Rouen, Haute-Normandie, France
This is a small precious gem of The West. They want to destroy every dream, idea, thought and skill that enabled this beautiful creation to ever come into existence. Do not let them. Fight them fiercely because when nothing is worth dying for, life is not worth living.
Back from three days in Fredericksburg. Thoroughly a pleasant time. More tomorrow.
Check out time out here folks. You all have a great night now. Nite nite.
Deutsche Bank has been operating in the back alleys and shadows for a long time. They’re no different than the French. The Germans would do business with the thug who murdered their own mother.
I learned a new Latin word today: eruca (eruca, ae) Caterpillar
Now I have a name for my nemesis.
Vermes is “worm”. I’ll save that for members of the Biden, Clinton, and Obama families.
And by family, I mean genetically connected folks, not crime family folks.
I blame the Lutherans.
Then there’s this. Bill Broeksmit’s suicide (that’s the newly dead dude’s Dad who “hung himself”) was one of a number of deaths involving Deutsche Bank workers over a five-year period and occurred months after David Rossi, director at Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the world’s oldest bank, died in an apparent suicide in Italy in October 2013. There have long been suspicions that Rossi’s death was not a suicide, although no conclusive evidence of foul play has emerged. There is no suggestion the deaths of any of the former Deutsche Bank workers were suspicious. Yah. Nothing spooky there. Just another… Read more »
Shannon says: APRIL 28, 2022 AT 7:59 PM So did the Trump mafia or the Deep State mafia take the guy out? Given that Fusion GPS is at the center of Russiagate that targeted Trump, and this guy supposedly provided info damaging enough to Trump that a guy wrote a hit piece book on it using information he got from the dead dude (that was gathered after HIS dad committed suicide): Soon, the bank was manipulating markets, violating international sanctions to aid terrorist regimes, scamming investors, defrauding regulators, and laundering money for Russian oligarchs. Ever desperate for an American foothold, Deutsche… Read more »
So did the Trump mafia or the Deep State mafia take the guy out?
50 sarge
Cause of sudden deadness syndrome was “three self-inflicted shotgun wounds to the back of the head”.
Magnolia Place – scroll down a bit
Well, through my living room I guess lol.
All kinda build up around here, they are making FM1488 into a four lane road with a center turn lane from Magnolia proper almost to the Waller line where we are, several subdivisions going up nearby, one of them 700 homes. New HEB going up in front of Magnolia High Skrewl, across from there starting up this year is a Town Center type thing. I maybe packing up and moving your way, this development stuff keeps chasing us.
49 Gjt
So how close is this new highway interchange from you?
Nothing to see here, move along:
Guy is standing out there in the street again on the “X” marks the spot with his laser thing on a tripod. He’s by hisself now, guess they don’t pay overtime for all three.
#39 – I used that lithium grease stuff. No machine oil or anything like that. And I cleaned it with electronic component cleaner since that’s all I could find right here handy. Seemed to work fine.
Well my wife has been showing properties for her brother out of Austin area just about all over East Texas off and on for over a year now. He was dead set he could low ball anything he liked and wanted to make an offer on, while everyone else has been offering more than list. She kept saying this is the last time and I’m firing him, then she’d go do it again. Well they found a place outside of Jacksonville today, offer accepted. Hallelujah! She’s just now coming thru Buffalo tho, and I here I got chicken wings breaded… Read more »
Probably wasn’t a lot of rain to make mud though.
My mom’s family were dirt poor, share cropping and anything else my grandpa could find. Had kids for the purpose of having field hands, they got lucky and had five boys and my mom. They all got pulled out of school by sixth grade to go work in the fields. All in the Hico area. They tell stories of grandpa trying to save gas, all the boys would get out and push up the hills and coast downhills. I’m sure there were many times they’d get stuck.
I can’t imagine how often that would occur with the roads back then, better’n walking I guess.
Maybe you could hide some tannerite in the bird feeder. More birds per round.
