Little Wolf
The following is from Charles Alexander Eastman whose given name as a Dakota Indian was Ohiyesa. He lived from 1858 to 1939, graduated from Boston Medical School in 1890 and became a practicing physician.
If any people ever fought for liberty and justice, it was the Cheyenne. If any ever demonstrated their physical and moral courage beyond cavil, it was this race of purely American heroes, among whom Little Wolf was a leader.
I knew the chief personally very well. As a young doctor, I was sent to the Pine Ridge agency in 1890, as a government physician to the Sioux and the Northern Cheyenne. While I heard from his own lips of that gallant dash of his people from their southern exile to their northern home, I prefer that Americans should read of it in Doctor George Bird Grinnell’s book, “The Fighting Cheyennes.” No account could be clearer or simpler; and then too, the author cannot be charged with a bias in favor of his own race.
At the time that I knew him, Little Wolf was a handsome man, with the native dignity and gentleness, musical voice, and pleasant address of so many brave leaders of his people. One day when he was dining with us at our home on the reservation, I asked him, as I had a habit of doing, for some reminiscences of his early life. He was rather reluctant to speak, but a friend who was present contributed the following…
Continue reading about Little Wolf here.
Charles Alexander Eastman’s biography is here.
Austin cancels SXSW music festival over covid paranoia.
Wake up Slackers!
It’s the weekend!
Mornin’ Gang
Night all. Don’t let the Covid bite.
Covid kilt SxSW. Also kilt a conference I was supposed to go to in Austin this month.
OpenOffice did something to the licensing that made it difficult or impossible to include it in Linux distributions. Libre Office is a fork of the last open source version of OpenOffice.
56 Hamous
Markos Moulitsas is married with a bunch of kids, has made a bunch money, has all these employees with the weight of the world on him. Sometimes, that kind of pressure makes you see the Light. But probably not for him.
Libre is actually the “go to” office suite for all the cheapskates like me these days.
52 El Gordo
It’s been years since I used Open Office after it first came out. It was okay, but pretty crude back then. I’m sure it has improved tremendously. I’m not familiar with Libre, but I’ll check it out.
I did already@4:00 this afternoon.
Helps to adjust better.
Not too interesting. He’s just whining about Julian Assange.
Anti-semite Roger Waters is on Tucker Carlson tonight. This should be interesting.
53. Texpat
I would have thought he was a hard-core Bernie Bro. If Moulitsas does a Charles Johnson and converts I’m giving up on politics altogether.
Is everyone ready for the change to Daylight Savings Time. I know it’s not until tomorrow night, but some of us have to start preparing early, sort of like when a storm is headed our way or something. Let’s see, bottled water, batteries,…..
Mark Meadows to become Chief of Staff per a Trump tweet a few minutes ago.
50 Hamous I’m seeing Rocha is a big Netroots Nation fanboy and a speaker for them. Now, get this, Markos Moulitsas left the Daily Kos, which made him famous, to startup the SB Nation websites that are now part of Vox Media. Now the Daily Kos Kids are all upset because he was telling the truth about Bernie Sanders and to top it all off, the only Democratic candidate running to show up at their once influential Netroots Nation convention was Elizabeth Warren. So here we are, on the premiere Democratic website, Markos Moulitsas’s brainchild — and here is Markos… Read more »
#51 – A Roku stick or Amazon Fire Stick will make those TV’s pretty smart for a cheap price.
Open Office; Libre Office – both free and compatible with the MS high dollar version.
49 & 48
I just realized this free version of Windows 10 came with a full MS Office software suite with Word, Excel, Powerpoint and a bunch of other stuff. It also came loaded with Netflix and Hulu. Now I just have to get a smart TV. There’s 4 flat screen televisions in this house and none of them are very smart.
The version Her Highness insisted on buying ain’t got nothing. So now I have to get her Office software somewhere.
Bernie’s East Texas Campaign Clown Chuck Rocha is my new “Who needs a baseball bat upside the head” candidate.
#45, I needed to move up to Win 10 and the free download was the only way I could do it, short of ordering online. I went to Fry’s and Office Depot to buy a copy and they did not have any and were not sure when they would. One of the clerks told how to download it and it works. Used Kubuntu to do it and burn the oversized dvd.
Pay? For a computer program? Why that’s down right unconstitutional or something. You can buy a brand new Win 10 computer on Amazon for less than $139.00. It costs more if you buy it without Win 10. OK, enough of that, I’ll shut up now.
The gloves are off between Dan Patrick and George P. Bush.
Flarada Man Friday is back this week;
Her Highness wanted me to download Windows 10 on her desktop while I was looking for a cheaper way than the $139 buy from Microsoft. She didn’t want to wait so she paid. Today, I went to download it on another computer and found a post at C-Net saying the old free 2016 Microsoft download page was still working. So far, it’s downloaded and is now doing updates. If it works, I saved $139 and it is a genuine, fully supported OEM version and not one of the bootleg versions out there. I’ll post the link later in case you… Read more »
The roots of the hostility of Roman Catholics for Freemasonry goes all the way back to Oliver Cromwell and his genocidal campaigns against the Irish and the Catholics in England. He was a nasty, brutal ruler who was falsely accused of founding Freemasonry ergo Masons are dedicated to the eradication of Catholicism. The old rumors and tales are wild and outlandish. The history of Cromwell’s brutality and bloodletting toward Catholics is not. Oliver Cromwell died in 1648, but was somehow supposed to have created a secret society with origins reaching back hundreds of years before his birth.
