China’s Smart Bathrooms Will Sound an Alarm When You Take Too Long
The Chinese government has built and installed around 150 “smart” public bathrooms around the city, according to Shanghai Observer via Shanghaiist.
They all come equipped with high-tech features such as monitoring and controlling the odor, tabulating the number of visitors and adjusting water levels.
If the visitor stays inside for longer than 15 minutes, an alarm will be sent to a worker who will then check on the person.
I know that everything the chinese government does is to control the people, but really? I’ll just leave this right here for your perusal amusement.
Spouse and I just saw a Tom Hanks movie The Circle (2017). Quite a departure from his other work and very well done. It’s a futuristic, prophetic tale of what too much electronic connectivity can lead to: everybody connected to a virtually universal grid, reachable by just about everybody, including the state that sees all and knows all. When he ordered it from Netflix it was not described as such a prophetic piece, much more like bland wonderful connectivity. Guess folks who pay attention like Hamsters do to what’s going on in reality rather than mere fluff headlines would find… Read more »
They can’t be denied an outdoor TV antenna. FCC rule. If they want to go to war with the HOA or whoever. –
The amplified rabbit ears work very well in receiving a signal that is otherwise unreadable. I’ve used them with success in the past.
Gnats are rolling. They look hungry and want to win, sort of like the Astros used to.
Cinderella story … outta nowhere
My folks in Georgetown can’t get Fox OTA out of Austin. If they were allowed to have an outside antenna, I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem. In any case, they signed up for a free 5 day trial of YouTube. Last night they went to a restaurant to watch the game, but it closed at 9pm. My dad wasn’t too happy.
We ask, we tell. Nobody wears their boxers backwards.
There will be rascals, skamps, ne’re-do-wells, miscreants, and a few skallywags.
There will be skulduggery, but no buggery.
Gnats apparently came to play. Maybe Stros did too. Shaping up as another good game so far.
You Tube is also carrying the WS game. It’s on the subscription side, but they offer a free trial period.
#14 TexMo Some of the ones we’ve seen/been on have 3 lanes, the outside one for entering and exiting, inside ones for traveling on to the desired exit where one gets in the outside lane to leave. Or in case one has lost track of the desired exit and it pops up suddenly, one makes a dash for the exit while being mostly oblivious to anybody else around. If one is lucky only exchanges of words and gestures ensues…. On the positive side of these circles, there is ample room in the middle for artwork or statuary surrounded by plantings… Read more »
No antenna.
Last night was the first time I had issues. I imagine all the cord cutters overloaded their system.
How come Shannon can get fox 26 OTA but you can’t?
So Hulu was almost unwatchable on last night’s game, it was a problem everywhere evidently. OTA is not an option for me at this time. Seems the fix is to download the FoxNow app, I just did, so far so good.
Not happy with Hulu at this time.
#16, that is a very nice kayak. Hope you post where you launch. Another safe place to kayak is West Bay via Surfside/Follett’s Island. Cross the bridge and head east. There are few launch launch points on the bay side. There are too many reefs and shallow points for outboards to even think of going there. Though if there during duck season you will have company. Another bonus, if you have been wade fishing, you can head back to Surfside soaking wet and the bars are in full swing in the AM and will serve burgers and booze. Not sure… Read more »
Y’all could go skinny dipping in Lake McQueeney.
#33 Sarge will you be bringing Queen Buttigieg?
Iwant to thank everybody for the information on how to get to Kingsbury yesterday.
Now that I know you know how to get there, I expect to see you there—-
OK folks, I know that you all have had a busy day, but now it about time to sit back, relax, and start putting on your game face for tonight. That’s all for now. More later.
Here’s a good point I found over yonder…
#29 – Looks very cool!!!
I don’t ‘do’ Amazon Prime’ but I bet I can find the flick elsewhere (eventually)
I think I’ll check out the movie, Oil In The Blood, on Amazon this weekend. It is all about motorcycle customization.
You can watch the trailer here.
– Walt Williams
inserting in a queen?
Err….I suppose Buttigieg qualifies for the…err….position?
Meanwhile AmeriKa’s first usurping Kenyan president headlines a fundraiser with a communist.
Remember when impeachment was off the table when the Kenyan was president?
Mulatto skin privilege allowed him to commit any crime as “president.”
The Deep State Joined @the-Hip-Parties have lynched the border, free speech, due process and sanity.
Vote rƎgrƎssivƎnist 2020: Keep Amerika Stalinist Still.
My thoughts keep straying to my cousin. I’m hoping there’s hope after all her tests are done at St. Luke’s.
Tomorrow is the one-day showing of The Reliant. Just a reminder.
