Wednesday’s History of Sex and the Human Race

Get the Kids Out of the Room—We’re Going To Talk About Sex


Sex is everywhere, and despite what you may think, it’s mostly a good thing. My authority on this is that eminent Victorian, Charles Darwin, who taught us that sex is one of the two great drivers of natural selection, along with our environment. We evolve to adapt but also to seduce. Everyone alive today—all the accumulated art and wisdom of the human race, even unto Facebook and streaming—got here because of sex. (I did say it was mostly a good thing.)

Behold the peacock in all its glory: As an evolved organism, it doesn’t make sense. The peacock can barely fly, and its extravagant tail feathers signal “Hey, here’s lunch!” to predators for miles around. So why the fancy look? Simple: The girls love it. Peacocks with the biggest and most dazzling tail feathers mated with lots of adoring peahens and begat lots of offspring, a process that resulted in the utterly useless but amazing-looking birds that we decorate our parks with today.

The “peacock principle” provides the answer to one of the abiding mysteries of nature: Males will evolve into any sort of weirdness to attract females. Since psychology recapitulates phylogeny, I have personally experienced the peacock principle. In my callow youth, I grew my hair to enormous length and strutted around in ridiculously colored garments. My bewildered parents thought I had become gay, but the explanation was the exact opposite of that. Long hair and gaudy clothes were my peacock feathers.

Cool hair, big muscles, slick dance moves, fancy cars and swagger has always attracted females in the modern world.

And, hey, in the past it was horses, chariots and always great hair…if you think I’m kidding


The next day Delilah asked Samson continually about his strength and bugged him so much that he finally told her the secret to his strength – that he was given his strength at birth by God and that if his hair was cut he would lose his strength. That evening as Samson slept, Delilah cut his hair and called in the Philistines. The Philistine men were able to capture Samson. They barged in, gouged his eyes out, and took him to prison in Gaza.


History warns us that whole societies have disintegrated over pronouns. Once you’re worried about the splendor of your titles, liberty, equality and fraternity get chucked out the window. I freely confess that I have always nursed the secret wish to be addressed as “El Supremo,” particularly by my children. That never happened, but others made of coarser grain may well succumb to the peril of our way of life. Here’s a radical proposal: Let others bestow names on us—so long as we can do the same to them.

As well as the terrifying parts of it…

Look, I have no wish to glamorize nature. Human mating is mainly a miserable mess. Those biological impulses collide with subjective feelings—our organic selves against our symbolic selves—in what is literally a silent but endless struggle of all against all. Nobody wants to be lonely. Nobody wants to be humiliated. It’s the most intimate and self-revealing act human beings will engage in, yet the rules of the game are written by culture-geezers too old to give a hoot. Plus, on the internet, you can’t tell that the lovely girl of your dreams is actually a bearded, 250-pound truck driver.

Yikes, Heaven Forbid !!!

*All emboldened highlights are mine.







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April 28, 2022 12:41 am

#85 – Those critters are fun!

IIRC 3.5 yards +/-

Super Dave
April 27, 2022 9:53 pm

I bet Katfish is familiar with this guy; Cat 336D.
We ordered the dirt from a company out of Brundidge but I found out they were getting the dirt near here, off the big hill that used to be a prat of the Martin farm. We noticed the fast turn around of the dump trucks so I went over to see what they were using to load them up with and found the big Cat. I bet that bucket holds a couple of yards of dirt.

Super Dave
April 27, 2022 9:46 pm

About GJT and Texpat’s posts. I’ve been reading about big investors buying up single family homes to rent out as opposed to apartments. The idea is that with houses becoming less affordable more people will want to rent. They have deep enough pockets to forgo profits for years and just wait. That said; I only scanned the posts so I don’t know if this fits but it was just a thought.

April 27, 2022 9:29 pm

#72 – Brother  I may not be the best barometer of such.

We move our fair share of specialty cargo (like the 111ft mast fixin to deliver in Newport R.I. in the morning) – all the way from Long Beach.

AFAIK – every ocean terminal in Norte Amerika is still back logged BIGTIME – dozens of vessels standing by offshore waiting for a berth to park at.

And even though I’m not fond of most unions – Honestly the general “sloth” of longshoreman doesn’t help one bit! (these folks are as hard to FIRE as USPS postal workers).

El Gordo
April 27, 2022 9:14 pm

Well, I’ll be calling it a day here in a bit.  No substantive news events to discuss.  I’ll be back before bedtime maybe, but if not, nite nite all.

April 27, 2022 8:53 pm

I get it.

