The Transdemic: Gender Clinics, Big Money, and Identity Madness
“A transition is never done…You can never carve away enough pieces of yourself to be satisfied. You can never rid yourself of the fundamental facts of your own biology. You can never be cleansed of sin. The end goal of transition isn’t self-actualization. It’s self-annihilation.”
(pseudonym of a male detransitioner)***************************************************************************************************
There’s a public health crisis sweeping across America right now. A deadly contagion has gripped our population. Children, teenagers, and young adults are most susceptible to it and most seriously harmed by it. The disease, depending on the severity and how far it goes untreated, can inflict irreversible damage upon those who suffer from it.
No, it’s not COVID-19. It’s worse (and COVID-19 is bad). It’s the highly contagious and transmissible craze of transgenderism and trans ideology that is spreading like gangrene, infecting the minds and poisoning the hearts of our nation’s children.
This virus can be caught in their public school classrooms. Or from watching Disney+. Or by scrolling on their smartphones. In some cases, wicked teachers or other trusted authority figures — groomers — intentionally expose their students to the disease. When contracted, side effects can include self-loathing, body-hatred, and mental illness that often terminates in physical mutilation or even suicide.
To briefly position ourselves in the conversation from a linguistic and philosophical standpoint, this is what you need to know: Postmodernity plus the sexual revolution paved the way for our society to buy into one of the biggest lies in the history of mankind. What was that lie? Gender identity. The lie was that there even exists such a thing as a “gender identity” and that it can be separate from, or opposite to, one’s biological sex. Further, in the event that this psychological, subjective category of perceived gender identity is understood to be contrary to one’s biological sex, the gender identity must take precedence over the physical reality of the body. This is the core teaching of “gender ideology” — and it’s being used to brainwash children into thinking they can be “born in the wrong body.”
If you’re tempted to doubt me, consider this staggering statistic: According to The Gender Mapper, there are now “300 clinics that prescribe puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children in North America. In 2016 there were less than 50, in 2013 there was a handful.”
There are 300 clinics that prescribe puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children in North America. In 2016 there were less than 50, in 2013 there was a handful. And we’re going to say this is about “authentic identities”. Pediatric gender clinics are a growth market!
Driven in large part by social media and the no-holds-barred advocacy of the LGBT+ agenda, we have socially engineered our children to think what was previously unthinkable — that they were somehow born in the wrong body (they weren’t). That they can consent to puberty blockers (they can’t). That just because they went through a tomboy phase as a girl, or liked theater as a boy, it means they are the opposite gender (they aren’t).
Writing for the New York Times, columnist Ross Douthat recently touched on this trend, this drastic uptick in case numbers across the country. He wrote:
“According to Gallup, the share of younger Americans who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender has risen precipitously in the last decade. Almost twenty-one percent of Generation Z — meaning, for the purposes of the survey, young adults born between 1997 and 2003 — identifies as L.G.B.T., as against about 10 percent of the millennial generation, just over 4 percent of my own Generation X, and less than 3 percent of baby boomers. Comparing the Generation Z to the baby boom generation, the percentage of people identifying as transgender, in particular, has risen twentyfold.”
Let that sink in. In less than four short generations, there has been a twenty-fold increase in youth who identify somewhere along the LGBT spectrum — and the most dangerous place to land is on the “T.”
This contagion was manufactured in the lab of the sexual revolution and slowly released into our society and culture over the last few decades by Hollywood, Marxist revolutionaries, gender studies programs on college campuses, and the radical progressive politics of the Democrat party.
This whole movement smells even worse when you reflect on how we have maimed a generation, both physically and mentally, in the name of “rights,” “diversity,” “equity,” and “progress.” These verbal veneers hide the true violence and demonic evil of transgender ideology. They are rhetorical whitewashed tombs, housing the ruined bodies of thousands of children who have been scarred for life. Along with abortion, it’s another modern-day version of child sacrifice — an even more apt description when you consider how woke parents often foist this on their impressionable children because they have been brainwashed themselves.
