Texpat I am not talking about insurrection nor do I suggest. a constitutional convention to start over. We take our schools back and we protect them. We protect them by enlisting Dad’s and men that have had military service to stand armed guard in the schools. there was a day when crossing guards were volunteer Moms.The men can be investigated and even trained/licensed but we are talking about desperate times here. Take this problem out of the feds hands and return control at the local level. Retired Dad’s in good health can guard our children in the halls. Yeah I… Read more »
65 Squawk How exactly does that work ? Self organized, armed, civilian militias in every ISD, town and county in America to guard the schools ? I don’t see how that is going to be organized and work in 13,800 public school districts in the USA. There are 87,500 primary schools, 13,477 middle schools, 2,500 junior high schools, 23,900 high schools in the USA. How is that supposed to happen ? People might get all worked up in the beginning, but these sorts of enthusiasms begin to wane over time. Just like local school teachers, volunteers began to get slack and lose focus… Read more »
The more we hear about the Uvalde police response, the more disgusted I become. Those babies are bleeding out, being massacred, and some fat assed cop wannabe is sitting around waiting for a hostage negotiator to show up, even after the SWAT team was on site and being held back. Couple the teacher getting the last second order to go open the door, incompetent or worse police response, and the vulchers in congress not even waiting for the innocent’s blood to stop running out from under the door before calling for gun control, and the Turtle and Cornholio going along… Read more »
Who was the teacher? That teacher is every bit as guilty of murder as the shooter. This was no random act, it was intentional and planned out. It fits the textbook definition of a criminal conspiracy.
Well don’t yanno is that we really ought to take back OUR country? Yanno why people around here never bother me? Because they are more afraid of me than I am of them. Because of that one fact we all watch over each others homes.
But that is the hard way to secure ourselves. it is so much easier to hide behind fences and alarms. Do that and you have given the high ground to the bad guys.
In El Gordo’s #58, a reporter tweeted a list of nine 911 calls by students starting at 12:03 when the Border Patrol team arrived and 12:47 about 12 noon. The Uvalde police chief ordered the BP team to stand down for 48 minutes while these children were begging for the police to come save them. There is zero evidence this was anything but a massacre. Now, we find out from DPS 19 LEOs stood in the hallway while the kids were slaughtered like animals and did nothing for 48 minutes.
62 Squawk I can’t help it if fences are at times meant to keep people in are also used to keep people out. We were trying to build a fence to keep people out on our southern border back when we had a real president. Not that I like it, but every school in New York City is fenced in and locked up. If anyone even loiters on the sidewalks, they call the police. I would like it if every teacher, coach and principal were regularly trained and certified in armed response and carrying while on school grounds, but I… Read more »
If you really want to get serious, you install optic/fingerprint scanner door locks restricted to students, teachers and staff for the whole school.
Cause that is where we are headed. I remember the day when a single guard in the parking lot was enough. Now many schools have badges to get through the locked doors. Oh and let’s not forget the metal detectors.
Protect us almighty government.. PROTECT US.
I got a better idea but I am just a foolish retired trucker so never mind.
57 BC If you make violating security protocols a cause for immediate termination, it will stop virtually all that crap. My daughter here trains elementary level teachers through a program from one of the universities. She travels to different school districts 3 days a week. The school she arrived at the day after Uvalde had the front doors wide open with some elderly, retired, overweight cop as security guard. He told my daughter to wait at the door because he had left his radio in some room down the hall. She was absolutely shocked. These school administrations are stupid and… Read more »
An 8 foot high fence like this around every school with locked gates would go a long way to stopping these kinds of tragedies. It’s not foolproof, but it is not an expensive barrier to slow down evil.
The whiners and weasels will complain we’re making all our schools look like prisons, but we shouldn’t listen to them.
If you really want to get serious, you install optic/fingerprint scanner door locks restricted to students, teachers and staff for the whole school.
May 27, 2022 2:57 pm
The timelines get blurry.
I want to see a transcript of today’s news conference.
It is incomprehensible any law enforcement would ever call an occupied school incident a “barricaded suspect” situation. Just the chance there might be one child in there and the obvious presence of dozens of parents telling the cops their kids were inside was enough. Even if he was barricaded, every single moment the shooter is distracted by LEOs is a moment he’s not killing women and children. People need to hang for this.
