Weekend Open Comments

Haven’t heard from JP in a while…now we know why! 😉





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Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 14, 2022 11:33 pm

Shannon says: August 14, 2022 at 11:14 pm Wait a sec.   i thought it was the $64,000 question. Just a quick drive by. Right you are Scotty. I would like to blame that on Shrinkflation but the reality is, What ever Biden has I think I’m catching it. The good news is pretty soon all I will need is… Read more »

August 14, 2022 11:32 pm

Be calm.

All is well.

Things could be worse.

That weird lady from Massachusetts who terrorized college campuses across America (including UH & UT) has confirmed that she doesn’t have a penis.


August 14, 2022 11:14 pm

Wait a sec.

i thought it was the $64,000 question.

August 14, 2022 10:41 pm

IMHO the creators of this site are working well in making it comfortable and special for us to call it home now. We make it home by enjoying the company and thoughts of fellow Hamsters.  And where else would we get information essential to know what is happening in the real world that is such a mess thanks to you… Read more »

Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 14, 2022 10:38 pm

Like ELG and others, it is lights out here on the Hill.

I can’t imagine what we will talk about tomorrow?

But I’m certain it will be lively. 🙂

Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 14, 2022 10:23 pm

The passages John 18:37-38 NASB Jesus before Pilate 37 Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this purpose I have been born, and for this I have come into the world: to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to My voice.”… Read more »

El Gordo
August 14, 2022 9:57 pm

Evening gang. About bedtime.  I notice that a couple of people are still yelling at me about my comment concerning listing conservative web sites or something like that.  I went back and re read what I had written, and I think I had concluded that is would probably a good idea.  I think I’ve been consistent in my thinking that… Read more »

August 14, 2022 9:50 pm


Always keep one eye on the bass player.

Super Dave
August 14, 2022 9:46 pm

Two Hunnerd N Sixty!! Dang Dammit! What a weekend.

Super Dave
August 14, 2022 9:45 pm

Dang! I have NO IDEA what’s been happening but I’ll wait until the morning and see if things are back to normal. FWIW; I talked to the boy and #1 granddaughter won a pair of Justin Roper’s for her impressive Mutton Bustin’ performance. According to the boy, ( and there is no way he could be biased in any way)… Read more »

August 14, 2022 9:19 pm

at 1:44 pm

Jammin ON!!!                🙂

August 14, 2022 9:18 pm

Hee hee

August 14, 2022 9:11 pm

Shannon This commenter is saying the search warrant itself had the names of the magistrate and the authorizing FBI agent redacted.  No one, absolutely no one has claimed this.  All of the players, the magistrate and the authorizing FBI agent have been known from the very beginning. Nobody outside the DOJ and FBI has seen any copies of the underlying… Read more »

August 14, 2022 9:10 pm

I’m not lying. Or in any way liable or responsible.

My veterinarian’s road sign says,

What does a frog wear?

open toad shoes


August 14, 2022 9:02 pm

I know everyone is sincere in their concern for what’s going on in this country, but please be very careful and skeptical about what you read, especially in the comment sections of commentators you might otherwise trust. Just because some total stranger posts a comment on a website of a reliable and trustworthy commentator does not mean they aren’t some… Read more »

August 14, 2022 9:02 pm

Now wait a sec.

The Warrant and the accompanying documents are two different things according to what I heard for two days?


August 14, 2022 8:57 pm


Party pooper.

August 14, 2022 8:49 pm

Tedtam @8:27 PM I’m sorry, but I’m calling BS on this C&C commenter. I don’t know where his information comes from, but the federal magistrate and authorizing agent on a federal search warrant are public information and have been public knowledge from the minute this whole circus act started.  They cannot be legally redacted.  No Article IV judge authorized by… Read more »

August 14, 2022 8:47 pm

Tedtam congrats on the DIY water filter. Definitely cheaper than a Berkey.

August 14, 2022 8:40 pm

Where is Vic Morrow when you need him?

