Karl Marx and Adolph Hitler
They couldn’t be more alike. Not a dime’s worth of difference…
Muggeridge’s Guardian colleague F. A. Voigt revealed the truth about the plan, which continued through the 1930s.
Voigt went on to author Unto Caesar, published in 1938, just after the Anschluss. Muggeridge called it “the most powerful and perceptive political work of our time.” Though long out of print, this work is once again relevant. Voigt deconstructs Marxism like few others and charts the best kept secret on the Left: the similarities between Soviet Marxism and German National Socialism.
Marxism “is not a theory at all,” Voigt explains. “It is a myth, or, in modern terms ‘ideology.’” Marx was not a philosopher and “in Russia, where Marxism has all the coercive instruments of the modern state at its disposal, there is no such thing as philosophy.”
Marxism is a denial of all but pragmatic thought and in all Marxian literature there is no evidence for the “dialectic process,” which is “simply assumed.” Under the dialectic, history has stopped and “oppression, poverty, wars, injustice, crime all belong to the past.”
Neither a philosopher or scientist, the Marxist is a “believer” in a secular religion, which in power amounts to “the armed idolatry that threatens to overwhelm us all.” Marxism and National Socialism “are not opposites, but are fundamentally akin, in a religious as well as in a secular sense. Both are messianic and socialistic. Both reject the Christian knowledge that all are under sin and both see in good and evil principles of class or race. Both are despotic in their methods and their mentality. Both have enthroned the modern Caesar, collective man, the implacable enemy of the individual soul.”
As Voigt explains, “National Socialism would have been inconceivable without Marxism. To understand contemporary secular religions, it is necessary to understand Marxism, which was the first of these religions to achieve a widespread domination over the souls of men.” Marxism “has led to Fascism and National Socialism because, in all essentials, it is Fascism and National Socialism.”
In similar style, the Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939 confirmed to Muggeridge that “Bolshevism and National Socialism were the same thing, except one was a Slav version and the other Teutonic.”
During the Stalin-Hitler Pact, as Muggeridge recalls, the Soviet GPU, forerunner to the KGB,
“handed over to the Gestapo, German-Jewish Communists who had taken refuge in the USSR, with Soviet and Nazi officers jointly checking the lists.”
That exchange, at the Brest-Litovsk Bridge, is a matter of history. Voigt outlines other commonalities of Marxism and National Socialism that command attention in present-day America.
“The racial principle, the central doctrine of National Socialism, has as little philosophic or scientific validity as the dialectical materialism of the Marxists.” The Marxist “really believes that Marxism is ‘scientific.’ The National Socialist really believes that the racial principle has something to do with serious biology.”
There’s a woman on TV.
I guess she’s a country music singer.
She’s singing a song titled, “I got a heart like a truck, that’s been drug through the mud”.
I’m not kidding.
I’ve never even met a Corgi.
The Vampyres of Scumbaggery & Skullduggery Inc. attempt to exploit another problem they’ve created by Cornholing it.
93 Harper
Too late for that discussion. My brain is shutting down now – It’s 11pm.
Too many unknowns.
What is it about women they have to have a full meal at night ? I’m perfectly fine with a good breakfast and a light lunch. After that, I don’t need to eat at night.
If you’re still up paying bills, Shannon, can you give us an idea of what Fay has in front of her? Estimate of how long she will be at the nursing home? Will she be in better shape after she masters the new knee work, than before the incident?
Hard to beat the last corgi I had.
He was one of a kind.
And since all dogs go to heaven we’ll meet again.
Couple of neat coasters from the VFW that say:
Home Of The Free, Because Of The Brave
I finish the stack of bills due.
Then I turn to the stack of people who need my contributions.
Once again, the one on top is from The 100 Club.
I haven’t cooked or eaten an evening meal in almost two weeks.
I don’t miss it. Might or might not eat a snack – a cookie or chips and jalapeño hummus.
Dang. I might catch up with ELG if I’m not careful.
