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March 4, 2020 8:48 pm
El Gordo
March 4, 2020 8:27 pm

My PS that I was writing to the above just disappeared in a poof of ethernet gas, so I’ll try again. My next door neighbor Eddie passed away last night, so I spoke with his wife today to let her know that I have a couple of spare bedrooms if needed by family as they gather. She seemed appreciative. Eddie… Read more »

El Gordo
March 4, 2020 8:16 pm

Well, SS Co finally posted some numbers up on the Sec of State’s election returns board. My best guess is that the Co. Judge got a phone call from either the Sec of State, or more likely from Gov. Abbott, and was told to get his azz over there to the County Clerk’s office and straighten out this mess post… Read more »

El Gordo
March 4, 2020 6:40 pm

Apparently the SS County Judge has decided to step out from behind the curtain and take charge of this vote tabulation fiasco, promising to announce the results tonight, maybe late tonight , but tonight. Why, it’s almost like waiting for election results two nights in a row. Keeping in mind that this has taken 2 days now, we are starting… Read more »

March 4, 2020 6:19 pm

i don’t care what you do on the front end if the back end ain’t covered it won’t amount to squat.

Deep State swamp’s plan in action.

March 4, 2020 6:14 pm

Leave the border wide open!
let everyone in.

El Gordo
March 4, 2020 6:08 pm

I thought this part of the Schumer statement was even more of a threat: “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

March 4, 2020 5:28 pm

Chuck Schumer threatens 2 SCOTUS justices telling them that they will reap the whirlwind; watch here.

March 4, 2020 5:17 pm


#60  MISQUOTING our good friend above

I really, truly hope you are wrong, RIGHT.

March 4, 2020 5:04 pm

58. I think there’s a better than 50% chance he can win the primary. He just ain’t gonna win in November.

Super Dave
Super Dave
March 4, 2020 4:32 pm

I haven’t mentioned it, but it’s been raining all day here, we have a little over 2 inches since 4 AM. Daughter just called and said that they got 3″ of rain in Midland today! It, of course flooded the streets and she’s sending pictures.

March 4, 2020 4:30 pm

There is a lot of time between now and then.  I think we have seen Bernies October surprise.  I think he can survive.  My opinion


March 4, 2020 4:21 pm

Biden winning in places where no one expected him to win tells me that Bernie wouldn’t have a chance in hell in the general.

March 4, 2020 4:07 pm

Texpat #53  Man it is just things and people are soooo stupid now.  I like Trump but he represents a huge swing to the right that we needed by the way.  Unlike some other folks I have NEVER trusted the American population to do the “right” thing.  Trump is an aberration, things are good and it is at that point… Read more »

El Gordo
March 4, 2020 4:03 pm

I think it’s official now. San Saba has replaced Broward Co. Florida as the most incompetent vote tabulator in the country. way to go SS, that was a tall mountain to climb.

March 4, 2020 3:51 pm

It’s cooled down a little bit up here.

March 4, 2020 2:42 pm


Democrats love dead voters  lets go full circle and run a dead guy for resident.  Hey could give Trump a run for the president with the weirdest hair.

James Traficant.


March 4, 2020 2:35 pm

March 4, 2020 2:26 pm

Democratic hope——  Enough “R”s get the virus die or get sick enough not to vote and they win,

March 4, 2020 2:23 pm

The best thing to do during a pandemic is to let as many unscreened, unvetted and untested for health issues people come across the border illegally, including illegal Chinese aliens mixed in, to lessen the chance of it spreading. Then when maybe 100K to 200k get sick or get sick and die then you think maybe now woudl be the… Read more »

March 4, 2020 2:20 pm

Bernie is going to be Trumps opponent.  You heard it here first.  I am not betting on Trump being a shoe in. The American people are split down the middle and at least 2/3rd of them have lost their minds.  Bernie and company (All DNC candidates except Tattu Boombust) have had near a year to get the socialist message out.… Read more »

March 4, 2020 2:08 pm

I am back in the 7th circle of Hell aka Houston Permitting Center. It seems no one knows what to do work this particular meter.

What should have been a simple account type change is now a humongous SNAFU.

Just When I thought I was free…..

…but I’m not a Democrat so nothing is free for me.