Morning, y’all. I’m sure everyone in Houston is enjoying the cool weather we are having this week.
Morning gang. The attack my bronchial system suffered this week seems to be on the wane, but I’m still coughing my head off. As predicted, the Gnats are proving to be a handful for the Stros. Tomorrow is a travel day, the Friday is another travel day to go see doc in Marble Falls. I’m suspecting that all this bronchial is due to a weakening of my lungs from the blood clot that is residing in the saddle in there. As for kayaking, the entire area from April Fool Point back down to Seabrook flats is great. It’s protected from… Read more »
I posted, over yonder, about the Foxes and Southern Tragedy replied with this; I need a faux fox shawl for my coat but a real one is mo betta. Hint hint… 😀
This has been all over the news here; Kamille ‘Cupcake’ McKinney’s body is found in a dumpster after the three-year-old was abducted from an Alabama park 10 days ago and police prepare to charge a man, 39, and his girlfriend, 29, with her murder. Two suspects have been charged with murder after the body of three-year-old Kamille ‘Cupcake’ McKinney was found in a landfill over a week after she went missing, Alabama police say. Birmingham Police Chief Patrick Smith announced at a news conference Tuesday night that Kamille’s remains were discovered in a trash bin taken to a landfill in… Read more »
Today is Lovely Daughter’s birthday. She’s already been gifted. “I opened the gifts from the girls so they wouldn’t have ants in their pants all day.”
So they could focus on school. I can understand that.
It seems the Europeans have smuggling problems, too. Local Tory MP Jackie Doyle-Price suggested people smugglers may be to blame for the tragedy – although police have refused to confirm this. She tweeted: “People trafficking is a vile and dangerous business. This is a big investigation for @EssexPoliceUK “Lets hope they bring these murderers to justice”. She later said in the Commons “putting 39 people into a locked metal container shows a contempt for human life that is evil”. No duh. Check out our southern border. While we have our truck incidents, we have populations of desert skeletons, marking out… Read more »
gto from yesterday My kayak is a Wilderness Systems A.T.A.K. 140. It’s virtually impossible to capsize even with the seat in the high position. I haven’t been able to successfully stand up on it yet. It tracks really well and is fairly easy to paddle due to its length (14’). The length & width make it pretty heavy, so it can take some effort to get off the trailer & into the water & back. I about killed myself trying to get it on the roof, hence the trailer. I always wear my pfd, even in shallow water – you… Read more »
What a knee slapper… oh wait, you are being serious.
Adee, generally speaking the people already in the roundabout have right-of-way. When you enter it, you must yield to those already present… unless you are in Morocco and then it is literally a free-for-all and every man for himself!
Every day I become a little more jaded.
If you are menstruating you are a woman. Period 😉
Make that inserting a queen.
And desperately searching for a queen…
As with most things Leftist, there exists a dichotomy. Britain is obviously a racist country so … we need to replicate their healthcare system, parliamentary form of government, and traffic control systems.
New Berlin, Wisconsin has a plethora of roundabouts as well.
Good morning Hamsters. Another 49 this morning, brisk and wonderful. Fall has decided to stay for another day. Sorry our Astros lost last night. Hope they can correct that in Game 2. Regarding traffic circles, there has to have been a reason for making those decades ago when automobile traffic was so much less than now, but with the huge number of vehicles on the roads now, umm traffic lights do a much better and safer job at intersections. Consider younger drivers who never encountered one. Or, as mentioned above, certain other cultures that lightly regard traffic rules…. I’ve never… Read more »
1951 GMC 101-22 1/2 ton Canopy Express After producing this model since the earliest days in the teens, just four more years of production would offer the Canopy Express before the last one rolled off the line in 1954. I shot this photo of the GMC Heritage Center’s Canopy Express 16 years ago. The Heritage Center used to attend ATHS National shows with a collection of 4-5 trucks but those no longer leave the Heritage Center I assume due to budget constraints. So if you want to see them now, you’ll have to pull together and get a group of… Read more »
It’s not even a four way intersection. Patton tees into Irvington.
I think I’ll sow a seed. Roundabouts were invented in Britain. Britain was a colonial empire. Britain was wayciss. Therefore, roundabouts are WAYCISS!
Someone notify Travis Morales. We need a new Moody Park Uprising!
Heh, ol’ Dave and I are on the same wavelength this morning.
From Hamous last night.
When the debil gits ahold of a civil engineer, a roundabout is conceived.
So you have a two lane intersecting with a four lane and they want to put a roundabout there? Yeh, that sound like a good plan.
Hey, there is one of my favorites!
Chilly 52 here this morning, I could see my breath when I went outside.
Mornin’ Gang
Welcome back to sanity Texpat!!