There is more.
Heaven help those parents who transition their children so they can have a “trophy tranny”. I’m sure they are out there. Probably triple vaxxed, masked, and standing in line for the fourth booster.
Because – science!
Girls who are tomboys don’t exist, nor do little boys who try on their momma’s high heels for fun. Phases are out. Permanent transitions are in.
Hunnerd N One! He says a day late and a dollar short. 😀
As Dave says: I’m teeing the next one up for: (who will it be?)
Manana, gang.
I’ve been surprised over the last few years how many high comment volume Tuesdays we’ve had here.
You would think Tuesdays would be a very slow day.
Bedtime out here. You all have a good evening. Check you out in the morning. Nite nite.
EG’s mom looks like a sweetheart. I’ve been busy today. When I got moving, I drove up to the NW corner of the loop to get some books from a lady for some friends. She’s a little neurotic, btw. I had to wear a mask – but she didn’t – and she actually moved a little table between us so I didn’t get too close. I was glad to leave. From there, I stopped at the house to pick up a receipt book because my next stop was to pick up rent near my home, then to Wal-Mart to pick… Read more »
#74 – I B A R E L Y remembered last night only 1 day left!
I had my choice of 10 machines today at the Katy Library.
The ‘line’ was ME 🙂
So, I got the west forty mowed and right before I finished my wife brought me some water and said that Big Mike was trying to get in touch with me because the Pole Barn had been moved up and he needed $4K today. So I came back and washed off the tractor and waited for him to show up so I didn’t get to the Kudzu patch but tomorrow is another day. The good news is that they’ll be here at 7:30 AM to start the footing for the foundation. Oh and remind me to tell you about the… Read more »
Just a quick Drive By as I’ve been busier that that dang three legged cat on the frozen pond but I’m glad I popped because of El Gordo’s : How would you all like to meet my Mother?
That is great and it made my day, I sure wish I could have met that nice lady.
Very cool, ElGordo
I have an eclectic palate.
There’s no hope for Squawk’s palate. You’d think he was raised in Ohio or Michigan instead of Lake Charles.
Hey I do not mind complaints about the annoyances. I cannot recall anyone “blaming” me for the glitches or annoyances. I would much rather take care of the annoyances than possibly lose a customer uhhhhhh commenter.
84 El Gordo
Radiant, perfect smile. I’m sure you miss her.
Texpat Shannon
I like corn in my roast AND MY CHILI
EL Gordo
What a sweet lady. I could listen to her playing the piano for days.
Well this was the last guy I remember dating her. EEWWWWW
How would you all like to meet my Mother? Just a few months before she passed away.
Yeah, Berry and Blackmon have each other on speed dial.
David Brock’s Media Matters for America (MMFA) has organized an activist campaign against companies who advertise on Twitter. [SEE LETTER HERE] Their intent is to assemble all of the radical activist groups, directly target any company who would advertise on Twitter and by extension force woke compliance by the social media platform Musk is purchasing. The letter urges advertisers to make their next ad deals with Twitter contingent on changes to platform policy under Mr Musk. However, Musk is pushing back against the effort by asking, “who funds these organizations that want to control your access to information? Let’s investigate.”… Read more »
What? Me worry? nope no way huh uhhhh
For a change, a big change, I had a productive day. I used my new hedge trimmer to push back the boxwood hedges around the front door and along the front of the house. It had been so long since I had done that chore that I wasn’t sure I HAD a new trimmer. The old one was still in the garage so I plugged it in and confirmed it is dead. Then kept looking around until I found the new one. There was so much trimming to do that I ended up with a back ache, so I left… Read more »
70 Shannon
I’m with you on that one. I don’t understand people wanting to throw corn into everything as if it doesn’t clash with other flavors. I also find it irritating. People put it in stews, soups and even salads – drives me crazy. I love corn, but it has it’s appropriate place.
