Takamine guitars, kinda surprised to see that. Gots a four string version of one. Use peanut butter in the live trap. The critters will trip the thing trying to get the stuff.
DeLeCtO’s diLLards wILLaRdS
January 16, 2020 12:07 am
Senate goopees can’t resist playing the monkey to the organ grinding leather face Pelozi.
Our pest guy went around our house, blocked all the possible entrances except one, and put an exclusion device at that opening. It allows the critter to exit but not get back in. You can get one of those one-way cages online.
It’s prolly something you could do. You may want to try getting moth balls into the area you think the squirrels have set up home.
January 15, 2020 9:04 pm
Can any of y’all recommend someone to remove a squirrel or other large vermin from my attic. I’m pretty sure I’ve been upgraded from mice/rats. It moves too fast to be an opossum so that’s why I think it’s a squirrel.
January 15, 2020 9:00 pm
Or maybe he’s just a meatball. Those Tweets were ridiculous!
Hillary Clinton wrote the book on how to run a bad campaign and loose an election, but Michael Bloomberg is a maverick and is rewriting the rules. With the most embarrassing social media team ever, the billionaire busybody thinks he can attract young voters by acting cool and hip. Actually, he thinks he can get elected by identifying as a meatball. No, seriously, a meatball. We’ve already seen some awesome failure from Team Bloomberg when they tweeted out a picture of Bloomy looking angrily at a plate of brisket, thinking it was ribs. Somehow this social media campaign got worse.… Read more »
In a suburb outside of Austin, taxpayers just lost millions of their hard-earned dollars after school district officials fell for an email phishing scam.
Officials in Manor Independent School District are working with local police and even the FBI to track down approximately $2.3 million that was transferred to a fraudulent bank account.
After dog #2 was diagnosed with heart worms, we had to wait two months before we could bring him in to kill off the adult worms. We dropped him off Monday morning. If all goes well, we can pick him up tomorrow evening.
Almost, the Alabama Indians went to Texas, the Seminoles were sent to Tennessee or Kentucky, I don’t remember which, Hamous probably knows.
It’s a mixture. Most of the Muscogee and Cherokee ended up in Oklahoma. Those that didn’t assimilated into the Deep South or got chased into the Everglades, along with escaped slaves, and became Seminoles. Most of the Seminoles eventually ended up in Oklahoma too. The Oklahoma tribe is probably 3 times the size of the Florida tribe today.
I’d bet you could plot a graph of women that dropped off the popularity chart after they did one or two nude scenes in the movies. It is like they showed their stuff, removed the fantasy and people dropped them like a hot rock. Seems the only women immune to that is scream queens like AdrienneBarbeau noted for her roles in some really nasty slasher movies.
Super Dave
January 15, 2020 5:04 pm
Dayaam, what a fine day! The fog burned off about noon, the sun came out and we topped out at 80. Lil’ Dawg and I took the old Mule down to the pond, back to the creek and down to feed the hens. I pulled up some turnips for them and then we headed up to the hiway to see how the traffic was. I’m getting ready to figure out what’s fer super, feed the girls and then watch the shenanigans on the tube…Oh, and a Red Tailed Hawk has taken up residence in the Pecan behind the house. Three… Read more »
It’s pretty sad to see the early photos of actresses and then watch chronologically as they submit to plastic surgery through the years and grow these ridiculous fake breasts. They look nothing like their younger selves. It’s not right or natural or attractive.
She had some rough mid-teen years. Like most girls.
She’s looking better all the time, but the jury’s out until she’s thirty-five. Like most women.
January 15, 2020 4:02 pm
NASCAR is not rigged izzit GJT?
Well, I consider “rigging” being from an act of deception or hiding. NASCAR guys intentionally spin out or block to help a teammate, right in the wide open for all to see. Every week someone is penalized for doing something illegal to their car. But old Smokey Yunick was a hero back in the day for his “innovations”, so who knows.
Hey, she’s just a kid. She hasn’t learned to say no to insane makeup artists.
Sami will never be Audrey because she smiles too much and appears to be wholesome and emotionally stable. Audrey seemed to always have that lost, almost painful look in her eyes.