I had to run some errands today, one of them being a deposit at my bank, which is across from Forgotten Angels, my fave thrift shop. That’s where I’ve been going to find my cheap canning jars and the occasional tote – when they deign to sell any of the hundred or so that they use around the store. Every time I ask, it’s “No, we use those, they’re not for sale.” When they are being sold, it’s for the $3-$7 range, depending on size. That is still half or less than store prices, so I buy them. Since I… Read more »
Stuck again.
Dang, I’m tarred but I came in and got my shower then put together a couple of Hobo’s with chicken, corn on the cob and string beans. my wife loves these things and so do I but what I like most is after “some assembly required” you just pop them in the oven and eat hem out of the foil. I’ll burn a few slices of Texas Toast and we be eating like royalty. 😀
#38 El Gordo you do know that petroleum based oils can damage an air rifle? The oil combined with the high pressure can case dieseling and asplode the barrel.
Got my 760 Crosman BB gun disassembled, cleaned and lubricated, and finally put all back together today. Guy on the YT video did it in 10 minutes – took me three or four days. But it is pumping good, holding pressure, and that really seemed to make a difference. Look out birds, dove season is open here in my back yard for white wings attacking my bird feeder. Happy meals for the varmits coming right up. Did I tell you about the possum attacking the skunk the other night while skunk was feeding at the cat dish? Surprised me, but… Read more »
I made a major trip to Kroger and got a few good buys. I was surprised to see the deli still had lunchtime fish sammiches on the Hot-To-Go rack. During the Easter season, I get 1 or 2 of those every time I’m at the store at lunch time. Which means usually every trip, cuz getting up at 9 a.m. means it will be 11:30 or 12.00 before I can make it to the store. I never go grocery shopping when I’m hungry, and breakfast takes a while when I have 7 cats scarfing down their own food then wanting… Read more »
She has filed suit against her local school district. What happened? Last August, I was casually browsing social media and stumbled upon a teacher’s post, which featured reference materials for a new “Ethnic and Gender Studies” class at the local high schools. The books immediately raised questions, but I didn’t want to jump to conclusions. So, I reached out to get more information. While my kids are years away from being able to take this class, I wanted to learn more about what’s coming their way. The teacher instructed me to contact the district’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Director, who… Read more »
Like she says, she’s not a fan of McCarthy, but she did get the transcripts of the recordings released by Liz Cheney and listened closely to them. She’s a serious reporter and I trust what she writes there at Legal Insurrection. I’m kind of agnostic about McCarthy, but he’s getting a bad deal here. Unless there is more to drop, it doesn’t sound like he did anything more than say he would offer advice to the president based on his informed sense that a measure to remove Trump from office via the 25th was likely to pass at least the… Read more »
33 billion blood money request.
Gonna need lots of laundry detergent for that amount.
Better request another 30 billion for detergent.
Meanwhile the wooden dummy, Kenyan, goopeecon sponsored invasion at our southern border continues unabated with the exception of a few stacked matchbox cars.
Yeah I have about a 3” root from a sycamore tree that runs across my asphalt sidewalk that decided to rise to the top and bust up the walkway. Last spring I cut off each end and drilled a bunch of holes in it to hopefully rot away. This spring it is still as strong as ever. Now if it were some firewood I was trying to save it’d been rotted for months now.
It’s a long way until November.
Never underestimate the ability of the Kentucky Swamp Turtle and the rest of the sans a belt slack goopeecon brigade to purposefully hose things up and demotivate the Trump wing of the party right before the midterms.
They don’t really want to win anyhoo because the deal they have going now is too good.
Lots of blood money to be made and they’re raking it in.
Now back to bed.
El Gordo
Yeah you are prolly right. She might forgive ya for the BIG BOOMS but damage to the carport/car not so much.
And then there is the problem of Thor’s hammer in today’s social environment.
#20, 21 – Did that last year. The remaining portion can be just covered with dirt and the grass should take over. If you can’t see it, it must be gone – right? #26 – the gnomes at Twitter are trying to straighten out the books before the new boss comes in and asks to take a look at them. Adding a few real people here and deleting a few bots there, and you never know what you might wind up with. Musk has stated that he intends to eliminate the bots and make certain that all posts are created… Read more »
Do ya reckon the 300000 followers were “bots” rather than people? Bots are why I stayed away from Twitter
Awwww yes 2001 a space Odyssey. That movie has possibly the best space themed special effects ever created. To this day it still holds up well, possibly surpasses the CGI effects of today.
