Wednesday Still Missing Him Open Comments

We’ll all still be commenting on Hammy’s passing, I’m sure.

EDIT by Texpat.  Photos of Mark in our possession are few to none, but here is one.

Given my very, very strong suspicions that his heart failure was caused by the “vaccine,” I was even more incensed to find this article at

I think y’all recall my feelings about this Pope. I was totally shocked when he not only gave the green light, but PUSHED the jab. Even after it came out that Pfizer did, indeed, include abortion related tissue in its development of the “vaccine,” Pachapapa continue to force the injection on staff and visitors. There were a number of bishops who pointed out the problem, but the Bishop of Rome just waved his middle finger in a vague attitude of dismissal. He continued to not just say “I’ll understand if you want to take the jab” but “You have a moral imperative to get injected!!!” There’s a big difference in those two stances.

Now, we may know why:

VATICAN ( – Pope Francis held secret talks with Pfizer plutocrat and veterinary doctor Albert Bourla at the Vatican during the height of the China-virus crisis, a Vatican journalist is reporting.


Speaking to Church Militant, scientist Dr. Alan Moy, founder of the John Paul II Medical Research Institute, noted that “Pfizer has a disturbing track history of unethical behavior that includes paying fines for corporate bribery.”

Pfizer was the biggest corporate spender from 1999–2018, spending $219 million on lobbying (93% of the industry total) and $23 million on campaign contributions (around 10% of the industry’s total giving to politicians), Church Militant earlier reported.

“I think the optics raise concerns that there could be potential financial conflicts of interests between Pfizer and the Vatican,” Moy, CEO and co-founder of biotech company Cellular Engineering Technologies, said.

“If Pfizer has an exclusive contract with the Vatican for their vaccine, then there needs to be full disclosure and transparency about this contract or any other financial relationships,” Moy, a faithful Catholic, insisted.

Church Militant asked the Holy See Press Office if the Vatican would disclose agreements between Pfizer and the Holy See in the interests of transparency (as vaccine behemoths like Pfizer have disclosed only 7% of their contracts with governments and published clinical-trial protocols for just 12% of trials).

A report by Transparency International and the University of Toronto titled “For Whose Benefit?” warns of dangerous levels of secrecy that reveal “a disturbing trend of governments censoring key details of their [vaccine] orders from drug companies.”
The Holy See administers only the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 jab to the residents and staff of the world’s smallest sovereign nation. Leaked Pfizer contracts show the company is protected from all damages and liabilities in the case of adverse effects from the shot.

“We can’t confirm or deny as, per our policy, the movements of our executives are considered confidential,” Pfizer told Vaticanist Edward Pentin, author of The Next Pope: The Leading Cardinal Candidates, refusing to reveal if Francis met Bourla in secret.

The revelations also follow Vatican secretary of state Cdl. Pietro Parolin’s granting an “abortion absolution” exclusively to the Pfizer jab, pursuant to his claim that Pfizer used “cell lines from aborted fetuses only in the preliminary stages of vaccine testing in the laboratory, but no cell lines from aborted fetuses are included in either the composition or production.”
Lying Pfizer Gets Busted

Despite a devastating Project Veritas exposé of top company officials and leaked emails revealing Pfizer uses aborted fetal tissue in its vaccine program, Parolin refused to grant religious exemptions on grounds of conscientious objections to the abortion-tainted jab.

Pfizer’s own stem-cell-research policy acknowledges Pfizer has been using human embryonic stem cells in its research which “may provide even greater potential due to their increased ability for self-renewal and capacity to form a wide variety of cells and tissues.”

All Vatican employees are currently forced to get vaccinated or show proof of recovery from COVID-19.
“Pope Francis’ rhetoric is inconsistent with the December 2020 statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith that vaccine acceptance should be voluntary,” Dr. Moy told Church Militant.

Meanwhile, the hush-hush parleys between the pope and Pfizer are reigniting speculation over the Vatican’s secret concordat with China…condemning it as a “deal with the Devil.”

Months before Parolin renewed the deal, exiled dissident Guo Wengui accused the Vatican of receiving $1.6 billion every year since 2014 in bribes from the Chinese Communist Party because Beijing “wanted the Vatican to shut up about China’s religion policies.”

Wengui also claimed the Chinese government was paying the Holy See $100 million before 2014. The tycoon did not specify when the payments initially started. Beijing has branded Wengui an attention-seeking criminal. But the Vatican has yet to deny the allegations.