Posted by an FB Friend…
Freemasonry is a deist organization. They are the Unitarian Universalists of the secret fraternity world. Bobolicious could be a freemason.
There are plenty of Evangelical (for lack of a better word) sects who teach that the Masons are of the Devil.
I was simply expressing my thoughts on the subject. I would never be a part of them because their practices are incompatible with my beliefs.
But I don’t drive the extra block to avoid driving past the local Lodge.
I’ve been reassessing my thoughts about the brass section, watching the lovely Spaniard Andrea Motis. Here, her friend Joan Chamorro joins her on sax.
Bonus vid:
37 Hamous
I know that, but try telling it to the tinfoil crowd.
FWIW the Catholic ban on freemasonry has nothing to do with conspiracies. The church say that Masonic principles are incompatible with Catholic doctrine.
Seeing bluebonnets, paintbrushes, and primroses on I10.
28 Shannon
Our maternal grandfather, A.T. Clarke, and our maternal great-grandfather, Curtis Alexander, were both 32nd Degree Masons. Our great-grandmother, Sadie Alexander, was Worthy Matron (the boss) of the Eastern Star in Brown County, Texas for decades.
The Design of the American Dollar Bill The first committee formed to create a design included John Adams (not a Mason), Thomas Jefferson (not a Mason) and Ben Franklin, who was a Mason. Their recommendations were rejected by the Congress. We know of one connection between ancient Egypt and the origins of American paper money: the pyramid on the reverse of the Great Seal. However, if Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson had had their way, the Great Seal of the United States might have featured an Egyptian pharaoh. Our notes might also have featured not the proud eagle but an… Read more »
My thoughts exactly, my wife’s grandpaw was a Mason and a devout Baptist, he certainly wasn’t evil.
Whenever I hear Freemason!!! Propaganda, I put it in the same category as Alex Jones and/or George Noory,…jus sayin’
Up until the mid 80s if a Catholic joined the freemasons he was automatically excommunicated. Now, I think it’s a grave sin and you are prohibited from Communion.
I agree with Shannon. If you’re a Christian, join a fraternal organization associated with your church. No secrets.
I considered joining the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes but they wouldn’t let Catholics be Grand Poobah.
I’ll eventually join the KCs but I just don’t feel that old yet 😉
OH ALMOST FORGOT! I saw one Asian-appearing man wearing a mask in the produce section.
I just got back from Kroger, and realized I didn’t go by the hand sanitizer or cough syrup aisles, to see if they were low or bare. I took a quick look at the Kroger website while I was making my short list this morning, and they had the following notice up: Due to high demand and to support all customers, we will be limiting the number of Sanitization, Cold and Flu related products to 5 each per order. Your order may be modified at time of pickup or delivery. I never have and don’t plan to ever order my… Read more »
#27- I think I’ve been babbling on about this hiliary story for several weeks now. It’s all true. She’s getting her puff TV appearances, Ellen, HULU, etc. She completed all her plastic surgery. Don’t know that she has sobered up, but that shouldn’t matter too much anyway. hiliary is the nominee for the Dems 2020 ticket.
I don’t think the Masons are evil. My grandfather was a Mason.
I take their word for it that they are not a religion.
But they dance closely enough around the edges to give pause to a serious Christian.
If a Christian man has a hankering to be part of a fraternal service organization, I strongly suggest they seek out the opportunities within their own church body. Translated. Slick Lolita Willy#27’s so called wife will jump in to save the day and steal the nomination from the Naked “food lines are a good ting” communist. They’re trying to rehabilitate her image right this very minute as she’s back in the spotlight via Hulu’s propaganda puff piece about the wonders and virtues of the CEO of Arkancide Inc. Who else can generate such a high body count without s smidgen of corruption suspected by the 2+2=222 Newspeak Urinalists of today? The 2020 election will be much like the Super Bowl rematch between the Cowboys and the Bills.… Read more »
Well, the vote tabulators in San Saba who took 2 days to figure out 1500 votes are pretty good. Nobody really know if that is a real number of if the County Judge just had to make something up and send it in. But, nobody much seems to care either.
Are t-crat vote tabulators as proficient at math as those two?
#22 – I was just teed up to post that story. Let’s just once more quote noted mathematician, Barbie the Doll – Math is hard. I’ll just add one more caveat, it’s even harder if you are stupid.
For totalitariancrats thinking is…
Two Newspeak Urinalists proving they’re very stupid Newspeak Urinalists.
My lovable liberal brudder is crying for me (and two Harpies as well) to stop responding to his “I want socialism” posts. And this is precisely why I think Bernie sanders can indeed win the residency. Let me recap: The dangers of socialism (etal) is not taught in scool. While not necessarily named socialism, socialism is being taught in school and then you have College where socialism is touted as the best form of gubment. When was the last time you saw a Reagan T-Shirt? Bernie and company has had almost a full year unchallenged to spread their venom Remember… Read more »
#19,…MmmK, I have my Tin Foil Hat back from the cleaners and now I think I’ll ease over and see what Alex Jones is up to. 😉
That eye in the pyramid is a freemason symbol. It’s on our dollar bill because – and I may be wrong – Benjamin Franklin and possibly several other Founders were Freemasons.
And yes, you cannot be Catholic and Freemason, because they have as part of their ritual a declaration against the Church.
I can, however, copy his images and post them on my timeline with commentary without involving his FB page.
Because I won’t let him get away with calling me evil for working hard, nor voting to take away what I have earned. I won’t be his slave.