Stephen Green at Instapundit reprinted this post from Colby Smith of Dallas on Facebook. I’m taking the liberty of reprinting here since not everyone has FB access. The leftwing media, the Twitter hate mobs and Hollywood asshats are doing their best to lynch Vince Vaughn for being respectful and friendly to the President and First Lady Monday in New Orleans. When I was in Iraq, in 2005, I was stationed in an extremely dangerous area. At the time, the most hostile combat area in the world. We lost a lot of good men and our base was mortared or shot… Read more »
Squawk The revelations about the Astros just sickened me. If a second baseman or shortstop can read the catcher and tip off the batter, well, that’s just part of the game. But cameras in centerfield with a zoom lense – good grief. When are they going to be bugging each others’ clubhouses ? I quit watching baseball for at least 10 years after the last strike in 1994 when the Astros were basically tied with Cincinnati for first place in the NL Central Division. The only other team in the NL with a better record was Atlanta. We had a… Read more »
Takamine guitars, kinda surprised to see that. Gots a four string version of one. Use peanut butter in the live trap. The critters will trip the thing trying to get the stuff.
Senate goopees can’t resist playing the monkey to the organ grinding leather face Pelozi.
the anti-resistance.
Breaking impeachment news. https://babylonbee.com/news/senate-asks-pelosi-if-she-can-send-over-copy-of-impeachment-articles-not-covered-in-wine-stains
Night all.
112 TexMo
I could, but he lives up the road from me so that puts him about 1,800 miles away.
I call him the Squirrelenator.
Loose elections much like loose teeth are a bad thing but naked communist food lines are a good thing.
Our pest guy went around our house, blocked all the possible entrances except one, and put an exclusion device at that opening. It allows the critter to exit but not get back in. You can get one of those one-way cages online.
It’s prolly something you could do. You may want to try getting moth balls into the area you think the squirrels have set up home.
Can any of y’all recommend someone to remove a squirrel or other large vermin from my attic. I’m pretty sure I’ve been upgraded from mice/rats. It moves too fast to be an opossum so that’s why I think it’s a squirrel.
Or maybe he’s just a meatball. Those Tweets were ridiculous!
Bloomberg is going for this image.
I hope the name sticks. Help make it happen.
Watch for Steyer to jump on the stupid wagon.
Mike Bloomberg wears Tom Steyer underwear.
Hillary Clinton wrote the book on how to run a bad campaign and loose an election, but Michael Bloomberg is a maverick and is rewriting the rules. With the most embarrassing social media team ever, the billionaire busybody thinks he can attract young voters by acting cool and hip. Actually, he thinks he can get elected by identifying as a meatball. No, seriously, a meatball. We’ve already seen some awesome failure from Team Bloomberg when they tweeted out a picture of Bloomy looking angrily at a plate of brisket, thinking it was ribs. Somehow this social media campaign got worse.… Read more »
After dog #2 was diagnosed with heart worms, we had to wait two months before we could bring him in to kill off the adult worms. We dropped him off Monday morning. If all goes well, we can pick him up tomorrow evening.
Dog #1 is DE-PRESSED that her friend is missing.
We were talking about luthiers.
This video pops up today:
Takamine guitar production.
What a gas!
My three year old grandson loves the pull-my-finger trick.
After dinner yoga exercises: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQzp2OR9eW4&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1nE-dY_qOjdviyF63rqvR3Yxf6afJngmbJBhT6CAXdo1bJmo9eSZd-CR0
#97, Thanks, Hamous, I didn’t know all of that.
Hunnerd! Sorry, I couldn’t Hep Muhself!
Even Susan Collins balked at the evildems document dump last night.
Wonder if John Roberts will be as unbiased as a referee at a Rockets/Jazz playoff game.
It’s a mixture. Most of the Muscogee and Cherokee ended up in Oklahoma. Those that didn’t assimilated into the Deep South or got chased into the Everglades, along with escaped slaves, and became Seminoles. Most of the Seminoles eventually ended up in Oklahoma too. The Oklahoma tribe is probably 3 times the size of the Florida tribe today.
Wigwam Village was a fixture on Orange Blossom Trail when I was a kid.
Texpat @93
I’d bet you could plot a graph of women that dropped off the popularity chart after they did one or two nude scenes in the movies. It is like they showed their stuff, removed the fantasy and people dropped them like a hot rock. Seems the only women immune to that is scream queens like Adrienne Barbeau noted for her roles in some really nasty slasher movies.