April 27, 2022 8:42 pm

Our oldest son seriously considered selling theirs to one of those outfits just to avoid trying to time it and having a contingency. You got intiythe details you we’d locked in and if inspection issues arose, among other things, they would have had to fork over 3 grand to get out of the deal.

April 27, 2022 8:38 pm

#75 Texpat

This is not a Zillow type thing, I don’t know enough to argue it but none of those fast money type things are ever endorsed by the broker, at least not the one she works for.

April 27, 2022 8:27 pm

Got the honey all de-sugared, and it is now in half pint glass jars. When they sugar out again, and when needed, I can put those jars into hot water without worrying about them melting.

Now, for payroll….

April 27, 2022 7:33 pm

My wife’s broker started working with a company a client can go to where if you are selling and buying at the same time, they will purchase the new home, you basically pay rent as I understand it until your home sells. Don’t know any details but it is a valuable tool when you are purchasing, you do not to have a contingency which is always a deal breaker in multiple offer deals which most are right now. She has a client who is going to use their services, we’ll see how it works.

April 27, 2022 7:02 pm

Kid Rock: “Start referring to pedophiles online as “Disney’s”. Twitter and Reddit won’t be able to ban it like “groomer”. ”

Love. It.

April 27, 2022 6:55 pm


Just out of curiosity are you seeing a slowdown in shipping?  Saw story that BOA is warning about a decline in shipping

April 27, 2022 6:51 pm

I used to love Harry Potter. Now I know better.

An exorcist and ex-Satanic High Priest explain.

I heard one exorcist say he had to excorcise three kids, and the entry point for the demon was Harry Potter.

April 27, 2022 6:46 pm
April 27, 2022 6:39 pm

I’m still lurking.
Too busy to post.


I am butt hurt

Squawk outed me

/Just yankin Shannon’s chain.

April 27, 2022 6:37 pm

BTW My money is on a Republican flop this next election.  There is too much good information that the Republicans should win most everything handsdown.  That alone tells me the fix is in for the Democrats.

April 27, 2022 6:33 pm


So, just checking. Does Hammie 2.0 have access to the forms we’ll be needing to submit comments for review?

Our policy is to allow y’all post at will.  However I have at my expense hired 2 munchkins and a dwarf trained in speed reading to intercept the comments on the fly, read them and approve them with no interruption in the flow of communication.  They are currently enrolled in classes at the Cut-N-Shoot Ice House and BBQ learning government approved guidance how to filter fake news or disinformation.


April 27, 2022 6:19 pm

I’m still lurking.
Too busy to post.

Thanks for the update.

April 27, 2022 6:05 pm

I went by the store to get Hubby some bananas but noticed a really good sale on berries, so I grabbed enough to load into Fred. I also picked some flowers off of my new rose bush, since frequent pruning encourages more flowers. I trimmed the leaves to save for making tea later, and they are in Fred as well. Those roses are now where I can see them, a beautiful plum-purple color. I noticed that my honey is sugaring out, so I pulled out some half pint jars from my stash and I am going to put the honey… Read more »

Super Dave
April 27, 2022 5:36 pm

It will pack and not shift

FWIW; after the 5 loads were spread, another dump truck backed all the way across the pad to dump on the back side and the ruts were only a couple of inches deep! Less than the 3-4 inch ruts in the grass beside the carport.

Super Dave
April 27, 2022 5:33 pm

If you’re wondering 8 loads of dirt comes to $1800 bucks.

Super Dave
April 27, 2022 5:32 pm

I love watching a good operator work. Mesmerizing.

Yup, it only took him about 3 hours to level the pad and it was fascinating to watch. It sure made me feel stupid with me using the blade on my trusty Kubota.
FWIW; I paid him $1K for that but he brought an expensive piece of equipment so I think I got a damn good deal. Oh and I’m sure that some operators would have taken several more hours to do the work.

April 27, 2022 5:23 pm

I always wanted to buy one of those solid, soft rubber tires for my wheel barrow and hand truck but, man, they are expensive.

April 27, 2022 5:18 pm

I’m still lurking.
Too busy to post.

April 27, 2022 5:08 pm

That’s some purdy dirt right there.

I love watching a good operator work. Mesmerizing.

Super Dave
April 27, 2022 4:43 pm

My #56, I do know that I really need one of these; Gumby Dammit SLV 75. Mercy, I’m in love! 😉

Super Dave
April 27, 2022 4:41 pm

You having to do any fill or is it just for the pad, what kind of dirt they bringing?

