Prohibited behaviors include weighing, evaluating, questioning, critiquing, deconstructing, or otherwise assaulting the victim’s complaint. This proscription applies to all departments: it is inappropriate to challenge a victim’s factual account or legal assertion through the disciplines of law, philosophy, rhetoric, logic, or physics. Statements of support and belief in the victim’s account remain acceptable — and strongly encouraged — under any discipline.
The second line above reminded me of the famous Sokal’s Hoax, especially the reference to “physics”.
The piece at Popehat was a very well-written satirical mockery of the entire Kipnis episode at Northwestern.
Because I have been paying close attention to this whole “rape culture” fraud being perpetrated on America, I caught a couple of clues, but most people would not. Commenters at Popehat were shocked to be told it was satire.
The worst part is, in this day and age, it’s very difficult to write satire anymore. If you do, you’re overtaken by the next news cycle and some true story more absurd than anything you can dream up.
Unfortunately Northwestern’s policy just leaked, but what they are doing is in response to a directive from the US Dept of Edumacation citing Title IX requiring these ridiculous requirements. In other words, they are all doing it, but most colleges are trying to keep it under the radar. It’s just another of Obama’s list of regulation trying to satisfy the femanazi’s.
June 1, 2015 7:28 pm
One can take small comfort, but none the less some modicum of comfort, that Northwestern is a private school and therefore entitled to be as lunatic as it likes so long as it doesn’t trip up on any of the Federal proclamations—real or imagined. Am thinking the Big 10 + 4 should ask them to quietly leave the conference for sure this time.
June 1, 2015 7:28 pm
Speaking of which, haven’t seen texanadian around lately.
Probably still digging out.
Nothing wrong with mourning a friend’s passing, be she quadruped rather than biped.
June 1, 2015 6:40 pm
The HEB Homemade Vanilla will do, in these trying times.
June 1, 2015 6:39 pm
Comedy from my inbox: (Sarge, don’t get your shorts in a knot, this is comedy) Yesterday, I wore my Vietnam Veterans cap when I went to Wal-Mart. There was nothing in particular that I needed at the world’s largest retailer, but since I retired, trips to Wally World to look at the “Walmartians” is always good for some comic release. Besides, I always feel pretty normal after seeing some of the people that frequent this establishment. But, I digress…enough of my psychological fixations. While standing in line to check out, the guy in front of me, probably in his early… Read more »
June 1, 2015 6:36 pm
My cat, Freeway, is now taking a dirt nap next to Axel, another cat, behind the garage. Her torment is over. I am glad for that but sad for the loss of a great cat. When she was younger, she would jump on my therapy table and lie down next to my clients. She calmed them and made my job easier, she was my “thera-cat”. My other cat, who is much younger and still slim, will do that now. Mrs. Bonecrusher took it hard, but I think is better now. Time will cause this pain to pass.
June 1, 2015 6:19 pm
Whiskers: Let’s just say I’m not holding my breath for that one to happen. . .
I mean come on reasonable and responsible behavior from a multi-term senator?!? PSSSHHHAWW
June 1, 2015 6:18 pm
#50: Public Attacks On Victims: When a student accuses a faculty member or another student of sexual misconduct, the only University response consistent with Title IX is contrition, acceptance, and support. That’s an obligation of all University employees. Whether or not the complaint has yielded public litigation or press coverage, it is inappropriate for University employees to engage in victim-blaming and victim-challenging behaviors that might deter complaints. Prohibited behaviors include weighing, evaluating, questioning, critiquing, deconstructing, or otherwise assaulting the victim’s complaint. This proscription applies to all departments: it is inappropriate to challenge a victim’s factual account or legal assertion through… Read more »
#51 – I’m presuming your interrogative is completely rhetorical – correct?
June 1, 2015 6:12 pm
#49: Why izzit that the concept of reeling in charitable giving by the govt (food stamps, wwic, welfare, afdc, supplemental disability and prolly a dozen others I don;t know about) never discussed? Why not start at waste, fraud, duplicitave programs, etc. WHY NOT TRY CUTTING SPENDING OTHER THAN THE MILITARY?
The first homo senator from South Carolina goes all Mondale on the day of his announcement. That’s sure to endear him to conservatives.
June 1, 2015 5:14 pm
#47: And then some.
