A friend of mine asked me if I ever get tired of seeing the same birds every time I go out. The answer to that question is no. It is easy to take Audubon Book pictures, for me the challenge is capturing critters doing stuff. Take the Great Blue Heron with the fish. I have a whole series of him walk around with the fish empaled on his beak, interacting with the seagull, and finally carrying the fish off to eat in peace. I followed the Caracara with his mouse until he flew down and buried the thing. All these things just fascinate me to no end. Oh and the Snowy Egret with the waves. He was so funny standing there and then a rogue wave gave him a shower. The best thing is I get to share the pictures and stories with y’all and others and maybe, just maybe my God given talent gives someone a moment of peace in this really messed up world. Lemme know yay or nay and I will post the series of events pictures. BTW most of these pictures have not been seen on that other platform.
#83 Hammy
Uh? Australia?
Man, I just hate these people.
I see the Aussies have hippies too!
I probably mentioned one of my bosses taking me to a restaurant in the Cincinnati area that served the “best ribs you’ll ever eat”. They were basically boiled in barbecue sauce in the oven. Probably not the worst ribs I’ve ever had but I can’t think of the worst ones.
77 TexMo
Analysis: True and factual.
However, they kept going west and then we ended up with California non-GMO burritos and bean sprout organic tacos. Ghastly food. If California, Washington and Oregon didn’t have Pacific fish they wouldn’t have any decent food at all.
Any place that puts cinnamon in their
chilispaghetti sauce can’t be trusted with the gastronomical arts.Here’s a story all dog lovers will like. Yeah, I have 7 cats, but I am a dog lover, too. Unusual but heartwarming animal shelter story.
Looks like the one in Henderson is about 25 miles. That could be doable if I don’t work late.
#75 Texpat
In school we were taught that Manifest Destiny was the main driving force of westward expansion. I believe it’s because those from back east found the food so horrible in what would become the Midwest that they kept on going.
Well, I’m not a world traveler, but once, while in Minneapolis, I had fried Walleye and damn it was good! White, flaky meat, just like fresh water bream, only much bigger.
64 TexMo
Folks open Louisiana cuisine restaurants all over the world. I’ve been in many of them.
I’m still looking for that Michigan or Minnesota temple of gastronomical splendor. I’ve been to both places and well, I’ll take a pass.
Please don’t even mention the food in Ohio.
No, I’m from Alabama, so it will always be “Chicken Itza”,… so there! 😉
Oh, smiley!
Or you could sit in the bar seeking old wimmin from Katy.
I was figuring on a place to go while you’re on one of the trips there. Henderson or New Iberia are fairly close, if they are still there.
I sat next to a nice older couple at the bar tonight. Turns out she was originally from Katy. She graduated from Katy High School in the early 60s. Her graduating class was 77 students. It’s probably close to 1000 now.
Hamous I want to know if you turned the tv up really loud this morning or did you have a conversation with yourself in a loud voice? TV up loud, banging my fist on the shower wall, talking loud. Flashback: When I was youth minister, I took a bunch of kids to the National Youth Conference and we stayed in a block of hotel rooms. The chaperones and I took shifts in the hallway to make sure there were no shenanigans. I had to tell one room of girls that they needed to quit jumping on the beds and laughing/shrieking… Read more »
Haven’t been to Pat’s. I’m real bad about driving nonstop until I reach my destination. Maybe when I retire I can be like SD and take leisurely trips.
#61 Dave
Heh. I think that is Chichen Itza, good buddy. 🙂
I’ve had some decent food in the Detroit area. Last trip I had some tasty Polish chicken and dumplings at a little hole in the wall restaurant, served by a plump Babushka. The pierogi was very good too.
Hamous, you ever been to Pat’s of Henderson? They used to have a location in New Iberia but I don’t see anything on it nor the original one in Henderson. Doesn’t seem they have much of a web presence to tell if they’re still there. Of course the Lake Charles restaurant is still there and thriving. Best seafood you’ll never put in your mouth ‘shire, I’m tolding you that. It is my picky wife’s favorite ever.
I’ll bet the food is significantly better in Louisiana than in Minnesota or Michigan. Though I do not have much to go by on way of comparison.
I went to Ely, MN a couple of years ago with the eldest boy to go canoeing with the Scouts. We stopped at some mall in Duluth to eat lunch at the food court before we headed up to Ely.
I’ve only been to Michigan twice. I remember BASF sprung for a really nice lunch at a restaurant on the Detroit River in Wyandotte.
