Wednesday Garage Sale Kamala Open Comments

It seems that pics with Biden’s insurance policy, for a fundraiser, have had the price slashed from $15,000 each to $5,000.

Nobody wants a picture with Kamala.

DNC is slashing prices for a photo w/ Kamala Harris. Tickets for a photo with the VP at the Women’s Leadership Forum started at $15,000, but it failed to sell enough tickets & is being postponed. VP’s June fundraiser in Cali is charging $5,000 for a photo

And then there’s discussion of the next election:

I wonder how his calculations about running again would have been affected by having a popular VP who’s widely viewed as a future leader of the party. Realistically it’s impossible for a vice president to have high approval when the president himself doesn’t, but you can imagine an alternate universe in which Biden has a young charismatic veep who comes off polished and ready for primetime in his or her public appearances. In that situation, party chieftains might already be leaning on Sleepy Joe to pass the baton and be the “bridge” to the next generation of Democratic leaders, as he once described himself.

As it is, with Harris below 40 percent favorability, how eager can they be to see him step aside? Even an elderly, badly politically wounded Joe Biden might be a stronger play in 2024 than she is. Biden may see himself as having a duty to run in those circumstances, even if he privately doesn’t feel up to it. Tara Palmeri reports that his staff is getting ready for a reelection announcement in the spring but they’re not sure if he intends to follow through or if the preparations are a just-in-case thing. Either way, everyone’s hoping for a decision soon — a steep ask of a politician who’s infamous for dithering.

The prospect of the incoming congressional Republican majority going after the Bidens hammer-and-tongs is also reportedly weighing on him:

Biden is intently focused on his family, who have become an “unhelpful, distraction” to the White House, as the senior official put it, and a huge consideration for the president. People close to Biden have told me that he is genuinely wondering whether he wants to put himself and his family through the excessive scrutiny that would accompany re-election. Hunter Biden is now under federal investigation, and the White House has been preparing for the reality that Republicans, once they retake the House, could mount a scorched-earth inquisition with the aim of scrutinizing his alleged nefarious political activity and trying to tie it to the president. A Washington Post article reported that senior officials are already strategizing how the White House counsel’s office can be restructured to deal with the “onslaught of investigative requests.” That could mean a war room responding to daily subpoenas. Whatever privacy Biden’s family has preserved over the years, through its many heartbreaking tragedies, could be exposed to the mainstream media through congressional hearings…

Biden also won’t have the luxury of running a campaign from his basement, thanks to Covid restrictions, this time around. He’ll likely have to get his hands dirty, too. “Is he going to play by the rules as he wishes they were, the rules of the past when there was civility? Or is he going to play by the rules that Trump has made, which is a blood bath,” the senior White House official asked rhetorically. “And does he even want to?”

But can they carry her across the finish line?

If Biden ends up retiring and Harris gets a primary challenger (or several) to succeed him, the order of the primaries could matter greatly in deciding who ends up being the nominee. For instance, one recent poll found her approval among African-Americans at 73 percent, and South Carolina kingmaker James Clyburn recently told the WSJ that Biden and Harris are “one and two on the ticket, but that’s one and two in my heart as well.”

If the first states to vote in 2024 have large black populations, Harris could sweep them and in so doing build enough early momentum to assure her nomination. And so the DNC can put a thumb on the scale for her — or against her — depending on how they schedule the 2024 primaries. FiveThirtyEight recently tried to game out how they might do so, weighing factors like a state’s diversity, its union membership, its swing-state status, and whether it holds a primary or a caucus.

Because obviously, tricks and manipulations are her friends while truth and a good message are not.





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June 22, 2022 11:01 pm

We’ve been getting the ship “shaped”, if you know what I mean.  Hard work and lots of elbow grease.  Making Shannon’s life the best it can be.

June 22, 2022 10:23 pm

107 TT
Now that’s funny right there.
We’ve managed to have a couple of really good hollerings.

I’m worried that we’ve only had two.


All is well. My blessings are uncountable.

June 22, 2022 10:02 pm

mharper42 says: JUNE 22, 2022 AT 8:06 PM EDIT Shannon, how are things going out your way? Glad you had relatives that could come and help, a tremendous comfort. Have Texpat and his daughter gone back, or still staying to help you? Thank you for asking. I will be forever overwhelmed at what has occurred in the last week for… Read more »

El Gordo
June 22, 2022 9:27 pm

Hogs won tonight, so they will have to play the Rebels again tomorrow to determine who goes to the championship game to face OU.  Otherwise, bedtime is creeping up on me.  No other news to report this evening.  You all have a great night now.  More later.

June 22, 2022 9:15 pm

Get well soon Adee.

June 22, 2022 8:06 pm

Shannon, how are things going out your way? Glad you had relatives that could come and help, a tremendous comfort. Have Texpat and his daughter gone back, or still staying to help you?

June 22, 2022 8:06 pm

I need help interpreting the shoulder study.

June 22, 2022 8:05 pm

MRIs showed multiple norrowings of the vertebral canal. I am blessed that I am not in the pain I should be given the degree of trespass of disk material into that place which it should not be.

June 22, 2022 8:02 pm

Adee, sorry you have the covid and hope you are back to 100% ok very soon!


June 22, 2022 8:01 pm

#96 Ms. Adèe: G-d speed for a speedy recovery for you and your noble mister.

June 22, 2022 7:58 pm

Good Evening Hamsters, Looks as though spouse and I have gotten the weak and worn out version of the virus.  We both have considerable fatigue and some aches requiring lots of rest.  The aches are handled well with over the counter meds, Tylenol for me and aspirin for him.  I’m one of the one-half of one percent of the population… Read more »

June 22, 2022 7:51 pm

I guy can dream, can’t he?