Obama has lost 300,000 followers on Twitter this week.
Tree stump + tannerite = BOOM = Nomo stump
#22 TP
Wow, where did those 50 years go?
One constructive thing this pandemic did do was expose a lot of frauds and phony jackasses. Dr. Risa Hoshino was hailed on many top physician influencer lists, and was dubbed ‘a veteran of using social media to debunk scientific falsehoods’ by the Scientist magazine. But she has now been accused of lying about working 12-hour hospital shifts and taking care of children suffering from long-COVID in an investigation by Substack blogger Sarah Beth Burwick. Hoshino tweeted about long shifts in full PPE while treating children suffering from long COVID and handing out injections. But Burwick has called her out, saying the job… Read more »
Just got back from radiology and having an MRI done on my neck. What a strange, weird experience it is. It always reminds for some reason of 2001: Space Odyssey.
Get your 3/8ths wood bit and drill a bunch of holes in it.
If you can dig out the middle of your stump, you can fill it with dirt and put a plant in it.
Beautifying and will accelerate the decomp of the stump.
Good morning troubadours. Another nice morning out here with some high overcast skies, moderate temps, and no winds to speak of yet. Expect winds to pick up as the day goes on. I decided that I’m through messing with what’s left of my portion of stump left in the ground for now. It needs another year to rot a little more, and I may be able to just cover it up with dirt and let the grass grow over it and forget about it. Besides, my arms, shoulders and back are sore this morning from swinging that idiot stick the… Read more »
from the C&C post: tuition rates have gone through the roof, but that’s in large part because the government entered the student loan market.] The gov’t didn’t just ‘enter’ the market, they took it over. If we want to fix the problem, a huge part would be putting the universities on the hook for at least 60% of the loan. This would have the eventual effect of eliminating all the Gender/Black history/Basket Weaving Studies that provide no useful, real world, employer demanded skill sets. The over-paid administration would have to start cutting back in all areas to keep the overhead… Read more »
And true Catholics cry as a now, a bishop gets canceled. The Coalition for Canceled Priests is in the process of acquiring a former friary, as a place for those priests to continue their priestly vocation, have a place to live, and provide support for each other. I believe it’s in Indiana. For all those priests who’ve been kicked to the curb, without financial or spiritual support from their bishops, this will be a godsend. And hopefully, when we get a real Catholic Pope, they will again be able to function fully as priests again. I pray for my Church… Read more »
Libs of Tik Tok reaches one million subscribers.
Conservatives on Twitter gain new subscribers in huge percentages while Liberals lose them (AOC lost 10,000 subscribers overnight).
Disney is having a brand crisis.
Biden is 31/69 approval among young voters.
Go back to bed Eeyore Brigade. We’ll wake you up when things don’t look as good as they do now.
Coffee & Covid ☙ Thursday, April 28, 2022 ☙ SMUG YAPPERS Good morning C&C Army! I have a great roundup for you today including: Mad Maxine tests positive; Operation Multiplier updates; a new op; odd congressional covid stats; Elon gently pushes back; thoughts on student loan forgiveness; New York’s high court strikes Dem maps; Fauci says its over but its not over; great news from OK; and a grand jury forms in Loudon County. ****************** *THE C&C ARMY POST* OPERATION MULTIPLIER Update: I had a delightful call yesterday morning with Leslie Manookian, the founder of the Health Freedom Defense Fund.… Read more »
#9 Texpat I saw that on Tucker a few days ago and his finger was certainly on the trigger in the rehearsal and that doesn’t prove that it was during the shooting. Shooting? Yes figuratively. BUT I do think applies; However, it does provide critical information on how the negligent discharge likely happened. The video shows Baldwin repeatedly drawing his gun while rehearsing a scene. It shows Baldwin clearly had his finger on the revolver’s trigger as he practiced the draw. In the last take of the video, he can be seen pulling the hammer back and releasing it while… Read more »