Weekend Open Commentary

The Flag of the Republic of Texas Navy

Though the landmass of the great state of Texas sprawls far and wide, the state boasts 367 miles of undulating coastline (3,359 miles of tidal shoreline, if counting the outer coast, offshore islands, sounds, bays, and tidal portion of rivers and creeks). And in the Revolutionary days of yore, while volunteer and regular soldiers banded together to create the Texian Army and defend the land, someone had to take to the sea. Enter: The Republic of Texas Navy — the official navy of the Republic of Texas.


Thus the Republic of Texas Navy was officially launched in 1836 with the purchase of four vessels, the Independence, the Invincible, the Brutus and the Liberty (shown below are illustrations of the Independence, top, and the Invincible). Though collectively known as the Big Four, the Republic of Texas Navy was in actuality a rather small and scrappy outfit. Emblazoned with the Republic of Texas Navy flag (shown above; designed to appear as the US flag from afar in order to confuse combatants) and “Fouled Anchor” (an anchor at a slant entwined with a short piece of rope and topped with a five pointed star), the troops performed mighty feats that maintained the young Republic’s independence. The most remarkable of which might have been the 1836 Battle of Matamoros, during which the Texas Navy repeatedly outmaneuvered the Mexican Navy’s Montezuma, eventually running it ashore and forcing abandonment. This Texas victory fractured Mexican troops and forced them to forage for goods in small bands, minimizing the Mexican advantage for years.

Finally, an excerpt from the speech given by Texas historian Andrew Hall on the Battleship Texas on the 180th anniversary of the Republic of Texas.

Only one of the first four schooners of the Texian Navy was really suited for a warship; she was the former U.S. Revenue Cutter Ingham, purchased at New Orleans and rechristened Independence. She served as flagship of the Texian squadron, although the ships rarely operated together as a group. Independence was commanded by Commodore Charles Hawkins, who by his early thirties had already seen more adventure than most men twice his age. As a new midshipman he had sailed to the Mediterranean and Russia, and fought pirates in the Caribbean under the command of one of the American naval heroes of the period, David Porter. He survived a shipwreck on the Cuban coast. And when Commodore Porter resigned his commission to command the fleet of the new Mexican Republic in its ongoing conflict with its former colonial ruler, Spain, Hawkins followed. Hawkins rose to command the Mexican brig Hermón, taking numerous prizes off the Cuban coast while operating out of Key West. During his three years in Mexican service, Hawkins caused untold headaches for American diplomats, who were eager to maintain good relations with the Spanish. In 1829 he unloaded a shotgun into the U.S. Attorney at Key West, over the man’s affair with Hawkins’ wife. Now Hawkins commands the Texas Navy, a force largely composed of Americans, fighting his old employers in Mexico City.

Even by this point in September 1836, just six months after the Declaration of Independence, the fledgling Texian Navy had helped make concrete contributions to the defeat of the centralist Mexican forces and the defense of the new Republic. Off Matamoros in early April, the schooner Invincible captured the American brig Pocket, out of New Orleans, with a cargo of flour and other foodstuffs intended for the reinforcement of Santa Anna’s Texas expedition. In addition, the neutral American vessel carried military goods that had been omitted of her cargo manifest, charts of the Texas coast, and several Mexican naval officers traveling as passengers. Captain Jeremiah Brown returned to Galveston with his prize, arriving on April 7. Evidence strongly suggests that the foodstuffs captured by Invincible made their way to Sam Houston’s army during its march that culminated in the battle here, where they were used to supply both the ill-fed soldiers of the Texian Army and the hundreds of prisoners in their charge.

Two books to fulfill your history gaps.

The First Texas Navy by John Powers

Lone Star Navy: Texas, the Fight For the Gulf of Mexico, and the Shaping of the American West by Jonathan W. Jordan, winner of the 2007 United States Maritime Literature Award.





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El Gordo
March 13, 2022 9:14 pm

#109 – I can send you my 3G LG flip phone if that would help.  I just bought a new battery for it right before they told us it was being phased out.

I still don’t know what time it really is, but I’m headed to bed here in about 45 minutes, so if I don’t get back before dawn, you all have a good one.  More later.

Super Dave
March 13, 2022 8:54 pm

Scrolling up, TexMo we’ll have you in our prayers. I hope everything comes out fine.

Super Dave
March 13, 2022 8:51 pm

Dang we had a nice day, warmed up to 60 by 3 PM with lots of sunshine. BTW; Sister had an estate sale today so she didn’t make it for supper but I went ahead and made Mongolian Beef in the Crock Pot with broccoli, water chestnuts and garlic. Served on egg noodles and with egg fried rice and a couple of store boughten egg rolls. Man that was a fine easy supper. Also wife says that my fried rice is just about perfect. FWIW; I’m a little rusty on that because I’ve not made it in years until a… Read more »

March 13, 2022 8:48 pm

“Candy Bomber” Col. Gail Halvorsen, dead at 101 “They came right up to the barbed wire and spoke to me in English,” he said. “Those kids were giving me a lecture, telling me, ‘Don’t give up on us. If we lose our freedom, we’ll never get it back.’ American-style freedom was their dream.” Their words left a mark on Halvorsen, as did the way they meticulously divided and shared two sticks of gum he gave them. He vowed to return with enough for all, to be delivered from the air. They’d know the plane was his because he’d wiggle the… Read more »

March 13, 2022 8:41 pm


We’d could have bought Baja for SQK by now.