My #61 sent me down memory lane, my bride, on the Yamhachi Scooter, on the far side of Cozumel, just south of the Target store. FWIW; That little 50 CC bike would move, we smoked a Vespa, with only a driver and we were doubled up on the Yamaha. 😉
#52 nharper, I have seen both of those, but have you seen the Target store on Cozumel? It’s on the east coast of Cozumel, about halfway from the southern tip to the lighthouse at the north. I took this picture in 2001, when the wife and I went to Playa del Carmen, we took a day to go to Cozumel, rented a Yamaha version of a Vespa and drove all the way around the island. We rented a Jeep on the mainland and went all over the place, including the ruins at Tulum. We took a tour bus to Chicken… Read more »
Went to Don’s tonight. The best oysters on the half shell I’ve had in quite some time. Nice and salty! And the catfish Acadian was good too.
Praise Jesus, the slumber party must have checked out.
It was horrible TexMo, horrible. I had to have a beer later, yeah, that bad!
TV up loud, banging my fist on the shower wall, talking loud.
I’ve been saying that for a while. I think I used the term automaton, like what you see at Disney World. She ain’t a human being.
GJT, I think I would have fainted if someone at my table dipped their succulent piece of chicken fried steak in ketchup.
Hamous I want to know if you turned the tv up really loud this morning or did you have a conversation with yourself in a loud voice?
BTW, now you can tell your company that they need to put you up in some classier digs with better sound attenuation.
My vote is to commission Squawk to take pictures of wild birds with Texpat’s style of women in the background… minimally clad of course.
I figured if we paid Squawk to include the women of Texpat’s choosing that Squawk wouldn’t gripe about the lack of posterior accoutrements.
Quaint little “Target store“. Only in Texas…
And in case you’ve never seen the Marfa Prada boutique…
A tad on the bawdy side, but fits in with the Animal World theme today…
I’m in agreement with you all about the prospects of a brokered convention for the Dems. But, as I’ve said before, I expect hiliary to come riding in on the back of a white horse, completely nude, long hair covering everything (coming from her head, not other parts of her body), and offering herself up for sacrifice to serve as the nominee, all for the good of the party of course. She’ll be elected by acclimation. She’s had all of her plastic surgery taken care of and the scars healed up, so she’s ready to go. May require an abundance… Read more »
#35 Tedtam
That likely would be Iowa since it is first out of the box with the primaries.
Oops, I think Iowa has caucuses rather than a primary.
Saw an add for this vacuum tube pre-amp. Seems pricey for two tubes and four knobs.
I vote for Sqwack to post the series of pictures. Those will be most interesting to see.
If you don’t go see Little Women you’re an evil person.
I had bees two years ago on my place and the garden, fruit trees and berry trees exploded with goodies. The next year I didn’t have any bees and everything was pitiful. The weather didn’t help. The garden did fine but the fruit trees were pitiful. We were giving apples away the year before and got three last year.
Life was not good.
We are about 80% self sustaining here. Our major purchases are lettuce and fresh tomatoes.
33 dave
You can prolly find a beekeeper who will place hives on your estate and maintain them. I would imagine you’d get some vig from the action.
A balmy -18 F, windchill -35. That’s up from -40 this morning. I like your wildlife photos as it appears so does everyone else. Battery froze in the TW’s car. We haven’t been driving it enough.
I’m liking this global warming, wearing shorts again today, had the A/C on in the truck.
Remember a couple of months ago when global warming was going to swallow Venice with rising sea levels?
Just kidding!
I’m excited to see how they blame global warming for this.
Thousands standing in freezing rain for Trump Wisconsin rally.
I think Van Jones and Bill Ayers each have spoken about the need to crush our Capitalistic economy so that it could be rebuilt in the utopian ideal form. As long as Capitalism is working, Socialism has a much diminished chance of taking hold in a quick fashion.
There is indeed a battle going on for the heart and soul of the Democrat Party. Left Wing extremists are trying to finalize the take over started by Obama. The fund raising prowess of the Clintons and Pelosi is being matched by AOC and others, with help from Soros.
The operative theory, and principal danger to the Republic, is that eventually there will be an economic event such as what happened y to Bush, that will catapult the commies into power so they can “fix” the economy.
I remember reading a story years ago in which a father scooped a new swarm into a box (the new hive) with his bare hands, with the bees like a cloud around his head and body. Freaked his kid out. He told his son that a swarm never stings.
However, the next day….