Friday Audrey’s Back Open Admiration





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January 21, 2022 11:24 pm

Vince Gill wrote his masterpiece for his recently deceased brother. I know your life on earth was troubled And only you could know the pain You weren’t afraid to face the devil You were no stranger to the rain So go rest high on that mountain Cause son, your work on earth is done Go to heaven a-shoutin’ Love for… Read more »

January 21, 2022 11:02 pm

Remind me that the Verse Of The Day needs to make the journey to the new digs.

January 21, 2022 10:43 pm

Looks like my computer is doing better. Whew!

January 21, 2022 10:01 pm

Shannon: {{{{{{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}}}}}}

January 21, 2022 10:00 pm

My wife is having a rough time. Not only with the loss of her beloved brother in law. But she is helpless to be there for her sister. And the rest of the family. She was their rock for a long time. It’s been a very long day. My heart is breaking for her. I haven’t sat across from her… Read more »

El Gordo
January 21, 2022 9:50 pm

#131 – That’s why I was wanting them to go so quickly because they were working their charms on me and I might succumb. If I were going to have pets, those are the two that I would want. Never once heard a peep out of either of them except once the female barked at me when I was carrying… Read more »

January 21, 2022 9:46 pm

Okay, got the work computer in repair mode.

I went to Aldi today, found out they had blackberries on sale again, 85 cents/pack. Yeah, I picked up a bunch. They’re loaded in my dehydrator now.

I think I need to name that thing, so I don’t have to type out dehydrator all the time. Any ideas?

January 21, 2022 9:32 pm

Doesn’t get much better, if you wanna talk about drums and bass playing.

January 21, 2022 9:29 pm

You know I, didn’t try that. /heading over to give it a shot

January 21, 2022 9:22 pm

#135 – even SAFE mode won’t work?

January 21, 2022 9:21 pm

#134 – And THEN there’s THIS

scroll to 2:20


January 21, 2022 9:20 pm


Wonderful tribute.

January 21, 2022 9:16 pm

I guess my work computer will need the efforts of a professional. I can’t keep it unfrozen enough for a diagnostics program to run.

Sucks. I wanted to get stuff done, and now it’ll be days (only days, if I’m lucky) before I can feel productive again.

January 21, 2022 8:44 pm

Speaking of drummers.
Everyone knows that their retarded misfit first cousins are the bass players.

I always thought this ancient song was good evidence of it.



January 21, 2022 8:24 pm

It’s a great story.
One we needed so much.

After all, this is the January from Hell. And it’s only the 21st.

January 21, 2022 8:15 pm

He’s on his knees thanking the Lord for that woman.

He admitted it. Another 24 hours and he was toast.


January 21, 2022 7:59 pm

#129 EG

I didn’t really realize what a relief it is not to have to be fretting over those dogs.

So while I’m reading that post about your nap and your eggs and so forth, I was wondering if you weren’t missing those cute li’l dogs…


January 21, 2022 7:38 pm

You’re a good man, ELG.

All things bright and beautiful,
all creatures great and small,
all things wise and wonderful,
the Lord God made them all.

>snip< 4 God gave us eyes to see them, and lips that we might tell how great is God Almighty, who has made all things well. [Refrain]

El Gordo
January 21, 2022 7:25 pm

Wound up taking my nap anyway, even as late as it was. Had some chili with my cheesy scrambled eggs and feeling all good and cozy right now. I’ll go get in the TV chair, pull up a blanket, and catch up on the latest news, or perhaps the latest episode of WOW. More later unless I don’t make it… Read more »

January 21, 2022 7:18 pm

On behalf of my wife, thanks guys. Between the Constables and Harris County Sheriffs investigative department and have a renewed faith in law enforcement. Also, I can’t really call the Cracker Barrel family support diverse as I’m not sure Robin wasn’t the only white person there lol, but for these past few days anyway, nobody noticed any skin color. So,… Read more »

January 21, 2022 7:12 pm

#118 GJT: Y’all have walked through the fire and your great character was revealed. I am humbled.

January 21, 2022 7:05 pm

#118 – KUDOS to Your Bride Sir!

