Friday Open Comments





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August 12, 2022 11:55 pm

Good night, gang. I just found an astonishing story, but it’s too late to do anything with it. I’ll post a link to it tomorrow.


August 12, 2022 11:46 pm

11:36 pm – Lord have MERCY!

August 12, 2022 11:36 pm
August 12, 2022 11:18 pm

Abuck sneaks in the the side window and alluvasudden we’re doing 150 a day.

You don’t happen sell that stuff by the pound gallon, do ya?

Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 12, 2022 10:30 pm

Seems I have been playing catch up all day. 🙁 I’m heading to Columbus to watch Football with Dad and looking forward to our time together. There is a Single Retired Professor from Rice that lives right across the street and sometimes I visit with her too. She is an anomaly in that she is ultra conservative and we often… Read more »

Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 12, 2022 10:21 pm

Katfish says:

August 12, 2022 at 10:04 pm

Yo Preach it Jon!

It must really frustrate the Hollywood Elite that John and few others refuse to carry their water.

James Woods is another.

Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 12, 2022 10:18 pm

squawkbox says:

August 12, 2022 at 9:55 pm


Re: Stressful week

Noli sinere pessimi nequissimique te tristificare!

And refuse to stoop to their level!

El Gordo
August 12, 2022 10:13 pm

Nite all.

August 12, 2022 9:55 pm


Re: Stressful week

Noli sinere pessimi nequissimique te tristificare!


August 12, 2022 9:49 pm

Super Dave says:
August 12, 2022 at 9:02 pm

Tell me about it! You obviously don’t read my posts, but then, who does? 

Dave, I was talking about the many projects that Tedtam and her Hubby are working on. But of course I read your posts also! Why would you think otherwise? I follow all your projects on your Alabammy Farm!

August 12, 2022 9:44 pm

NASA: Our Latin class was delayed due to several of us having various issues and needing more time.  Instead of the class, we ended up in a discussion of Bible translations – Latin, Greek, English, and various iterations – general history and some other Catholic related stuff.  It was a great replacement class.   Just before logging us off, he… Read more »

Super Dave
August 12, 2022 9:41 pm

My, how Elizabeth benefited from another ten or fifteen years of age after that photo!

Yup, just like Natalie Wood she got better looking the older she got.

August 12, 2022 9:35 pm

Super Dave 9:09

My, how Elizabeth benefited from another ten or fifteen years of age after that photo!

August 12, 2022 9:27 pm


Morrison was an early anti-lockdown leader.

He has taken legal action against an Irish bureaucrat Covid Nazi.

Super Dave
August 12, 2022 9:27 pm

A hunnerd and fifty three?!?! Y’all are smokin’ again….me not so much but I had a fine day until about 3 PM and the weather turned nasty but it cleared up by 5. BTW; I’ll be heading out in the morning and I hate to go but it’ll be good to get home.

Super Dave
August 12, 2022 9:21 pm

Spotted over yonder NASA Super Guppy,  built from a highly modified Boeing 377 Stratocruiser. FWIW; thee CG was so screwy that you landed it on the nose wheel and as far as I know it is the only plane that does that. I know this because I had to instrument the landing gear on the SG at Ellington and met… Read more »

Super Dave
August 12, 2022 9:09 pm

OK, here ya’ go; Elizabeth Montgomery on what looks like a 63 Buick Le Sabre…..Yes I know. 😉

Super Dave
August 12, 2022 9:02 pm


TT, I find it amazing how you and Hubby sorta “retire” from the plumbing business and yet you are busier than ever!

Tell me about it! You obviously don’t read my posts, but then, who does? 😀

Super Dave
August 12, 2022 8:59 pm

Texpat @ 7:48 pm I was packing up when Tulsi Gabbard came on so I texted the wife so she could catch the show. She likes Tulsi but hasn’t been watching Tucker since he is on Vacation. I saw a little of the show and after she lost the primary and showed up on the tube, I quickly figured out… Read more »

August 12, 2022 8:58 pm

My 8:23 From the comments: Such is the alchemy of the singer’s craft, when he blends words and sounds in such a way that you don’t hear it with your ears, you hear it with your soul. You are touched by it on a deeper level. It changes you. Transports you. And you are, somehow, never the same again. Music… Read more »

August 12, 2022 8:51 pm

/sending virtual hugs and pats on the head/


You just get some rest, okay?