June 1, 2015 4:33 pm
#39 mharper
Sadly, when you’re deep into delusion and believe that DNA can be bribed to lie, merely spelling your new name unconventionally is minor. Pray for him for he is so lost out there in some parallel universe. Very sad. A pox on all the Vogue drones who helped put him front and center in their degenerate rag.
Hey Laurent, go eff yourself. HEADLINE:FRENCH MINISTER: 2015 CLIMATE DEAL MUST AVOID US CONGRESS BONN, Germany (AP) — The global climate agreement being negotiated this year must be worded in such a way that it doesn’t require approval by the U.S. Congress, the French foreign minister said Monday. Laurent Fabius told African delegates at U.N. climate talks in Bonn that “we know the politics in the U.S. Whether we like it or not, if it comes to the Congress, they will refuse.” Until the gorebullwarmongers include China, India and Mexico in all the C02 restrictions it is pointless to even… Read more »
I’m beginning to think the cops killed all the Waco bikers too. The story is really starting to stink things up. Of course, if you measure Waco against Baltimore….
This Waco shoot out (slaughter?) is beginning to stink to high heaven.
Waco, Texas – Earlier today, detainees in the Jack Harwell Detention Center in Waco were told that in exchange for bond reductions, they must sign a document stating the Waco police “had the right to arrest the inmate and that he/she will not file a lawsuit against McLennan County and/or the City of Waco.”
June 1, 2015 2:18 pm
I noticed immediately how much the neck and shoulders resemble Mooch Obammy.
And shouldn’t that be “Kaitlyn” with a K!!??
June 1, 2015 1:22 pm
That was a fascinating read on tracking down fraud in publishing supposedly scientific research and how Science mag let it pass on so-called peer review. Science mag should be embarrassed out the wazoo, as its desire to focus attention/push on matters it believes are socially important outbids any supposedly academic or scientific ethics. MMGW and now Climate Change propaganda are favorites to push. Now obviously pushing the LGBTMOUSE agenda is at the forefront as well.
Science mag obviously believes the “social sciences” are real sciences. Actually the Journal of Irreproducible Results needs to run with this revelation.
Bonecrusher says:
JUNE 1, 2015 AT 11:09 AM
#20: There is a silver lining there, Gramnesty is agonna find out just how much the politically active conservatives out there loathe him.
Lindsay Graham is running in an attempt to control the all important South Carolina Primary.
Strangely enough, every story I saw was on liberal sites. NYT, WaPo, huffpo, Vox, New Yorker. I think wimpy “conservative” sites are askeered of being called homophobic.
June 1, 2015 12:46 pm
I don’t know what to say about the fake gay survey story. I remember there being some news when the fake survey came out — all the lefties were just thrilled. I do not remember seeing anything about an expose until I read that long story this morning. Yet the sort of sites I watch would surely have covered this news.
I am going to really enjoy it when the 30,000 real scientists finally get their case in court to challenge the entire mmgw myth. The fraud will exposed, but unfortunately nothing of substance will happen to the perps like the manbearpigcrazedsexpoodlelyingsackofcrap.
June 1, 2015 11:22 am
Oh. Never mind.
June 1, 2015 11:21 am
and here I just thought I was having deja vu all over again. . . . .
Yeah, that’s what my link to the New Yorker was about.
June 1, 2015 11:09 am
#20: There is a silver lining there, Gramnesty is agonna find out just how much the politically active conservatives out there loathe him.
June 1, 2015 11:05 am
Yabbut this is a followup story on the guy that exposed the fraud, a gay guy.
So there.
Super Dave
June 1, 2015 10:54 am
Just another day in paradise, the water has been great, real smooth, especially in the mornings. Yesterday after I walked down to the pier, I went out past the sandbar where the few breakers were and floated for about an hour. This morning after I finished my coffee I headed back down for another relaxing float, gotta’ take advantage of it while it’s nice and smooth. Earlier it was raining about 7 miles out and we may have a shower today, if so it will probably be fairly short, usually is. The Boy said that it’s nice and sunny over… Read more »
So sorry about kitty. Miss Salem is looking older these days, and she’s becoming exceedingly clingy. I worry about her. I keep her heating pad on for her, so she’s as comfortable as I can make her.
June 1, 2015 9:41 am
The trauma from the bite itself is the least of her worries. The bacteria in the mouth of a komodo dragon is so toxic the animal is considered venemous.
June 1, 2015 9:16 am
Doooood, I have always gone straight to the source, so I couldn’t tell you.