Oh ok, thank you Squawk.
I’ve heard discussed, I think it was Josh Blackman being interviewed by Michael Berry today, SCOTUS nominations will not be as nearly as volatile as they have been if all this is true. The downhill of that will be huge.
We are very lucky to have this site.
Everyone should be thoughtful about what they complain about. When you’re saying your prayers at night thank God for Mr. Squawk Box.
Josh Blackman is a national treasure. I discovered him back in the early 2000s when Glenn Reynolds would link to Blackman’s blog he maintained while still a college student at Penn State. This from his last post today at Volokh Conspiracy: On November 2, 2021–the day after S.B. 8 oral arguments–I wrote a post titled “End the Epicycles of Roe.” I highlighted the many ways in which Roe has distorted other areas of law, including stare decisis, freedom of speech, facial challenges, tiers of scrutiny, and third-party standing. Justice Alito made many of these same points in Part III.D of his draft majority opinion:… Read more »
Dern it, I missed early voting.
As long as there is the other login option, I wouldn’t worry about it.
It’ll be better tomorrow.
#67 – I fervently pray I’m N E V E R rich enough!
Used a shoulder roast in the stew because it was cheap. You just can’t beat a chuck roast for stewing. Though lacking the proper hefty beef flavor, it’s still quite good.
Probably should have anticipated the milder shoulder meat and used some beef stock or some meaty shank soup bones.
And I’ve decided I don’t want corn in the beef stew anymore. That blast of sweetness when biting into each kernel is annoying and distracting.
do something nice and I killed the blog
BTW I am supposed to be yanno
Gotta teach one of you other admin people how to fix LOGIN WITH WORDPRESS problem. My best guess is that the plugin gets updated and that gets reset. No I cannot remove the plugin. If i did we would be over run by
Shamspammers, scammers and scumbags.i really do not want to see webcam ads from my cousin Opilio Crab Box.
It looks like the WordPress login is just going to have to be tolerated.
Just choose the other option.
Short nap over. Now what’s happening?
Actually, it started when a mommy cow and a daddy bull loved each other very much and decided to have a baby calf…
In the most critical issue of the day, I confirmed that 2tbsp of peanut butter has 7grams of protein and it can be frozen for six months before degrading.
Beef stew started on the stove.
I’m tellin’ ya, Kristi has that whole Linda Ronstadt thing goin’ on in this photo.
Oh no, the dreaded wordpress log in thingy is back again.
#52 – The ones that do drop are left behind as happy meals for the varmits. One of the feral cats scampered off with yesterday’s harvest before dark leaving the possums, coons, and skunks with another empty shell of feathers and feet.
Just think, three years ago Governor Andrew Cuomo was the darling of the Left, potential presidential nominee and he lit up the Empire State building with pink lights on the day the New York legislature passed the most depraved, gruesome abortion laws in America.
Things were looking bleak. Cuomo was forced to resign in shame and now it appears Roe v Wade is on the cusp of being overturned.
That is why you never give up hope.
We use the dishwasher, we tend to fill it up, or use all our plates anyhow, within a couple days. Of course we have to go to her side of the couch, her office and her side of the table on the back porch to gather all of ‘em but you know. Like Squawk said, I got my coffee cup and drinking glass I use every day sitting by the sink.
Good afternoon, Hamsters Have been reading the news about the “leak” speculating the downfall of Roe v. Wade eventually into the dustbin of history, maybe in about 200 years. It never should have been upheld, given the blatant detour around the primacy of the states as ordained in the Constitution. The states each have the right to define such things or not to, and they should not be constrained to follow the Feds in something so noxious. Good riddance to it. It permits the premeditated murder of a human child in the womb. Or even worse the newborn through deliberate… Read more »
#42 Squawks
My brain is on the downslope, if that is a word.
And opening the barricades on cue.
El Gordo you need a more powerful air rifle so you can drop those yummy birds in your yard.