-blown humorous banter and gentle flirting. Nurse #1 is the tenth person of the day to ask me my name, my birthday, and why I am there. Meanwhile, Nurse #2, a Mediterranean-skinned beauty worthy of a Brunette Friday post, skillfully jabs me to set up the IV. Nurse #1 has me sign three last forms, no doubt absolving them… Read more »
46 Squawk
Thanks for the warning. There is a reason for that mile wide river between NYC and New Jersey though.
‘Sweet Truth Act’ would require sugar warnings on chain restaurant menus
December 2015, John Nova Lomax for Texas Monthly Greater Houston seems to get a little less stereotypically Texan with each passing year, and that shift is about to take a big leap forward with the loss of Tin Hall, the last real old-school Texas dancehall in the entire Houston metro area, which is closing at the end of the year. We’ll soon be left with little more than a SPJST Lodge that looks more like an elementary school than a dance hall. Tin Hall started hosting events in 1889—the same year Coca-Cola incorporated, the Eiffel Tower rose over Paris, and Vincent Van Gogh… Read more »
What happened to the avatars?
ed: Oh, there they are, one has to refresh to see them reappear.
I have fond memories of the Thunderbird, not the movies but the girls I was smooching with.
Spent many a Monday (dollar night?) at Thunderbird, it was the hang out. Pull my Texas Card, I never went to Tin Hall. When my dad passed and we moved down here after some time my mom started dating a bit and went to Tin Hall fairly often.
37 Shannon
Like I’ve always said, the best place to go catch something and get sick is a hospital. There is no doubt you picked this up at the cath lab.
Morning, all y’all. I am thinking about mowing my front yard today. Soon as I finish breakfast, I’ll go outside and decide yes or no.
When I was a kid, I always wanted to go to the Esquire Ballroom, but back in those days you had to be 21 and none of us Hempstead Highway cowboys could get in. All my life I wanted to see Ernest Tubbs live, but something always got in the way and then it was too late. We could go out to Tin Hall in Cypress to dance where if you were tall enough to slide two quarters onto the bar, they would sell you a beer as long as you said it was for your father. TIN HALL DANCE… Read more »
3 must have magazines for old farts like me that I forgot about. Great bathroom reading right there.
Readers Digest
The Old Farmers Almanac
I guess I should be grateful that he waited until today.
#37 – Maybe they should take those heart stents and shove them up your nose.
Oh no. I used to go see Loretta and ET at the Esquire Ballroom out on 290 back in the day. One day Loretta brought her little sister with her, and she was a pretty good singer too. Her name is Crystal Gayle. Going out back and talking with them on the bus just like we were old friends or something.
I didn’t wake up until 9:30AM.
And discovered right away that Satan himself has decided to personally direct my brand new sinus infection. Good news is that I didn’t suffocate during the night.
Don’t bother calling me today, as I have completely lost my voice.
(And cedar season is at least 2 months away!)
Sissy Spacek, a native of Quitman, Texas and Ernest Tubb, a native of Crisp, Texas in Coal Miner’s Daughter, the story of Loretta Lynn, who passed away at the age of 90 today.
#33 Squawk HA! Good ole Bob42, miss him. 😀
Kristi bagged a big ole White Tail up in Kansas and with a bow no less. Dang!
Today’s Hamousonian. (Good old days edition)
And sadly they have NO desire to learn anything just parrot the latest Democrat/Communists/Deep State talking point.
R.I.P. Loretta Lynn, Ditto’s that. My wife is going to be sad, she was determined to see her on stage before she passed away. She (my wife) missed her when she played in Birmingham a couple of years ago. My wife was going until something with daughter came up and she decided daughter was more important, of course. Wife even had tickets.
RE: My comment at 10:03 AM I’m constantly amazed at the sloppy, deceptive garbage pumped out by leftwing institutions in this country. They don’t even try to hide it anymore because they know how gullible and ignorant “reporters” and “editors” are at media outlets today. 2016: In a stunningly blunt interview, top Obama adviser Ben Rhodes asserted that the administration’s foreign policy team built an “echo chamber” of experts to help sell the controversial Iran nuclear deal. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes made the comments as part of an extensive profile in The New York Times Magazine. The article detailed… Read more »
Yom Tov to our Jewish friends and if you fast may it be meaningful and good.
RIP, Loretta.
They don’t make ’em like that any more. Another “end of an era” story.
Now that I’m using the arm a bit, it’s not as close to 100% as I thought. Maybe..85-90%. Believe it or not, it’s being on the computer that seems to stress it the most. (When I’m not trying to move packed dirt in my container garden.) It’s something about the angle upon which I rest my hand on the keyboard. I try to support it with something under my elbow, but pillows keep moving on me. I’ll keep trying to be careful with it, as much as I can. I do hate being straitjacketed, though. Still, so much better than… Read more »
R.I.P. Loretta Lynn
There are reportedly 4,858,883 people living in Harris County, Texas. There are reportedly 2,557,666 registered voters in Harris County, Texas. In July 2022, the University of Houston’s Hobby School of Public Affairs conducted a poll with 1,169 likely voters in Harris County and declared it a neck-and-neck race with Hidalgo 48% vs del Moral Mealer 47%. Uh oh. So now, in September 2022, as we move closer to the election, the Hobby School of Public Affairs, Texas Southern University and dedicated leftist Mark P. Jones of Rice University join together to poll 195 likely voters (in a county of 2,557,666… Read more »
You do know that picture leads to SPEEDOS