El Gordo
March 4, 2020 1:46 pm

I am proud to report that of all the 254 counties in Texas, the only one that seems to be unable to figure out how to count its votes is my home county of San Saba. That is quite an accomplishment, and it remains to be seen if we can hold out as long as the State of Iowa did… Read more »

March 4, 2020 1:41 pm

Looks as though the corollavirus hasn’t gotten bad enough to keep illegal aliens from streaming in.

March 4, 2020 1:14 pm

This is the main reason I know the name of this Sheriff of Ft Bend County…

El Gordo
March 4, 2020 1:06 pm

Trump has already pointed out that if Biden is elected they will put him in a home somewhere and who knows who is actually running things. sort of like Obama – no one knows to this day who was actually pulling the strings.

In other news, biden has a sure fire idea to win:

March 4, 2020 12:52 pm

Biden is gonna show off his grievance industry street cred and pick someone like Stacey Abrams as vp.

March 4, 2020 12:29 pm

I suspect some monkey business between Joe”The Dip$#!t” Bidet and Nanny Bloomers; I just read over somewhere that all of Bloomers staff is good my to be paid through November and that they will work for Biden. What are the odds that Biden picks Bloomers to be his VP? Everyone who is not a blinded partisan left wing hack has… Read more »

March 4, 2020 12:03 pm

Wall’s commercials were toxic in their ubiquity; in the last 5 or 6 weeks I don’t think I listened to the radio more than 15 minutes without hearing one. If she were running in my district I would have voted against her on that basis alone. When someone goes to great lengths to tell you what a faithful Christian they… Read more »

March 4, 2020 12:01 pm

But the good news is:

Pierce Bush, 33, a grandson of President George H.W. Bush and a nephew of President George W. Bush, came up short for his bid for Congress.

March 4, 2020 11:28 am

The Deep State Swamp not ready to do the time players are all endorsing the fondler Pixxxa Guy Joe.

Maybe he can rename his private campaign jet the Lolita Express II.

El Gordo
March 4, 2020 11:26 am

If Liz doesn’t bail today, it’s because she still sees a clear path to the nomination.


She self-isolates, scales back public events. The two geezers keep glad-handing. Coronavirus takes out the geezers.

It’s the COVID-19 candidacy.

You heard it here first.

H/T Instapundit

Super Dave
Super Dave
March 4, 2020 10:56 am
Super Dave
Super Dave
March 4, 2020 10:51 am

I’m not sure why this started popping up on my page, but it is a pretty good idea.
No Drill – Harnessed Rifle Sling – RLO Custom Leather

March 4, 2020 10:51 am

27. Yessir

Super Dave
Super Dave
March 4, 2020 10:48 am
Super Dave
Super Dave
March 4, 2020 10:43 am

1912 GMC Trucks Advertisement in “the Horseless Age” magazine on 7/10/12 – 108 years ago. This GMC Model H may take an expression from Popeye; “I yam what I yam” as the 3.5 ton gasoline powered (remember they offered electric and gasoline both in 1912) truck is loaded with yams from William Spink Company in Philadelphia, who paid $3500 for… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
March 4, 2020 10:38 am

LBGJF,… Little Big Green Jolly Footballs? Something similar as I remember it. 😉

March 4, 2020 10:31 am

Paul Simpson was the Harris County Republican Party Chairman who LOST EVERY SINGLE RACE to the Ds last election, right?

That’s correct. But, according to LBGJF, that was … wait for it … Trump’s fault!

March 4, 2020 10:01 am

I keep remembering the kitty story from years ago, when I totally freaked out Miss Salem, much to LD’s dismay.

Still crack up laughing over that one…

March 4, 2020 10:00 am

I don’t think Bernie can defeat Slow Joe and the DNC machine. The Bernie Bros will not likely vote for Biden. Trump can campaign on his real accomplishments for all the minorities while Slow Joe can only spew meaningless word salad promises and lies. Trump will vaporize Slow Joe on any debate stage in spite of any moderator bias. We… Read more »

El Gordo
March 4, 2020 9:58 am

#5 – I’m fully understanding the Sessions vote. Were I in your shoes, I would probably vote the same way. Sessions was an excellent Senator or years, and one of the first to come out in support of Trump for President. But, he got in over his head almost immediately as AG. He expected his friends of many years in… Read more »

March 4, 2020 9:43 am

Link for #17Link for #17Link for #17

March 4, 2020 9:39 am

Morning, morning, morning, Couch Critters! Glad to see my little vet-trip kitty is acting normal this morning. I was afraid she’d be in hiding again when I got up.