Excellent satire that skates too close to reality these days as you said, Texpat.
The second line above reminded me of the famous Sokal’s Hoax, especially the reference to “physics”.
El Gordo & Adee
RE: #50
The piece at Popehat was a very well-written satirical mockery of the entire Kipnis episode at Northwestern.
Because I have been paying close attention to this whole “rape culture” fraud being perpetrated on America, I caught a couple of clues, but most people would not. Commenters at Popehat were shocked to be told it was satire.
The worst part is, in this day and age, it’s very difficult to write satire anymore. If you do, you’re overtaken by the next news cycle and some true story more absurd than anything you can dream up.
Unfortunately Northwestern’s policy just leaked, but what they are doing is in response to a directive from the US Dept of Edumacation citing Title IX requiring these ridiculous requirements. In other words, they are all doing it, but most colleges are trying to keep it under the radar. It’s just another of Obama’s list of regulation trying to satisfy the femanazi’s.
One can take small comfort, but none the less some modicum of comfort, that Northwestern is a private school and therefore entitled to be as lunatic as it likes so long as it doesn’t trip up on any of the Federal proclamations—real or imagined. Am thinking the Big 10 + 4 should ask them to quietly leave the conference for sure this time.
Speaking of which, haven’t seen texanadian around lately.
Probably still digging out.
Criminal educators.
#55 Bonecrusher
Nothing wrong with mourning a friend’s passing, be she quadruped rather than biped.
The HEB Homemade Vanilla will do, in these trying times.
Comedy from my inbox: (Sarge, don’t get your shorts in a knot, this is comedy) Yesterday, I wore my Vietnam Veterans cap when I went to Wal-Mart. There was nothing in particular that I needed at the world’s largest retailer, but since I retired, trips to Wally World to look at the “Walmartians” is always good for some comic release. Besides, I always feel pretty normal after seeing some of the people that frequent this establishment. But, I digress…enough of my psychological fixations. While standing in line to check out, the guy in front of me, probably in his early… Read more »
My cat, Freeway, is now taking a dirt nap next to Axel, another cat, behind the garage. Her torment is over. I am glad for that but sad for the loss of a great cat. When she was younger, she would jump on my therapy table and lie down next to my clients. She calmed them and made my job easier, she was my “thera-cat”. My other cat, who is much younger and still slim, will do that now. Mrs. Bonecrusher took it hard, but I think is better now. Time will cause this pain to pass.
Whiskers: Let’s just say I’m not holding my breath for that one to happen. . .
I mean come on reasonable and responsible behavior from a multi-term senator?!?
#50: Public Attacks On Victims: When a student accuses a faculty member or another student of sexual misconduct, the only University response consistent with Title IX is contrition, acceptance, and support. That’s an obligation of all University employees. Whether or not the complaint has yielded public litigation or press coverage, it is inappropriate for University employees to engage in victim-blaming and victim-challenging behaviors that might deter complaints. Prohibited behaviors include weighing, evaluating, questioning, critiquing, deconstructing, or otherwise assaulting the victim’s complaint. This proscription applies to all departments: it is inappropriate to challenge a victim’s factual account or legal assertion through… Read more »
#51 – I’m presuming your interrogative is completely rhetorical – correct?
#49: Why izzit that the concept of reeling in charitable giving by the govt (food stamps, wwic, welfare, afdc, supplemental disability and prolly a dozen others I don;t know about) never discussed? Why not start at waste, fraud, duplicitave programs, etc. WHY NOT TRY CUTTING SPENDING OTHER THAN THE MILITARY?
You won’t believe this treatment of delicate snowflakes at Northwestern University. Why would any male student even apply for enrollment – it’s a set-up to have your life ruined.
The first homo senator from South Carolina goes all Mondale on the day of his announcement. That’s sure to endear him to conservatives.
#47: And then some.
#39 mharper
Sadly, when you’re deep into delusion and believe that DNA can be bribed to lie, merely spelling your new name unconventionally is minor. Pray for him for he is so lost out there in some parallel universe. Very sad. A pox on all the Vogue drones who helped put him front and center in their degenerate rag.
#37 hamous
/s/he has a nice rack.
Tourist in South Africa feeds the kitty.