Sniff sniff such a nice thought.


March 13, 2022 8:30 pm

108 Texmo

Yeah I have one of those 2 to 1 dongles for my iPhone.

We should have all gotten into the cable / dongle business a long time ago.

We’d could have bought Baja for SQK by now.

March 13, 2022 7:56 pm

#110- MH –   Z I N GGGGGGGGGG!!!


March 13, 2022 7:48 pm

Chuckle from Over Yonder. WARNING: Not for prudes!

March 13, 2022 7:38 pm

#70 – That FAKE Messkin’ll say / do ANYTHING for a vote!

(I’m surprised He aint wearin knee pads!)   *No Smiley*

March 13, 2022 7:35 pm

I have purchased a variety of timer switches for my outdoor lights. Since I didn’t purchase them all at the same time, I currently have four comprised of three different models. One of those models can be programmed via a 3.5 mm headphone jack connected to a cell phone. It requires a cord with two male connections at either end. You can run the Defiant app and very easily program in whatever you like. I typically use the dusk till dawn feature. That is all well and good until we get a strong thunderstorm and power blips. That seems to… Read more »

March 13, 2022 7:30 pm

#70 – That fake Messkin’ll say ANYTHING for a vote or a few more than his already well exceeded 15 minutes!



El Gordo
March 13, 2022 7:26 pm

#101 – Tje Instapot has ruined my two day production of preparing and cooking pinto beans.  Now it only take s about 2 hours and they turn out perfect every time.  Just toss everything into the pot, pressure cook for about 45 minutes, turn it off and let the pressure dissipate on its own, and presto, ready to go.  Good texture but fully softened, no pre soaking, not overcooked where they turn to mush.  Almost takes all the fun out of cooking a pot of pinto beans, but they sure are good,

March 13, 2022 8:39 pm

#88 Squawk.

Oh, so I could still do more outdoors… I’ve been retired since 2013, so I haven’t had to pay attention to clocks for quite a while… Thanks for the gentle reminder.

Hey just looking out for my Facebook niece.  (SMILEY)

March 13, 2022 7:09 pm



What’s the big deal ?

Oh not much really.  I was counting the days back to an event in my life.  Wouldn’t mean much to y’all but pretty much everything to me.

/Note to self……. don’t be using hamous (dot) net comment box to cypher stuff.  Causes a commotion when you accidentally post an unknown.


March 13, 2022 6:57 pm

#92 Shannon

Most disgusting thing I’ve heard about this year so far. It would be neat if some rich guy would go after the IRS on this guy’s behalf.

March 13, 2022 6:51 pm


TexMo, I never heard of that, but it sounds serious, so I too will be praying for you on Thursday.

March 13, 2022 6:48 pm

#88 Squawk. Oh, so I could still do more outdoors… I’ve been retired since 2013, so I haven’t had to pay attention to clocks for quite a while… Thanks for the gentle reminder. I had a nice 1 hour nap, got up & saw it was still plenty light outside, so I did 3 bags of leaves in the front yard. That about does it except for a 12′ diameter masonry-lined flower bed out there, mostly overtaken by a decorative green plant (can’t recall its name). The masonry border has trapped a gazillion leaves that I guess I’ll have to… Read more »

March 13, 2022 6:33 pm

11,108 days

March 13, 2022 6:09 pm

95 sarge
hubba hubba

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 13, 2022 5:18 pm

Maybe the blood money sucking election stealers can sacrifice and give the election back to the rightful winner.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 13, 2022 5:06 pm

15 days to slow the spread part II III and IV.

All I can say is fu you blood money sucking Vampyres.

Sacrifice for a government that hates us.

The Hell?

Is Baby Jane Pelosi gonna sacrifice her ice cream and 30k fridge?
And didn’t you mofos just give yourselves a 21% raise while you’re simultaneously destroying the country with your invasion from the south and treasonous omnibust the country bills?

Get baked.


March 13, 2022 5:05 pm

Did someone say something about Linda?

March 13, 2022 4:57 pm

Breezy and high clouds here with some darker clouds amongst them, but it is considerably darker toward Houston.  Occasionally sunlight pokes through fleetingly.  Temp has dropped from 63 an hour ago to 62 now, and our small weather station shows rain is likely coming. Our most recent rain was all of 1/3 of an inch last Wednesday, and the pastures are still green for the most part thanks to abundant clover.  Rye grass seed spouse broadcast in bare spots under trees in the yards last fall produced a bright green carpet amongst the darker green lawn.  So we are ready… Read more »

March 13, 2022 4:52 pm

89 texmo
That is the same or very similar sacrament as Annointing of the Sick for us. As I recall, aside from what one would expect from a sacrament with that name comes the bestowing of grace upon the recipient that instantly forgives all their current sins – venial and mortal in the same manner as Baptism.