In Dec. 2021, a leaked database of registered members of the CCP exposed a mass communist infiltration of American companies, including 69 infiltrators in four Pfizer branches in Shanghai. Pfizer did not respond to press inquiries for comment.

There is more, but this is more than enough. If the Pope hadn’t pushed the jab, how would this have affected the narrative? But then, he cozies up to the baby killers with a smile, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

PS: It feels weird to be posting on Hammy’s blog without him here. /sniff





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El Gordo
January 19, 2022 9:59 pm

Well, I made it through about half of the 5th Episode of WOW but then got to gossiping with BFF, and now the clock has about run out on me tonight. Still above freezing out here but headed for the low 20’s by morning. I’ll have to bundle up for coffee in the morning. You all have a great evening,… Read more »

January 19, 2022 9:52 pm



Dr phil Good
Dr phil Good
January 19, 2022 9:50 pm

Try and Catch Me.

He also gets distracted by Milo’s babe when she answers the door in a bikini at Milo’s house in Exercise in Fatality.

Uh, just one more thing.
Whaddya pay for that jacket?

January 19, 2022 9:47 pm

187 Shannon

Isn’t Malik McDowell one of those Baptists ?

January 19, 2022 9:23 pm

Best headline of the day:

NFL Player’s Naked Stroll Ends in a Tasing, Bro

January 19, 2022 9:14 pm

Fay’s daddy had triplet sisters
One of them had a Perry Mason vintage Fairlane. Black. White interior.
Mint condition thirty years later.
Damn thing belonged in a museum.

January 19, 2022 9:13 pm

I had a short convo today with the 85 y.o. retired female marine who tends to my 82 y.o. retired Army colonel next door neighbor. Peggy is delightful and has saved his life a couple of times when she was here to give him his medications. I’m not sure why, since he gets medications, why oh why can he not… Read more »

January 19, 2022 8:59 pm



The Ford Fairlane had a long, snazzy design life.

That model that Perry Mason seemed to drive so many years.

Belly nice.

January 19, 2022 8:57 pm

Ok, tomorrow if it’s as dry as predicted to be.


January 19, 2022 8:52 pm

I can take a pic if you want to see it.

I insist.

Super Dave
Super Dave
January 19, 2022 8:41 pm

1963 1/2 FORD Galaxie 500 Fastback R-Code 427ci/425hp 4 Speed… Raven Black with Black Bucket seat interior. 😉

FWIW; My grandmother had one of these black with red interior, 3 speed auto in the floor and 390 motor. She traded her 57 Crown Vic for it. The one she took us over thrills hill on.

Super Dave
Super Dave
January 19, 2022 8:30 pm

#148 Doood, very good give that lady a hug for me.

January 19, 2022 8:28 pm

We got a heck of a rain during my long deep nap, so I was quite surprised when I got up and saw how wet everything was.  A cold front has come through and now thunderstorms are here as well. At least it looks dry for tomorrow, I must go look for raccatoonie food tomorrow, or else… Scary weekend.

Super Dave
Super Dave
January 19, 2022 8:26 pm

Hey GramPaw, what’s fer supper? Well I’ve been wanting some Crawfish Etouffee BUT we have no mudbugs so I cheated and fixed Shrimp Etouffee served over rice with Texas toast. I used my good Cajun, friend’s recipe and dang it was good eating. My tongue was beating me about the eyebrows while I was getting ready to eat.

January 19, 2022 8:14 pm

#157 Shannon

Aw, shucks, what a nice thing to say. But regarding the new roof, you have no idea how steep it is! Inspect with binocs, ya know. I can take a pic if you want to see it.

January 19, 2022 8:03 pm

Okay. The horde (dog, wife, me) has been fed.

Gleefully heading into Catatonia.

See you furry little Hamsters mañana.

I’m done.

January 19, 2022 7:58 pm

Are we supposed to take turns being the Blog Monkey? Asking for a friend.

Great idea but it would become a competition I fear. 😀

We would need to vote in a blog monkey, no mail in ballots.

January 19, 2022 7:48 pm

but I still have a few cool, smooth moves



Dr phil Good
Dr phil Good
January 19, 2022 7:38 pm

So the warmongering propagandist media and probably many warmonger politicians want the Kenyan-Wooden Dummy regime to go to war with Russia over Ukraine’s border while ours is invaded like never before.

