Tuesday Greet Biden Open Comments

This is how Biden was greeted in liberal Seattle.

There were a lot of lonely fingers waving in the air. I like the sign “C’mon man, resign!”





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April 26, 2022 10:49 pm

 Shannon says:
APRIL 26, 2022 AT 10:25 PM

And no two mile hikes, either, Sarge.

I’m only good for about fifty yards these days.


Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. Campfire within walking distance of your van.


April 26, 2022 10:37 pm

Hunnerd n one

April 26, 2022 10:25 pm

And no two mile hikes, either, Sarge.

I’m only good for about fifty yards these days.

El Gordo
April 26, 2022 10:25 pm

Nite nite gang.  Sleep tight.

April 26, 2022 10:13 pm

I’m glad Sarge volunteered to dig the latrine.

My back, ya know.

April 26, 2022 10:06 pm

#84 – Lawdy Yall aint gotta CHANCE trust me!

Picture the front end of a Cat 16g motor grader sunk so deep we could JUST see the top of the tire treads…………..took a 637 double barrel scraper to yank it out (only because scrapers were circulating MUCH closer than the resident D-10 dozer)

Amazing enough all the foreman said was: “Hey ya can’t get one stuck if you aint working!” (didn’t even raise his voice until He said):

“Don’t do it again!”                            🙂

April 26, 2022 9:33 pm

94 GJT

On the Weekend OC spectacular vehicular disaster extravaganza, apologies or begging of forgiveness from women is prohibited.  The testosterone/estrogen ratio will be imbalanced for the duration.

April 26, 2022 9:29 pm

 Texpat says:
APRIL 26, 2022 AT 9:15 PM

We all have stories.  It will be a great time and the only thing missing will be the beer and the campfire.

I know a great place to have both. No potties, though. For me, that’s a feature not a bug, but for some it might be a deal breaker.

April 26, 2022 9:26 pm


You ran over the hose.

You didn’t tell me it was out there.

What did you think I was watering with?

Why didn’t you pull it in before you sent me mowing over there?

I did blame myself, to myself, for not rolling it up so I did not get mad or say a word about it. But honest to God, she yelled at me for the grass being too high. Gee I thought that was why we were mowing, but that’s just me.

April 26, 2022 9:15 pm

We all have stories.  It will be a great time and the only thing missing will be the beer and the campfire.

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 9:12 pm

Recorded in the club at the Tidelands on South Main.

I remember y’all mentioning that. I saw a TV version of that on the Ed Sullivan Show. I had no idea it was from a road show but I was just a kid.

April 26, 2022 9:10 pm

87 Shannon

Recorded in the club at the Tidelands on South Main.

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 9:10 pm

Wait a minute, it’s stopped hailing, guys are swimming, guys are sailing, playing baseball, gee that’s better, Mudduh, Fudduh kindly disregard this letter. :grin;

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 9:04 pm

Oddly enough my old 100K+ GMC truck was stolen in the month of August and then again in September by two different people. I’ll have to repeat that one even though I’ve posted it before. Or I could say something about the old decommissioned Anaheim Van getting stuck in the pasture near the house and we couldn’t pull it out with 2, one ton 4X4s, one Chevy and one Ford tied in tandem. BUTT that Pseudo D-9, (Komatsu) didn’t even blink.

April 26, 2022 9:02 pm
April 26, 2022 9:00 pm

Bob Newhart’s first album. An American treasure.

April 26, 2022 8:57 pm

Camp is very entertaining and they say we’ll have some fun if it stops raining

April 26, 2022 8:55 pm

 Texpat says:
APRIL 26, 2022 AT 8:51 PM

We can have a stuck, stranded, buried , drowned, burned, stolen vehicle contest some weekend OC when everyone has to post all their stories.  Lies are not allowed, but small exaggerations are acceptable.


I’ll have to tell the one where I had to report that I’d lost the nuke.

April 26, 2022 8:51 pm

We can have a stuck, stranded, buried , drowned, burned, stolen vehicle contest some weekend OC when everyone has to post all their stories.  Lies are not allowed, but small exaggerations are acceptable.

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 8:51 pm

#81 😀

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 8:51 pm

Didja know a VW Beetle is unstickable in Kenney, TX sugar sand?

Just don’t try it with Mud Grips, (Yankees call them Snow Tires) they’ll dig a hole. Don’t ask me how I know.

April 26, 2022 8:50 pm

You ran over the hose.

You didn’t tell me it was out there.

What did you think I was watering with?

Why didn’t you pull it in before you sent me mowing over there?

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 8:49 pm

My very first record was an LP by Andy Griffith; What is was, was football. I got it for my birthday when I was 6 or 7 and to this day I can recite every line in every story. My second one was Hello Mudduh, Hello Fadduh by Allen Sherman.

April 26, 2022 8:45 pm

Didja know a VW Beetle is unstickable in Kenney, TX sugar sand? Floats on top.
Much fun.