I hope the Big Guy loads you up with so much of his grace to make you whole once again.

March 13, 2022 4:41 pm
El Gordo
March 13, 2022 4:34 pm

I drifted off for my nap a while ago, and according to the clock, I was up in about 45 minutes at my usual time.  It it doesn’t look like my regular time, and then i remember that’s because it’ s not my usual time – it’s still an hour earlier than it was yesterday at this time.  And why is the wind blowing 25 mph way out here on a bright sunny day.  It’s like being in Galveston where the wind is always blowing.  And it’s still pretty cool for a SE wind.  No wonder mother nature decides to… Read more »

March 13, 2022 4:06 pm

#89 TexMo

May the Sacrament bring you peace and hope as well.
Saying a prayer that this may be well received and valuable for you and your family, but for good reason not necessary now.

March 13, 2022 3:17 pm

On Thursday, Fathers Joseph and Meletios along with Deacon Juvenaly will come to my house to administer the Sacrament of Holy Unction to me.

March 13, 2022 3:17 pm


\I guess it gets dark sooner tonight than it did yesterday.

Later.  We. pushed everything forward sorta.  Well in reality not really, we just adjusted the mechanism of time maintenance and observation.  so if it got darl at 6pm yesterday , today it will be 7pm when darkness befalls us.

Super Dave
March 13, 2022 3:15 pm

#74 Texpat, now you’ve gone and done it. And I knew better than to click on it because she’ll be back again. 😉

March 13, 2022 3:10 pm

I mowed my back yard! Started out with a warm-up vest on top of an old sweatsuit, but ditched the vest about halfway through. As soon as I had finished and started gathering up the extension cord, I got chilled again. I might be able to do some leaf sacking later on, although I guess it gets dark sooner tonight than it did yesterday.

March 13, 2022 3:10 pm

We went to lunch at our fave BBQ place (the Swinging Door just outside Richmond) and came home as usual with yummy leftovers and two pieces of pecan pie for dessert tonight.  Coming in the back door through the laundry room I chanced to look up at a cute wooden decoration on the wall I’ve had for several decades now, gotten at a small-town Wisconsin summer sidewalk fair. It brings back memories of a trip home to Madison when both sets of parents were still living.  It is made of simple wooden cutouts strung together topped by a cream-colored cat… Read more »

March 13, 2022 3:04 pm


Interesting before the executions there were peace talks between Iran and the Saudis. I think i read of that 81 —- 45 were Shia.  Iran is Shia.    The Saudis are Sunni.  Peace talks are fini.

March 13, 2022 2:55 pm

#82 The article mentioned a mass execution in Saudi as one reason secret negotiations between Iran and Saudi have collapsed. I went to Arab News and found this. RIYADH: The Ministry of Interior announced that it has carried out the sentences of capital punishment against individuals convicted of terrorism and capital crimes. The individuals, totaling 81, were convicted of various crimes including murdering innocent men, women and children; pledging allegiance to foreign terrorist organizations, such as Daesh, Al-Qaeda and the Houthi militia; targeting residents in the Kingdom and traveling to regional conflict zones to join terrorist organizations The Saudis don’t mess… Read more »

March 13, 2022 2:35 pm

Iran claims missile barrage near US CONsulate

Sleepy Joe Biden leaves wake up call for 11AM. Gin Saki tints up her red hair burt says the administration is sure that this is just a misfire, or accident.

I would remind everyone about the Kobar toweres and how Reagan turned tail and run.  Jolting Joe will prolly do the same.

March 13, 2022 2:04 pm

Wars and rumors of wars 


Iran not a proxy of Iran but Iran takes a shot with 12 ballistic missle at the US EmbASSy in Iraq. Russia attacks a Nato training base for Ukraine

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 13, 2022 1:55 pm

Good tune Brother Squawk.

March 13, 2022 1:41 pm

Brother Phil

Extra wings?  

March 13, 2022 1:36 pm

Every time they mess will the time my whole day is like this.

March 13, 2022 1:33 pm

In honor of Hammie in this day of changing time.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 13, 2022 1:32 pm

Yo Brother Squawk.
You have an extra pair of wings I can borrow?

March 13, 2022 1:31 pm

Brother Phil

Of all the songs about time I know of this one is prolly the most appropriate.

March 13, 2022 1:26 pm

Brother Phil

Maybe it should be called Time has gone away.

Dr phil Good-E=1984
March 13, 2022 1:24 pm

What happens to the minutes in the sprung forward hour?

March 13, 2022 1:24 pm

Brother Phil

I dunno but

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x