This is for the foundation and the backside needs to be raised 3 feet or so. When I saw the first load I was pleased, sandy red clay, perfect. It will pack and not shift. FWIW; They started with 5, 22 yard loads and added 3 more. I am amazed at how fast that dude spread and leveled the pad.

April 27, 2022 3:43 pm

I had another appointment to get one of the cats to the new vet, and they were very busy when I arrived on time. Had a 30 minute wait to get in. Forest West Vet Clinic actually is comprised of 4 vets, but one has gone on maternity leave this week. So now 5 of my 7 cats have been in, and the final 2 are not due for checkups until June. I was starving for lunch when I got back home and was looking for the fastest thing I could get on a plate. Was stunned to find a… Read more »

April 27, 2022 3:14 pm

#51 Squawkbox

Shouldn’t have told them East County.  I’m liking the hose, lightweight and coils up pretty good.

The burning project is going better today, dried up enough to catch but  still wet enough not to start a raging wild fire. Taking so long because I’m dragging out the pile in sections. I let it build up way to big.

April 27, 2022 2:54 pm

That happens to me at the grocery store. Go in for three things, come out with a basket full….

El Gordo
April 27, 2022 2:45 pm

Flat on wheelbarrow is permanent.  I just replaced that tire and tube a couple years ago.  So since I now have 2 flat wheelbarrow tires, I just ordered a 2 pack of new tubes, so hopefully in a few days I will have 2 good wheelbarrow tubes.  This one is leaking at the stem, so I suspect that is terminal.  I forgot where the other one was leaking.

Start one job, two more pop up. Funny how that works.

April 27, 2022 2:38 pm

Sheesh. Amazon likes GJT better than me.

He got hosed in 4 hours yesterday.  I had to wait 18 hours to get hosed by Amazon.


I bought the same hose you did after you researched it.  Mucho Garcia.  I like the color.  It should keep ME from running over it.  Besides what is not to love about the name FLEXZILLA.

April 27, 2022 2:32 pm

Yeah, the water under the Causeway bridge is littered with the bodies of guys who found out they were really chatting with Squawk.

Sniff sniff Shannon is not talking to me anymore.

I guess i should not have outed him #24



April 27, 2022 2:29 pm


I didn’t get the significance but seemed like a big deal. Good to know.

April 27, 2022 2:12 pm


Like folks are dependent upon their stores to get the apps….

I’ve gone directly to the web site to get apps before, to avoid using the stores. Just because.

April 27, 2022 1:55 pm

Apple and Google are saying they will remove Twitter from their app stores if Musk doesn’t moderate hate speech, guess who decides what hate speech is… Hopefully Musk was a step ahead of them as he seems to have been all along. I’ll keep the popcorn going.

April 27, 2022 1:36 pm

We have an “X” marks the spot painted on the street in front of the house, they first put it there a couple years ago. Some kind of mapping I guess. They are out there now painting it again, 3 guys, one painting-  with a brush and a stencil mind you – one holding a laser thingy on a tripod, another guy (boss man I’m assuming) holding the truck up.

April 27, 2022 1:28 pm


Well, Mike came by this morning with his little yellow flags and rumor has it that 4 Dump Truck loads of dirt will be arriving this afternoon.

You having to do any fill or is it just for the pad, what kind of dirt they bringing?

April 27, 2022 1:24 pm


….and, mercifully, the split screen technique almost completely died out after that video was released.

April 27, 2022 1:17 pm

vaccine-related fatal fulminant necrotizing eosinophilic myocarditis

I’ll tell ya where you can stick that vaccine, buddy.

April 27, 2022 1:12 pm

I’ve banged on it with the sledge hammer, chain sawed, steel wedged, shovel levered, and any other techniques that I can come up with, and it still won’t budge.

And this popped into my head.

April 27, 2022 1:08 pm

#25 – Sign Her UP!!!!!!

April 27, 2022 1:04 pm

#11 – Billy G tells us!

El Gordo
April 27, 2022 1:00 pm

Whew.  Been working on the stump part that I didn’t get up yet.  This particular part is just not going to move.  Seems there are roots (big ones) going off in all directions from this one piece which represents about 1/4 of the original 30″ diameter stump all by itself.  I’ve banged on it with the sledge hammer, chain sawed, steel wedged, shovel levered, and any other techniques that I can come up with, and it still won’t budge.  It must not be quite as rotten as the other segments were.  Anyway, I’m taking a little break right now.  I’ll… Read more »

April 27, 2022 12:55 pm

Oh, and my cucumbers are flowering now. My squash is still putting out male only flowers. Weird.

My serrano pepper plant is being somewhat productive, having a coupla peppers on it already. I’m looking forward to my ‘maters.

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