My favorite dog story was Boots, the dog we had when I was a kid. Dad brought home fireworks for New Year’s and they didn’t bother him too much, until Dad lit off a string of Black Cats. For those who’ve never experienced them, they come strung in two rows, and lighting the fuse that runs down the middle sets ’em off two by two. They are LOUD. There is some flash as they explode, but they are primarily noise makers. Big ones. Boots watched as the fuse began to burn down, and when they started to pop, he went… Read more »
We got 1.01″ of rain today and that makes almost 5″ inches since we got back Sunday night. The inch today was a slow steady rain that started about noon and lasted until 4 PM, perfect. Love my dog but here we are free to go anywhere we want but can’t without making arrangements for him Yup, that’s my Dawg No way in hell I’d ever board her but we’re fortunate to have Heather that makes 2 trips a day, spends an hour each time walking taking care of her and Lil Dawg loves her. This Saturday starts the annual… Read more »
I have a special list of extraordinary dogs I have been privileged to know in my life. Not all of them were mine and one of them was Joker, the boxer. When I was running I-35 between Dallas and Lockhart/San Marcos working the auction circuits, Shannon was in school in Waco. I stopped there whenever I could and stayed overnight. Always, right after lights went out, Joker would come barging into the guest bedroom and pile into the bed alongside me. You have to realize when he stretched out he was as long as I was at 6’2″ probably weighed… Read more »
I have no doubt that this will end up being the most-covered Zep song of all.
Through eternity.
Been sitting here for 2 hours writing checks and talking to y’all.
I’d sleep in tomorrow but I’ve been trying to schedule a haircut for six weeks.
Tomorrow morning is the day!!!!
Been looking pretty rough for a while.
But still not as rough as those ambulance dykes.
Getting close to bedtime out here in centex. I hope that all of you have a great evening. I plan to sleep in and have some pleasant dreams myself. We’ll tackle the new day at dawn tomorrow. Nite nite.
I’ve never done it before. I wasn’t going to do it this time, either. But I paid to have Max’s cremated remains returned to me.
Vet calls yesterday to say I can pick them up.
Inside a very nice, royal blue drawstring bag is this really beautiful, 4”x4”x4” fine-cabinetry-quality, finished cedar cube.
I almost gasped.
So Texpat, make sure they put it in my casket before they lock the top, eh?
Boxers are the best. LOL Yup loyal to a fault. Ginger was my dog but man she loved her Bobbie Sue.
Pretty hard to contemplate a more loyal beast than a boxer dog.
76 Tedtam
Hey, even an old Anglican/Lutheran finds that one funny.
We camped at Lake Somerville.
Joker was staked on a forty foot lead.
Got into it with a skunk in the middle of the night.
Talk about a ruined weekend.
Bathed him in the lake with every possible remedy.
Skunked boxer, riding home in the back seat of a VW Beetle.
I pulled over twice thinking I was gonna puke.
I saw something funny today. Background: The Jesuit order has/is fast becoming a laughingstock among serious Catholics. This once well respected order has lost a lot of respect. Pachapapa is a Jesuit, which actually violates an oath he took when he entered the order. Go figger. Also, as y’all probably know from my frequent discussions, Catholics believe that the “wafer” goes through transubstantiation and becomes the Body of Christ, under what is called the “accident” of being bread. Same for wine becoming blood. This happens as the words of consecration that Jesus gave us in the Gospel of John are… Read more »
I remember when you lost ginger.
Wife 2.0 and I had a fine, huge boxer. Brindle with a white chest.
Joker was the bomb.
I am on Shannon’s side on the furry friends question. After I lost my Ginger 9 years ago I just could not bring myself to get another dog. She was my constant companion (when BSue was not around) and it just broke my heart when she died. I like going without having to worry about her when we stopped or the fact we could not eat out in Galveston because she was in the car.
Oh, and if I have to use the restroom but can’t get any facilities, my head also starts to take off. It has something to do with mild stress or something.
Max loved to ride. He knew what “let’s get in the truck” meant.
Max liked the beach.
We took him a few times.
Stayed in dog friendly hotels.
But Max was not fond of being left alone for any period of time in a strange hotel room.