Dayaam, what a fine day! The fog burned off about noon, the sun came out and we topped out at 80. Lil’ Dawg and I took the old Mule down to the pond, back to the creek and down to feed the hens. I pulled up some turnips for them and then we headed up to the hiway to see how the traffic was. I’m getting ready to figure out what’s fer super, feed the girls and then watch the shenanigans on the tube…Oh, and a Red Tailed Hawk has taken up residence in the Pecan behind the house. Three… Read more »
It’s pretty sad to see the early photos of actresses and then watch chronologically as they submit to plastic surgery through the years and grow these ridiculous fake breasts. They look nothing like their younger selves. It’s not right or natural or attractive.
Thanks Squawk,…
Ninety Two! Teeing her up!
I’d bet money on the second or third full featured film after she leaves Blue Bloods we will find out if she is a C or D cup.
Canadians have a immigration issue to deal with: https://www.thebeaverton.com/2020/01/unskilled-foreigners-seek-move-to-canada/
You couldn’t know, it came up right and I tried to edit what the gal wrote and blew the whole thing up.
And, um, we will be the judge of that.

Five whacks to the knuckles for you young man!
Oooh, I see it! Crap! AND, I should have known better than to try and edit it, I screwed up my blockquotes, I had it right but messed it up!
#84 Super Dave says:
January 15, 2020 at 4:27 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
WHUT?!?! No nasty words, nuttin’???
OK, Y’all ain’t gonna’ believe this, but I saw it on the Appalachian Cooks Page, over yonder;
Help …
Anyone know how to tame the taste of Worcestershire sauce in chili? Too many shakes ..lol .dang .
76 Texpat
She had some rough mid-teen years. Like most girls.
She’s looking better all the time, but the jury’s out until she’s thirty-five. Like most women.
Well, I consider “rigging” being from an act of deception or hiding. NASCAR guys intentionally spin out or block to help a teammate, right in the wide open for all to see. Every week someone is penalized for doing something illegal to their car. But old Smokey Yunick was a hero back in the day for his “innovations”, so who knows.
I have a webinar starting now…and I’m sitting on the back porch, sassafras tea at hand, and my notepad by the ‘puter.
As I’ve heard said, life is good. I’m enjoying being out of the office.
78 Squawk
Hey, she’s just a kid. She hasn’t learned to say no to insane makeup artists.
Sami will never be Audrey because she smiles too much and appears to be wholesome and emotionally stable. Audrey seemed to always have that lost, almost painful look in her eyes.
Stephen Green at Instapundit reprinted this post from Colby Smith of Dallas on Facebook. I’m taking the liberty of reprinting here since not everyone has FB access. The leftwing media, the Twitter hate mobs and Hollywood asshats are doing their best to lynch Vince Vaughn for being respectful and friendly to the President and First Lady Monday in New Orleans. When I was in Iraq, in 2005, I was stationed in an extremely dangerous area. At the time, the most hostile combat area in the world. We lost a lot of good men and our base was mortared or shot… Read more »
Texpat 76
and then she loses it.
He and Djokovic are the best.
Head to head it’s 29-26 Djokovic and mostly in the later rounds.
The fact that they’ve played each other 55 times shows how much they’ve dominated tennis. 26 of those times have been in the finals.
50 Wagonburner
This girl, Sami Gayle, is the first actress I’ve seen come along who seems to capture some of that Audrey Hepburn aura.
Thank you Squawk for that information. I will govern myself accordingly.
Warmed up to -27, yippee.
Yabbut Shorpys is ummmmmm yanno Shorpys.
Rafael Nadal is the bomb. That kid plays at a superhuman level. He is the best of all time in my opinion.
Texpat #70
Oh for sure. Yeah I “boycotted” too.
Hell the Football Patriots were accused of something similar. the curse of the new technological society.
Shorpy is a great photo site. There are also excellent collections at numerous universities and the enormous archive at the Smithsonian.
Squawk The revelations about the Astros just sickened me. If a second baseman or shortstop can read the catcher and tip off the batter, well, that’s just part of the game. But cameras in centerfield with a zoom lense – good grief. When are they going to be bugging each others’ clubhouses ? I quit watching baseball for at least 10 years after the last strike in 1994 when the Astros were basically tied with Cincinnati for first place in the NL Central Division. The only other team in the NL with a better record was Atlanta. We had a… Read more »