The press conference was very revealing and very sad. In fact, the ways things line up it’s almost too coincidental. Why wasn’t the door locked – auto lock door was propped open by a teacher which permitted the shooter easy entry into the building. It should have been locked and would have been except for a teacher intentionally propping it open. UCISD police officer drove right by the shooter in the parking lot in pursuit of what turned out to be another teacher instead of stopping to engage the shooter. Obviously, the call by the UCISD commander to declare the… Read more »
I went back and watched this afternoon’s press conference featuring the head of the Texas DPS. He point blank admitted that the on site commander completely mis read the situation and classified it as a barricaded suspect as opposed to an active shooter which would have changed the police response from a hanging around waiting behavior actively breaching the door and neutralizing the shooter. Hanging the noose around the neck of the head of the Uvalde ISD Police Chief who was the commander at the time. That person was not at the presser. I’m going off right now to see… Read more »
I’ve been trying to access John Lott’s Crime Research Center for some gun and shooter data. All I get is a server error notice. One of two things is afoot…
-With all the murderer news, too many people are trying to do the same thing I am, especially with the NRA convention coming up, OR…
Things seem to be spinning out of control… Investigators believe a retired federal agent may have been privy to the Buffalo supermarket shooter’s plot more than 30 minutes before he opened fire in the grocer and killed ten people. The former agent, believed to be from Texas, was one of six people who regularly communicated with accused murderer Payton Gendron, 18, in an online racist hate forum, law enforcement sources told The Buffalo News. He has not been named, and further details of the exact agency he worked for have not been shared. But the agent and Gendron’s other online friends would… Read more »
FWIW; I was supposed to be at the NRA convention but the beach trip starts on Saturday and I was in Texas last week so I had to miss another. First was Nashville missed because of COVID second was Houston, COVID again. Maybe next year.
While I was out in the pick-up I heard that Dan Patrick, Cornholeus and Crenshaw canceled out on this weekend’s NRA convention at The Brown Center. Michael Berry posted this over yonder: Dan Patrick issued a statement that he’s not speaking at the NRA conference. Below. Chickenshit. You’ve just said that the Left is correct, gun ownership is mass murder. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. The NRA has NOTHING to do with mass murder. Patrick Statement on Cancellation of NRA Convention Appearance HOUSTON, TX – Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick released the following statement: “After prayerful consideration and discussion with NRA officials,… Read more »
El Gordo: There is no doubt the Dems will do whatever it takes to attempt to shape public opinion, and mass murder is no big deal to them. Anyone willing to overthrow the constitution, to manufacture the theft of a nation wide election, murder babies in the womb by the hundreds of thousands, start foreign wars that kill and maim American patriots and service men and women, and other crimes against humanity certainly has no problem slaughtering a few school children in support of their cause. They are truly evil. My question is: How many times do they have to… Read more »
#36 – I’ve always noticed that every time the Dems need an issue, particularly on something like gun control, they always manage to manufacture an event to support their cause, usually using one of their captive soft targets such as a school to demonstrate the evils of the right. There is no doubt the Dems will do whatever it takes to attempt to shape public opinion, and mass murder is no big deal to them. Anyone willing to overthrow the constitution, to manufacture the theft of a nation wide election, murder babies in the womb by the hundreds of thousands,… Read more »
I am convinced there is a dark hand in the back of all this. There are way too many “coincidences” and similarities to other events to be ignored. Not the least and worst of which is
once again at the end of the school year
way out in the middle of no where
days before the NRA meeting here in Texas
another big one on Texas
i think i heard he had scattered almost 32 clips in and around the school.
I’ll stop there.
May 27, 2022 11:48 am
I just watched much of the DPS press conference.
It’s pretty bad news about decisions made by the on-site commander.
77 Squawk
I never meant to imply anything about an insurrection. It never crossed my mind.
It is time to think outside the box.
Texpat I am not talking about insurrection nor do I suggest. a constitutional convention to start over. We take our schools back and we protect them. We protect them by enlisting Dad’s and men that have had military service to stand armed guard in the schools. there was a day when crossing guards were volunteer Moms.The men can be investigated and even trained/licensed but we are talking about desperate times here. Take this problem out of the feds hands and return control at the local level. Retired Dad’s in good health can guard our children in the halls. Yeah I… Read more »
#25 – Wow whatta ride!
Appears to rival Bell’s beach down in OZ
Part 2 of 3 about the mass.
Mass of the Ages
65 Squawk How exactly does that work ? Self organized, armed, civilian militias in every ISD, town and county in America to guard the schools ? I don’t see how that is going to be organized and work in 13,800 public school districts in the USA. There are 87,500 primary schools, 13,477 middle schools, 2,500 junior high schools, 23,900 high schools in the USA. How is that supposed to happen ? People might get all worked up in the beginning, but these sorts of enthusiasms begin to wane over time. Just like local school teachers, volunteers began to get slack and lose focus… Read more »
The more we hear about the Uvalde police response, the more disgusted I become. Those babies are bleeding out, being massacred, and some fat assed cop wannabe is sitting around waiting for a hostage negotiator to show up, even after the SWAT team was on site and being held back. Couple the teacher getting the last second order to go open the door, incompetent or worse police response, and the vulchers in congress not even waiting for the innocent’s blood to stop running out from under the door before calling for gun control, and the Turtle and Cornholio going along… Read more »
Gutfeld=== Beto could have been a personal injury lawyer but he lacks integrity.
