Wednesday Open Comments

From Breitbart:
Big Machine Label Group has taken criticism for releasing singer Aaron Lewis’ recent number-one country song bashing liberals, but the company’s CEO, Scott Borchetta, says he is standing by his artist.

Left-wing music blogger Bob Lefsetz recently wrote that Lewis’ song is “heinous” and slammed Big Machine for releasing the hit “Am I the Only One.” But Borchetta wrote an open letter defending his label’s actions in reply to the criticism launched by liberals such as Lefsetz.

Responding to Lefsetz, Borchetta opened his letter saying, “Firstly, I believe in the First Amendment. My job has never been to tell my artists what to sing and write about.”

“Aaron Lewis and I have political disagreements. But there are also things we agree on. I think that’s the foundation for the idea of our country,” Borchetta continued. “It doesn’t work if we’re so divided that we can’t reach across the aisle, have a conversation or an argument, and ultimately, shake hands. If we can’t do that, and this moment is so divisive, we may never get our country back.”

Lewis’ song, “Am I the Only One,” soared to number one on the country charts despite getting no radio airtime. The song is very pro-America and slams liberals, including rock star Bruce Springsteen, for their anti-American ideas.