April 26, 2022 8:43 pm

Be it mud, sand or high centered I done all.

April 26, 2022 8:42 pm

Oh I got stupid stuck stories…

April 26, 2022 8:37 pm

…and a pickup.

April 26, 2022 8:28 pm


I stuck two big tractors one day in gray/yellow/black clay one day.

April 26, 2022 8:01 pm

Johnny Horton’s 1959 Battle of New Orleans was the first 45 rpm record we had in our house and my mother had to buy, down at Woolworth’s, one of those little plastic discs to snap into it so we could play it over and over and over again on our Victrola turntable.  We had to tape a nickel on the arm head to keep the needle from skipping out of the record grooves.  Good memories.

April 26, 2022 8:00 pm



April 26, 2022 7:56 pm

Yesterday my wife and I both got out and mowed the yard to beat the rains. Well she was on MY tractor while I was on my John Deere rider, she got around the back yard and smooth run over and chopped up my water hose I had stretched out to my garden. Today I was attempting to get my burn pile lit that is overrun with yard debri and she is freaking out that I don’t have a water hose out there, never mind that I can’t hardly get even any pine needles to catch. So anyway she looked… Read more »

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 7:53 pm

My #69, Ask Carl Crowell about his exciting ride through the back gate, backwards, in a 75 Chevy Station Wagon, pulled by the El Camino. The ground was soft on the Gas-line right of way so we had to go full speed until we got to the road. All Carl had to so was steer an old wagon, without power steering through the gate…Oh and it didn’t have a motor or transmission either…. Wife says that one day I need to write a book. 😀

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 7:47 pm

MY wife still has a bunch of 45’s that she had as a kid. Also a bunch of albums that we had BC (before children), thank you, Columbia Record Club,……NOT!!!!

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 7:38 pm

FWIW; The last time I pulled out hedge stumps I used my 81 El Camino. 😀 Well, I was living in the suburbs of Clear Lake at the time but a man has to do what he has to do. BTW; The secret is to outrun the damn stump when it sails out of the ground. It will try to get into the bed of the truck.

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 7:34 pm

My #66, the Kubota did bog down a little and spin the right rear trying to dig through the roots but I put it FWD and used the right brake to make the other wheel do the work. For a small, full size tractor, that thing is a beast.

April 26, 2022 7:33 pm


You and the rest of us.
May actually have the worn out 45rpm around here.

Oops, I meant Super Dave.

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 7:31 pm

El Gordo, good job on those stumps and I was proud of myself for digesting drainage trench across the backyard. I’ve been working on it off and on for the past two days. I cheated and use the Sub-Soiler on the tractor to dig the 2′ deep trench but it did take a while to clean it up with a Pick Maddocks and the roots were awful after the first terrace. FWIW; I was amazed how well the Sub-Soiler chopped through the roots, some as big as my arm, but it only severed them so I had to whack off… Read more »

April 26, 2022 7:26 pm

They’ll probably assassinate Ray Stevens.

April 26, 2022 7:24 pm

I’m sure the infantile Lib/Left bedwetters will get to Ray Stevens in good time.

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 7:24 pm

I’ve not thought of this in years but my favorite song that I played on Oscar’s Juke Box was; Battle of New Orleans by Johnny Horton. Remember I was all of 5 years old when I first went there. 😀

Super Dave
April 26, 2022 7:16 pm

#54 Shannon, thanks I always loved Steve Martin’s King Tut.
OH wait El Gordo posted Ahab The Arab by Ray Stevens I listened to that @ Oscar’s Dinner in Dothan they had the little Juke Box thingy’s on every table and I got to drop a quarter in it for 3 song. Good Memories.

April 26, 2022 7:13 pm

I much prefer Ray Stevens over Steve Martin.

I agree! Lol.

April 26, 2022 6:52 pm

While I napped, the city and/or county (Flood Control District) finally got the rain water pumped or drained out of the street and down into the bayou where it belongs.


El Gordo
April 26, 2022 6:16 pm

I much prefer Ray Stevens over Steve Martin.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYn_6NjcopY

April 26, 2022 6:06 pm

#54, 55

The mechanics on how they tried to make that a controversy is the most telling.

April 26, 2022 5:34 pm

Getting your panties in a wad over a 30 year old comedy skit is absurd. It evidence of a very shallow and empty life.

April 26, 2022 4:59 pm


According to Stephen Green at PJ Media, Twitter and friends tried to start a controversy over Steve Martin’s King Tut skit on SNL. It fizzled out.

Here’s the skit.

El Gordo
April 26, 2022 4:31 pm

finished up the day with a little over half of the second stump removed.  Will try to remember to get back on that one tomorrow.  All tools cleaned up and put away for today now.  Front plants needed some water, so got that done.  Overall, a great day to be outside, and the wind even subsided today.  Talked to BFF’s sister for a while, and they are all doing life as pretty much normal, but they still need to plan a trip to Dallas to get things working on the sale of the townhouse – still, dead in the water… Read more »

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