August 12, 2022 8:40 pm

Texpat, et al –


I have queued up a weekend offering.

August 12, 2022 8:23 pm
August 12, 2022 8:22 pm

Shannon says: August 12, 2022 at 7:52 pm Edit I’m so confused.  Why are you filtering treated COH tap water? To get the chlorine out??? Yes.  I think my tea tastes better with filtered water.  I’m not a water snob, though.  The city water is safe and I’ll drink it without a fuss.  I just prefer my water without the… Read more »

August 12, 2022 8:14 pm

Shannon – From TexPat’s 1:53pm What were all these “disabled/medically vulnerable people” doing to function and survive before the Chinese Wuhan Biowarfare showed up ?  Have they been hiding in their attics and basements ever since the Spanish Flu epidemic ?  If they didn’t all starve to death, were they missed by the US Census Bureau ?  Their numbers are… Read more »

August 12, 2022 8:06 pm

Need a dog video every once in a while.

To ward off the ever present, highly contagious, persistent cat blog virus.

August 12, 2022 7:52 pm

I’m so confused.

Why are you filtering treated COH tap water? To get the chlorine out???


Dr phil Good-E=1984
August 12, 2022 7:51 pm

Secession is the answer to this completely abusive and totalitarian den of demons in DC.

The inflation reduction act is in reality the they serve Satan act.

August 12, 2022 7:38 pm

So you’re carrying rainwater in from the outside. And pouring it into this filter apparatus?


Only if it’s an emergency situation.  Hubby’s gonna put a pump with a hose connection for yard use.


Indoor filter will use tap water.  Unless we just get a wild hair….

August 12, 2022 7:33 pm

So you’re carrying rainwater in from the outside. And pouring it into this filter apparatus?

I hope you don’t need a step ladder to do the pouring.

And concerning your arm, 5 gallons of water weighs about 41.5 pounds.

August 12, 2022 7:32 pm
August 12, 2022 7:27 pm

Super Dave

Now that is funny right there I tell you whut.

August 12, 2022 7:27 pm

Texpat @7:06

Oh, I just read what you highlighted and never clicked the link.

My Attention Deficit Disorder goes through the roof when Taylor Lorenz is the subject.

Her initial embarrassing national exposure and 15 minutes of fame lasted about 2.5 minutes for me. I never again clicked on a story about her.

August 12, 2022 7:19 pm

BSue, I forgot to address your question re the big tank outside and water filtering inside.   No real connection between the two, except that in cases of emergency, we could draw water from the rain tank and run it through the filter system.   Rain water harvesting tank is primarily for outdoor use, such as watering my garden and… Read more »

Super Dave
August 12, 2022 7:05 pm

Monkey pox is most likely to spread between monkeys that monkey with another monkey’s monkey.

All I know is that if you monkey with another monkey’s monkey you might wind up with a gorilla on your back. 😀

August 12, 2022 6:58 pm

I missed today’s dust bunny reference and never could find it.

But I guarantee there are some under the bed in the master bedroom bigger than a small calf.

August 12, 2022 6:57 pm

Regarding a silver coating in your clay pot, is it certain that no molecule of silver will ever end up in your potable water? Also not clear to me how water gets into a pot on your kitchen counter. What is the connection between a huge tank outside and a clay pot inside?   Any silver that makes it into… Read more »

Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 12, 2022 6:56 pm

Amazon Prime Time Harpies are warming up in the wings.

So it is off to a couple of hours of nonsensical escapism and regrettably sometimes nonsensical Woke Escapism.

If it gets to unbearable I just switch to another movie.

Sometimes just 5 minutes into the Woke Drivel.


August 12, 2022 6:52 pm

No kidding, mharper @6:40. The last time I was at the Dome there was hardly any room for anything else. I mean, she’s running a Preppers Factory in there. I thought this filter apparatus was going to be outside. And after hearing about her shelving disaster failure, I think Texpat and I need to go over there and build her… Read more »

Abuck Syxbits
Abuck Syxbits
August 12, 2022 6:41 pm

Texpat @1:53pm

These dust bunny hermits across the land didn’t pay their cable bills so they couldn’t watch the Decline of America.

Another great “Word Picture” from today.

I believe bsue got a chuckle too!