He would start that baying beagle stuff the minute we walked out. Neighbors wouldn’t have put up with that for long.
So much for romantic evening meals in a nice restaurant by the sea.
When we rented beach houses it was okay.
I’d love to get a furry buddy, but it is nice to be able to get up and go without worrying and making arrangements. Heck, I have a hard time leaving my garden, knowing the -0(*&!! squash vine borer is still trying to take out my plants. I just got back from mass; today is the Ascension. The last big storm knocked out the power to our a/c and speaker system. Somehow they got lights on. It’s weird how I can be hot while working in the back yard and it doesn’t bother me, but put me in a mildly… Read more »
Too bipolar to ride in a car as well.
Love my dog but here we are free to go anywhere we want but can’t without making arrangements for him. He will not behave at a kennel and only certain people can come take care of him if we leave.
Dang, why don’t you just get a dog that likes the beach ?
Had some great dogs in my life. Max being the best for last. What a great friend he was.
I want to be able to get in car and go to coast on a whim without worrying about a four legged buddy.
Nope. No more furry best friends.
Thinking about getting a Beta fish setup.
Or doing indoor miniature roses again.
Don’t do it!
I figure this check for the ExxonMobil bill that I just wrote out will be the last one that won’t make me gasp.
You need to get a Max II. Spare me all the reasons you shouldn’t. Having a dog is no more logical than having children and if the human race lived by logic alone we would have died out thousands of years ago.
For the 15/16 years that we had Max the kitchen trash can has resided on top of the washing machine in the back hallway.
I moved it into the kitchen.
Not sure how many years it’ll take me to quit walking back there with trash anyway.
Our annual BACA awareness – 100 mile ride
My original chapter (Brazos Valley) and current Cypress chapter
I followed your instructions to a “T” on cooking pan steaks. PERFECT. I even cooked BSue’s exactly like she likes steak (medium rare). Had a couple 2/3 inch peppered strp steaks made up. Cooked up nice and tender. Thanks
#56 ELG
Kinda like we call the “stall” when smoking a brisket and internal temp rise stops.
Gosh, here it is already on Friday eve. I’ve not made any preparations for the Friday weigh-in event, and quite frankly, I would not expect to see any earth shattering news coming out of there in the morning anyway. I seem to be stuck in one of those holding patterns that so frequently pop up when I start thinking I’m about to hit a new milestone. So I’ll just keep muddling along anyway and see what happens in the morning. Don’t expect any press or photos, but I will file my usual report immediately following the event. I seem to… Read more »
Even CBS News called out Beto for his ghoulish stunt.
Note: Janet Shamlian was a long time Houston Reporter at KHOU. CBS hired her a couple of years ago as Houston-based correspondent covering this part of the country.
Says May 26, 2016. That was during the time when we had tax day flood, and two other floods all within a year and a half or so.
Just got through watching Part II of the trilogy “Mass of the Ages”. Oh. Wow.
Eager for part III, but it won’t be out until 2024, I hear.
Lotsa people gonna be shocked and wissed off to find that Freemasons had a big hand in the Vatican II debacle.
#50 Tim
Are you sure that was 6 years ago? Here’s what I had on FB 7 years ago, looks like might be the same flood… Caption was Driving in on I-10 this morning in Houston…
AOC slams her Democrat Party leaders after Pelosi campaigned for anti-abortion candidate Cuellar
Pelosi did robocalls for Cuellar’s reelection
FB memories show six years ago today my wife and old bosses’ wife decided to go to to Rancho Grande happy hour despite me and several others warning floods are coming, I saw signs of it coming home and it was raining hard. What happened? She got stranded, could not get home. I laughed and laughed.
My fear, and my prediction, actually, is that when Biden doesn’t run — and he won’t — we’ll see a darkhorse billionaire enter the race. Maybe Bloomberg again. Maybe Bill Gates. Maybe that idiot from Starbucks. I think people take false comfort in the idea that the left would never accept these arch capitalists as their standard-banners. First of all, the hard left has now fully fused with the neocon pseudoright; it’s now accepted it is the party of the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor. It makes no bones about the fact that it is… Read more »