Hey Laurent, go eff yourself. HEADLINE:FRENCH MINISTER: 2015 CLIMATE DEAL MUST AVOID US CONGRESS BONN, Germany (AP) — The global climate agreement being negotiated this year must be worded in such a way that it doesn’t require approval by the U.S. Congress, the French foreign minister said Monday. Laurent Fabius told African delegates at U.N. climate talks in Bonn that “we know the politics in the U.S. Whether we like it or not, if it comes to the Congress, they will refuse.” Until the gorebullwarmongers include China, India and Mexico in all the C02 restrictions it is pointless to even… Read more »
re: #40 / 41
If I was one of those guys there is no way I would sign that. I would, however, try to get in on this.
Ever wonder how so many of these scientific studies get published. One group set out to fake a study and proved their theory:
I’m beginning to think the cops killed all the Waco bikers too. The story is really starting to stink things up. Of course, if you measure Waco against Baltimore….
Link for #40
This Waco shoot out (slaughter?) is beginning to stink to high heaven.
Waco, Texas – Earlier today, detainees in the Jack Harwell Detention Center in Waco were told that in exchange for bond reductions, they must sign a document stating the Waco police “had the right to arrest the inmate and that he/she will not file a lawsuit against McLennan County and/or the City of Waco.”
I noticed immediately how much the neck and shoulders resemble Mooch Obammy.
And shouldn’t that be “Kaitlyn” with a K!!??
That was a fascinating read on tracking down fraud in publishing supposedly scientific research and how Science mag let it pass on so-called peer review. Science mag should be embarrassed out the wazoo, as its desire to focus attention/push on matters it believes are socially important outbids any supposedly academic or scientific ethics. MMGW and now Climate Change propaganda are favorites to push. Now obviously pushing the LGBTMOUSE agenda is at the forefront as well.
Science mag obviously believes the “social sciences” are real sciences. Actually the Journal of Irreproducible Results needs to run with this revelation.
Y’all gotta check out the effigy of a woman on the latest Vanity fair cover.
Lindsay Graham is running in an attempt to control the all important South Carolina Primary.
Strangely enough, every story I saw was on liberal sites. NYT, WaPo, huffpo, Vox, New Yorker. I think wimpy “conservative” sites are askeered of being called homophobic.
I don’t know what to say about the fake gay survey story. I remember there being some news when the fake survey came out — all the lefties were just thrilled. I do not remember seeing anything about an expose until I read that long story this morning. Yet the sort of sites I watch would surely have covered this news.
Watch for flying shrapnel, EG.
I was going to watch the blowhards bloviate but decided to cut my toenails instead.
The blowhards are blowing hard in the waning moments of the session.
Get a room for Pete’s sake.
I am going to really enjoy it when the 30,000 real scientists finally get their case in court to challenge the entire mmgw myth. The fraud will exposed, but unfortunately nothing of substance will happen to the perps like the manbearpigcrazedsexpoodlelyingsackofcrap.
Oh. Never mind.
and here I just thought I was having deja vu all over again. . . . .
Yeah, that’s what my link to the New Yorker was about.
#20: There is a silver lining there, Gramnesty is agonna find out just how much the politically active conservatives out there loathe him.
Yabbut this is a followup story on the guy that exposed the fraud, a gay guy.
So there.
Just another day in paradise, the water has been great, real smooth, especially in the mornings. Yesterday after I walked down to the pier, I went out past the sandbar where the few breakers were and floated for about an hour. This morning after I finished my coffee I headed back down for another relaxing float, gotta’ take advantage of it while it’s nice and smooth. Earlier it was raining about 7 miles out and we may have a shower today, if so it will probably be fairly short, usually is. The Boy said that it’s nice and sunny over… Read more »
Oh GEEZ – now we gotta pay attenshun?
who do I SUE? 🙂
#14 Texpat and I both posted about that story weeks ago. I guess we know who y’all pay attention to 😉
#20 – Pass dat bucket Brutha Squawkster! oh hell Naw!
Lindsey Graham is announcing his run for the residency of the United States.
#14 Shannon
Excellent story of exposing academic fraud.
So sorry about kitty. Miss Salem is looking older these days, and she’s becoming exceedingly clingy. I worry about her. I keep her heating pad on for her, so she’s as comfortable as I can make her.
The trauma from the bite itself is the least of her worries. The bacteria in the mouth of a komodo dragon is so toxic the animal is considered venemous.
Doooood, I have always gone straight to the source, so I couldn’t tell you.