Weekend Open Comments

The Memorial of Unborn Children, sculpture by Martin Hudacek, Slovakia

From the American Center for Law and Justice:

There has been a veil cast across society.  A mirage so effective it’s nearly impossible to look through and see the reality of our present circumstances.

TeenVogue, a publication targeting young teen girls, gave us a small glimpse of our true reality when it published its “Post Abortion Gift Guide.”

Yep.  You read that correctly.

It’s a list of 10 things you can get for your bestie who’s deciding to have an abortion, ranging from poetry books to chocolates to many other disturbing suggestions intended to “comfort” your friend post-abortion.

The list starts with lies shrouded in truth.

“Look, making this decision is never simple, and having to make it as a teenager is more than a little terrifying. But it shouldn’t have to be so scary. The worst part of all this isn’t the procedure itself (which by the way is completely safe as long as you have access to a good clinic). The worst part is how you’re treated afterwards.”

I have no words.

The American Center for Law and Justice is a great organization.  These guys are combative street-fighters for the conservative movement.