Someone microwaved Mr Potato Head just a few too many minutes and he exploded all over the oven.

January 19, 2022 7:35 pm

Speaking of cancer… my dang platelet count just doesn’t want to go up on its own accord. My treatment is delayed yet another week. I sent a note to my doc to see what can we do differently. I did find a drug that can help the bone marrow increase platelet production so I inquired about that. The only downside… Read more »

January 19, 2022 7:21 pm

Yes. There are Baptists up in here.


As usual I’m the last to know.

Wish y’all would quit trying to protect me from upsetting news.

El Gordo
January 19, 2022 7:15 pm

Now down to 45 degrees, but still no real wind nor precip. I’m going to go see what’s on You Tube tonight. About ready to tackle Episode 5 of Winds of War. A magnificent production even by today’s standards.

BTW, if you are interested, go here:

January 19, 2022 7:11 pm

148 Doood

Thank God your wife is cured.  I would only suggest being very careful in letting these physicians overdo the chemo, and radiation especially.  The tendency to destroy the immune system is nothing to ignore and it has had devastating effects on more than one friend of mine.

January 19, 2022 7:07 pm

Are we supposed to take turns being the Blog Monkey? Asking for a friend.

January 19, 2022 7:07 pm

If you see any movers and shakers around here let us know.

That’s not allowed here.

Yes. There are Baptists up in here.

January 19, 2022 7:06 pm

Doood, that is great news! I’m always glad to hear about people kicking cancer’s azz.

January 19, 2022 7:03 pm

I used to be a mover and a shaker, but my bad back keeps me from shaking much anymore, but I still have a few cool, smooth moves.

January 19, 2022 7:01 pm

I’m embarrassed to say that I’m surprised. Even for him.

What an evil bastard.

January 19, 2022 6:49 pm

#148 – Awesome successful news!!

January 19, 2022 6:48 pm

The list of contestants for the most garbage human alive today just got a lot shorter.

January 19, 2022 6:47 pm

If you see any movers and shakers around here let us know.

That’s not allowed here. 🙂

You are one of us.

Have you been up on that new roof yet to inspect it?

January 19, 2022 6:44 pm

wagonburner says: JANUARY 19, 2022 AT 13:09 Seeing the news all over that our puppet of a president is announcing that 400million N95 masks will be doled out for free to combat the horrible moronic variant. A month after it became apparent it was here. They will “hopefully” be available by early February. When it will have significantly declined on… Read more »

January 19, 2022 6:41 pm

I am just a user, not a mover or shaker on Dis Here Couch, but I support continuation of what we have, and am willing to pay if need be.

January 19, 2022 6:25 pm

Did that closing happen?
How’s that hand after signing 741 documents? 😉

January 19, 2022 6:21 pm

GREAT news Doood! I cannot imagine the relief. We desperately needed some positivity. Praise the Lord!

January 19, 2022 6:04 pm

Wow Doood.
Y’all have been thru the grinder, too.

Great news is nice to get. Hooray!

My brain has been slowly grinding down to “Coasting” gear all day.

Looking forward to a couple of hours of catatonic after I finish cooking.

January 19, 2022 6:01 pm

#145 TT: Sunceray is booked for this coming Tuesday.
Thank you.

January 19, 2022 6:00 pm

#148 Dooooooooooooooooooode:

Blessed news. MAZEL TOV!

January 19, 2022 5:42 pm

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Psalms 19:14

January 19, 2022 5:38 pm

I’m ready to pass along some good news. Mrs. started her cancer battle in October of 2019. After multiple rounds of chemo and radiation, two major surgeries of ~12 hr durations, countless minor surgeries, many prayers and many tears, she is now clear. She started back to part time work this past Monday. Whew.

El Gordo
January 19, 2022 5:35 pm

Now down to 58, so that’s a drop of 7 degrees in 30 minutes.

January 19, 2022 5:31 pm

Thank you TT. I should note that I let my massage therapy license go inactive a long time ago. I am very selective about my clientele and I am explicit that I no longer have a current license. I have to get that out up front so that there is no misunderstanding and I stay out of the hoosegow. I… Read more »

January 19, 2022 5:18 pm

I will gladly toss in a few bux to whomever is paying the bills. I would love to be able to post some 1 square meme/cartoons. I promise to keep them clean and not make Hammy’s granny blush. She may bust out laughing, but that is ok. From my point of view, a one square cartoon/meme is close to the… Read more »