Another one in the file for later use.

Can I start a tab?

August 14, 2022 8:25 pm

STOP. All I ever said was I was going to make a brief list of websites I think are very good.  One time – as a courtesy – and somehow it blew up into s***storm and now El Gordo is all sideways again. I never even said I would include hyperlinks, which I never intended to do. I’ve never liked… Read more »

August 14, 2022 8:15 pm

Shannon at 7:30… I bet your Hardin Simmons grandmother was amazing.

August 14, 2022 8:00 pm


The ladies are back from puttin up the chickens…

🙂 🙂

Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 14, 2022 7:55 pm

Well at least I didn’t get “Tared and Feathered”. I consider that a plus. We used the KISS method a lot in construction so the same must apply here. Amazon Prime Video is calling and I’m trying to finish up a Combat movie set in Vietnam with Australians as the Combat Force. It is different to say the least. Where… Read more »

August 14, 2022 7:46 pm

Shannon at 7:38… Thanx – that was awesome

August 14, 2022 7:44 pm

My 7:38

Perennial Brunette Of The Year Candidate

Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 14, 2022 7:43 pm

Shannon says: August 14, 2022 at 7:16 pm Abuck 7:06   No offense intended, but that’s seems to be a solution looking for a problem that doesn’t exist. Like I have said before. Being a Newbie to blogs I don’t see the whole picture I just see some of the frustration being posted. I Volunteered for many years Building Churches… Read more »

August 14, 2022 7:40 pm

I try to adhere to the KISS principle in my life and this blog should too. 😉

August 14, 2022 7:38 pm
August 14, 2022 7:37 pm

Yee-haw… a Phil Poetry sighting. It’s been too long.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 14, 2022 7:33 pm

the blog has poetry too. fbi always gonna  lie fingers in the pie darkens the sky crossed lovers denied, raids at night flick off the light only the right gets caught in their sites, the Richard they jeweled in thought crime night school As potato heads glee on  the color tee-vee irs ammoing up 87 thousand new ducks gonna rummage… Read more »

August 14, 2022 7:30 pm


Our amazing maternal grandmother attended Hardin-Simmons at some point.

Super Dave
August 14, 2022 7:30 pm

OK This has been a quick Drive-By but I have to go, the ladies are back from putting the chickens up. it’s almost dark here and I think the days are getting shorter?

FWIW; Sister really likes the Pole Barn but not as good as the Texas tamale’s, refried/charro beans, Mesican rice, guacamole, salsa N chips fer supper.

Super Dave
August 14, 2022 7:27 pm

Shannon 2 7:16 pm


As Jeff Cooper would say; “That is an Ingenious solution answer to a non-existant problem”.

FWIW; He was speaking about the double action first shot on a semi-auto pistol. 1911 cocked and locked, condition one is all you need.

August 14, 2022 7:26 pm

Eveyone here has a forum provided to them FREE of charge.  We who run this thing ask very little of y’all other than keep things civil and within the grounds of good taste.  That has worked for 20 years.  Why would we want to go subscription?  Subscription brings with it a group of problems that I do not care to… Read more »

August 14, 2022 7:20 pm

Super Dave, congrats – when they show the highlights from any rodeo on the news, the mutton bustin’ is ALWAYS my very most favorite-est of them all… My hometown is home to the Hardin Simmons University rodeo – since the 1940’s… and, since my Daddy was a real cowboy in his younger years, we ALWAYS went… Thankfully, he never let me… Read more »

Super Dave
August 14, 2022 7:19 pm

SD you have a great memory! Yup I remember everything and it goes way back. I remember going to a picnic with my dad and coming back with my mom. 😉 FWIW; I do hope that I didn’t offend Granny Hamous but it is innuendo at it’s best. About the picture. I noticed how the people were dressed and the… Read more »

August 14, 2022 7:16 pm

Abuck 7:06

No offense intended, but that’s seems to be a solution looking for a problem that doesn’t exist.