Calls to me remembering eulogies for My Pop (’97) & Mom (’02)

As an only child I performed sweated through both

Certainly 2 of my most challenging days in almost 67 years……

Super Dave
Super Dave
January 21, 2022 7:01 pm

#118 GJT, What they said,… and what a nice tribute to a fine lady. So sorry for your loss but she would have been so proud of that service. Let me rephrase that; She was proud of the service.

January 21, 2022 6:58 pm

#105 – Way to GO EG!!

January 21, 2022 6:55 pm

Tim, I’m so sorry for your loss, another senseless tragedy in this messed up world.

January 21, 2022 6:30 pm

I was awestruck just reading that, GJT.  Kudos to your wife for being able to hold it together enough to give that eulogy.  Kudos to Deputy Jennings also.  Comforting to know there are still some good guys out there in the world.

January 21, 2022 6:25 pm


Tim, this post for your sister-in-law brought tears to my eyes.

January 21, 2022 6:21 pm

Took our breath away.

El Gordo
January 21, 2022 5:55 pm

#118 – That’s an impressive story. May she rest in peace.

January 21, 2022 4:54 pm

Had the funeral this morning, most incredible service I’ve ever attended. Place was packed with Cracker Barrel employees, customers, friends and family. Deputy Constable Jennings attended with his wife, he was the first on the scene when Robin went down, then stayed with the family all day at the hospital. My wife gave the eulogy, did an incredible job, I… Read more »

January 21, 2022 4:53 pm

Broke my arm air drumming that one.

El Gordo
January 21, 2022 4:53 pm

Well, all the rest of my plans went away since I spent all my time messing around with the lucky dogs, so now that they are gone, I decided to cook my cold weather chili project that has been on hold most of the week. I did, and it turned out very good except perhaps just a bit too spicy.… Read more »

January 21, 2022 4:51 pm



January 21, 2022 4:51 pm
Dr phil Good
Dr phil Good
January 21, 2022 4:47 pm

There’s Bonham. Moon. And then the rest.

January 21, 2022 4:45 pm

#110 Agreed, always been one of my favorite to “air drum” to.

I don’t recall the drummer discussion, but this guy was always up there in my list of people I would have liked to play with.  An absolute madman, which I think was why him and Ox were so good together.  Constant tension, but in a good way.

January 21, 2022 4:30 pm
January 21, 2022 4:18 pm

I’ll never forget the day, recently, that a discussion about drummers threatened to boil up around here.

Hammie shut it down quickly.

There’s Bonham. And then the rest.

January 21, 2022 3:57 pm

I love a good dog story with a happy ending. Glad to hear this was one of them.

January 21, 2022 2:30 pm


Good news Gordo.

January 21, 2022 2:28 pm


Well done, EG.

El Gordo
January 21, 2022 2:23 pm

Good news on the dog front. A lady called and said that if the owners didn’t show up she would like them, and I suggested that she might consider fostering them; an offer which she jumped on. Turns out that the Hispanic older couple comes in to Larrys from time to time, and they lost their 20 year old dog… Read more »

January 21, 2022 2:21 pm

Ya want the ones for gernades and other splodies?

January 21, 2022 2:09 pm

showing how to grind up some yard weed and make your own morphine

Got a link? Asking for a friend.

January 21, 2022 1:51 pm

#54 Katfish

Heck, I was watching the commercial, showing how to grind up some yard weed and make your own morphine!

January 21, 2022 1:46 pm

Stocked up on foods for me, the cats, and the outdoors critters.  I can’t stop thinking about Hammy, passing away at home alone. Hoping that he didn’t suffer, and wondering if the cause will be determined.

January 21, 2022 1:29 pm

I’d take the male.

But you know how I feel about chihuahuas.

I am right there with you. Thank goodness for people like Gordo and SD that can handle chihuahuas.

Super Dave
Super Dave
January 21, 2022 1:25 pm

Some lady called and said that she would like to take the brown female. I told her that she may think she sees two dogs in those photographs, but what she really sees is one dog with two bodies. Those two are inseparable – I could tell that from the beginning. There are never more that a couple of feet… Read more »

January 21, 2022 1:20 pm

Supply chain woes: Granted, this is a somewhat luxury item and not a necessity, but I ordered a custom bass (L-2000) from G&L back in June 2021.  The initial delivery date was estimated at late October/early November.  Delivery date has been pushed back a few times.  I just heard from my Sweetwater rep today with another updated delivery estimate early… Read more »