Who was the teacher? That teacher is every bit as guilty of murder as the shooter. This was no random act, it was intentional and planned out. It fits the textbook definition of a criminal conspiracy.
Some one got to that kid.
I am so far ahead of the curve……. you know the rest.
#64 – Just to clarify, it was the police chief of the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District that was running the show, not the Uvalde Police Department. The key to the entire operation was to open the self-locking door to permit the shooter to enter the school in the first place. Apparently the teacher who was assigned the duty to prop the door open to allow entry to the shooter just barely got there in time to fulfill her duty. This is absolutely another Democrat set up. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/authorities-say-security-video-shows-the-back-door-of-texas-school-was-propped-open-by-a-teacher-just-before-the-gunman-attacked-the-school/ar-AAXNZqp?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=954207fc4ee34e08bf9c98437281b2b8
We know what is wrong in this country. What know what is required to straighten crap out. It is not goin to come from the government.
But what do MEN do? They act like cowards and build bigger fences.
©️Super Dave
Well don’t yanno is that we really ought to take back OUR country? Yanno why people around here never bother me? Because they are more afraid of me than I am of them. Because of that one fact we all watch over each others homes.
But that is the hard way to secure ourselves. it is so much easier to hide behind fences and alarms. Do that and you have given the high ground to the bad guys.
In El Gordo’s #58, a reporter tweeted a list of nine 911 calls by students starting at 12:03 when the Border Patrol team arrived and 12:47 about 12 noon. The Uvalde police chief ordered the BP team to stand down for 48 minutes while these children were begging for the police to come save them. There is zero evidence this was anything but a massacre. Now, we find out from DPS 19 LEOs stood in the hallway while the kids were slaughtered like animals and did nothing for 48 minutes.
I can’t get over this kind of cowardice.
62 Squawk I can’t help it if fences are at times meant to keep people in are also used to keep people out. We were trying to build a fence to keep people out on our southern border back when we had a real president. Not that I like it, but every school in New York City is fenced in and locked up. If anyone even loiters on the sidewalks, they call the police. I would like it if every teacher, coach and principal were regularly trained and certified in armed response and carrying while on school grounds, but I… Read more »
Interesting how when security is called for our buildings; they begin to look more like prisons for the innocent folks.
I visited prison camps in Germany. They had 8 foot high fences and gates too.
Cause that is where we are headed. I remember the day when a single guard in the parking lot was enough. Now many schools have badges to get through the locked doors. Oh and let’s not forget the metal detectors.
Protect us almighty government.. PROTECT US.
I got a better idea but I am just a foolish retired trucker so never mind.
57 BC If you make violating security protocols a cause for immediate termination, it will stop virtually all that crap. My daughter here trains elementary level teachers through a program from one of the universities. She travels to different school districts 3 days a week. The school she arrived at the day after Uvalde had the front doors wide open with some elderly, retired, overweight cop as security guard. He told my daughter to wait at the door because he had left his radio in some room down the hall. She was absolutely shocked. These school administrations are stupid and… Read more »
Buckle up for safety! Bonus leg shot.
Eve more outrage if true. https://hotair.com/allahpundit/2022/05/27/border-patrol-tactical-team-arrived-at-uvalde-school-shortly-after-noon-but-cops-stopped-them-from-going-in-n472511
If you prop the door open, this is useless. Evil always seems to find a way. I will grant you that your plan will significantly harden the target.
An 8 foot high fence like this around every school with locked gates would go a long way to stopping these kinds of tragedies. It’s not foolproof, but it is not an expensive barrier to slow down evil.
The whiners and weasels will complain we’re making all our schools look like prisons, but we shouldn’t listen to them.
If you really want to get serious, you install optic/fingerprint scanner door locks restricted to students, teachers and staff for the whole school.
The timelines get blurry.
I want to see a transcript of today’s news conference.
The neighbors who live across the street from the school could hear the gunshots. What, are all the Uvalde cops deaf ?
It is incomprehensible any law enforcement would ever call an occupied school incident a “barricaded suspect” situation. Just the chance there might be one child in there and the obvious presence of dozens of parents telling the cops their kids were inside was enough. Even if he was barricaded, every single moment the shooter is distracted by LEOs is a moment he’s not killing women and children. People need to hang for this.