June 22, 2022 7:11 pm

How about this as an absurd thought to create a schadenfreudodelisous sensation all over your body: The Ds import a replacement ( illegal invasionn from all over the planet) for all of their aborted babies with the goal of cementing their hold on power. Those that fled their home country have “been there fone that” and want no part if… Read more »

June 22, 2022 7:03 pm

The Pigs are tied with the Racists at 1.

June 22, 2022 6:36 pm

I’ve been out working on the driveway, sorting out debris for CoH trash pickup tomorrow. This is mostly remains of stuff that was torn up while the New Gas Line folks were out here busting up water lines, brick walls, and one corner of my driveway. Also needing to fill up my recycling bin for tomorrow too, but I was… Read more »

June 22, 2022 6:11 pm

Don’t know what that is.

Eagle, Globe, & Anchor

The Mariniest of all the Marine stuff there is.

El Gordo
June 22, 2022 5:48 pm
June 22, 2022 5:45 pm

Congrats on the roof, son.
No other feeling like a brand new roof.

Super Dave
June 22, 2022 5:41 pm

Quick Drive-By, Darren sorry to hear about grandpaw but he obviously was a tough man and like someone said part of the greatest generation. Prayers for your wife and family. Also for Mr Adee, I hope he gets better but they say the new variants are milder than the old ones. We finished up working a little early today and… Read more »

June 22, 2022 5:27 pm

Say what you will about Mike Tyson; he was an amazing fighter.

June 22, 2022 5:15 pm


Yes, he is. And thank, sir!

June 22, 2022 5:12 pm

But we already know this.  Don’t we?  Well don’t we?

The controlled demolition of FOOD and ENERGY infrastructure is now under way… prepare or get crushed

June 22, 2022 5:01 pm

Darren: Sorry for your loss but am glad at the blessings that your grandpappy is no longer suffering and that he is with THE MESSIAH.

June 22, 2022 4:47 pm

It’s high time the Whorns and Agro Americans put those out-of-staters in their proper place.

June 22, 2022 4:43 pm

If it ain’t OU, it’s Alabama.

June 22, 2022 4:36 pm

Shingle job is finished.  Wow they strip the old and put on the new.  Some might say i paid too much but after checking Ideal Roofing is competetive in their pricing.  I could have gone with a couple guys I know and “saved” some  and their work is good, but I am more confident in how this was done. 2… Read more »

El Gordo
June 22, 2022 4:29 pm

Well, the Aggies are headed home from Omaha after losing to OU, who remains undefeated, in the CWS.  Evening game yet to be played to determine their opponent.

June 22, 2022 3:54 pm

June 22, 2022 3:34 pm

Super Dave

A blivet huh?  And they found him in San Francisco.

Be warned NSFW

Super Dave
June 22, 2022 3:26 pm

Attention! Jared Bernstein is a lying sack of dog poo!!! That is all!

June 22, 2022 3:22 pm

Darren – that’s marvelous. My Granddad was the only person I ever knew personally that served in both WWI and WWII – born in April of 1900, I was told he quit school,  lied about his age and enlisted, then re-enlisted when WWII happened.  Since he was a “Hatfield” I guess fighting might have been in his blood…

June 22, 2022 3:10 pm

BSue; Thank you, Ma’am! I will do just that. I only ever knew one grampa as well. My mother’s father died when she was 9. My father’s father served in WWII as well. He was a rear gunner for a B1 bomber. While speaking to my father last Sunday, I found out that he collected all of grampa’s WWII medals… Read more »

June 22, 2022 3:05 pm


May your son-in-law wear those wings proud. Paratroop training is demanding on the body. God bless him for his service.

June 22, 2022 3:04 pm

Katfish #45;

Thank you, sir! His passing is sad but I feel more relief than hurt. It was his a time to return to God and he lived a very full life here on earth. His presence here blessed several generations of family.

June 22, 2022 3:02 pm

#41 Darren – Give Niki a hug for me… I only ever knew one of my grandfathers, and lost him when he was 63, and I was 8… What a blessed storehouse of memories she  (and  “all of ya’ll”) must’ve stored up over all these years, to cherish. Prayers for peace and safe travels.

June 22, 2022 3:02 pm

TT #44; Thank you! I hear you on just assuming one’s parents will be around forever. The more I hear of my own loved ones passing reminds me that my own parents will pass someday as well. When Niki’s parents pass I worry for Niki. She’s a lot stronger than she realizes but those who suffer depression often have a… Read more »

June 22, 2022 2:57 pm

Need anything, Adee, let us know.

June 22, 2022 2:56 pm

Sorry for y’all’s loss.

June 22, 2022 2:54 pm


Thank you for the wonderful compliment.

Your GPa sounded like a man I would like to have met.  The life experiences and wisdom he collected over the years was a treasure.  I am glad he passed those stories on to you so that the memories remain alive for another generation.

June 22, 2022 2:51 pm

#50 Squawks

a bit of Shuffle Board rules and odd bits of knowledge.

Thanks, I “shuffled” through all of that, passing the time while I was on hold with CoH water department. 🙂

I’ve been trying for 2 weeks to get them to come check my meter, which seems to be giving them “0” as the amount of water I’ve used recently.

June 22, 2022 2:50 pm

Ms Adee

Praying for y’all.  Reduced covid or not it ain’t anything to mess with.

June 22, 2022 2:46 pm

Squawk #43; Thank you! Niki’s grandfather was one hell of a man. He grew up on a ranch in Utah and he was a master at making due with what he had until he could afford to get something professionally fixed or replaced. After his first wife passed away he remarried to a woman who eventually tried to kill him… Read more »

June 22, 2022 1:56 pm


He might not want to publicize his Marine identity in a crowd or a bar.

Let them find out how bad a decision they made when it’s too late?

He was, after all, Force Recon.