The press conference was very revealing and very sad. In fact, the ways things line up it’s almost too coincidental. Why wasn’t the door locked – auto lock door was propped open by a teacher which permitted the shooter easy entry into the building. It should have been locked and would have been except for a teacher intentionally propping it open. UCISD police officer drove right by the shooter in the parking lot in pursuit of what turned out to be another teacher instead of stopping to engage the shooter. Obviously, the call by the UCISD commander to declare the… Read more »
Uvalde ISD Police Chief = Pete Arredondo
I went back and watched this afternoon’s press conference featuring the head of the Texas DPS. He point blank admitted that the on site commander completely mis read the situation and classified it as a barricaded suspect as opposed to an active shooter which would have changed the police response from a hanging around waiting behavior actively breaching the door and neutralizing the shooter. Hanging the noose around the neck of the head of the Uvalde ISD Police Chief who was the commander at the time. That person was not at the presser. I’m going off right now to see… Read more »
Fixed it for you.
Yes I said it. Let the gnashing of teeth begin.
Can we get some love for Ted Cruz up in here?
I’ve been trying to access John Lott’s Crime Research Center for some gun and shooter data. All I get is a server error notice. One of two things is afoot…
-With all the murderer news, too many people are trying to do the same thing I am, especially with the NRA convention coming up, OR…
-hackers have hammered his site with DNS attacks.
Things seem to be spinning out of control… Investigators believe a retired federal agent may have been privy to the Buffalo supermarket shooter’s plot more than 30 minutes before he opened fire in the grocer and killed ten people. The former agent, believed to be from Texas, was one of six people who regularly communicated with accused murderer Payton Gendron, 18, in an online racist hate forum, law enforcement sources told The Buffalo News. He has not been named, and further details of the exact agency he worked for have not been shared. But the agent and Gendron’s other online friends would… Read more »
FWIW; I was supposed to be at the NRA convention but the beach trip starts on Saturday and I was in Texas last week so I had to miss another. First was Nashville missed because of COVID second was Houston, COVID again. Maybe next year.
Not to mention the shooting happens shortly after 2000 Mules is released.
Like I’ve said many times the Vampyres of Scumbaggery-Skullduggery Inc don’t care who dies as long as the blood money they suck on keeps pouring in.
While I was out in the pick-up I heard that Dan Patrick, Cornholeus and Crenshaw canceled out on this weekend’s NRA convention at The Brown Center. Michael Berry posted this over yonder: Dan Patrick issued a statement that he’s not speaking at the NRA conference. Below. Chickenshit. You’ve just said that the Left is correct, gun ownership is mass murder. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. The NRA has NOTHING to do with mass murder. Patrick Statement on Cancellation of NRA Convention Appearance HOUSTON, TX – Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick released the following statement: “After prayerful consideration and discussion with NRA officials,… Read more »
El Gordo: There is no doubt the Dems will do whatever it takes to attempt to shape public opinion, and mass murder is no big deal to them. Anyone willing to overthrow the constitution, to manufacture the theft of a nation wide election, murder babies in the womb by the hundreds of thousands, start foreign wars that kill and maim American patriots and service men and women, and other crimes against humanity certainly has no problem slaughtering a few school children in support of their cause. They are truly evil. My question is: How many times do they have to… Read more »
#26 😀
Fredericksburg peach vendor showed up in Sealy today.
#36 – I’ve always noticed that every time the Dems need an issue, particularly on something like gun control, they always manage to manufacture an event to support their cause, usually using one of their captive soft targets such as a school to demonstrate the evils of the right. There is no doubt the Dems will do whatever it takes to attempt to shape public opinion, and mass murder is no big deal to them. Anyone willing to overthrow the constitution, to manufacture the theft of a nation wide election, murder babies in the womb by the hundreds of thousands,… Read more »
Thanks Shannon!
Isn’t it strangely coincidental that everytime the left wants to try and push more gun control, there is a mass shooting event?
#32,33: Now that EVERYBODY IS FOCUSED ON THE NEW SHINY THING I wonder what the Fed-terds are doing with the other hand. . . . .
I just don’t have any news.
Heh. I typed this ^^^ in at 11:15, but just now noticed I didn’t post it. I still have no news!
I’m with you Brother Squawk.
Brother Phil #27
I am convinced there is a dark hand in the back of all this. There are way too many “coincidences” and similarities to other events to be ignored. Not the least and worst of which is
I’ll stop there.
I just watched much of the DPS press conference.
It’s pretty bad news about decisions made by the on-site commander.
/Sinister voice/
I’m watching you…