Holy Thursday






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April 2, 2015 9:41 pm

Healthcare is such a hassle these days. Hubs and I are officially on our new Medigap and scrip plans since Apr 1, but only 1 invoice had been received and paid. Just noticed the medigap payments have been taken from my checking account, 12 months for him but only 1 month for me. I had authorized a year’s worth for… Read more »

April 2, 2015 7:23 pm

#22 BC

HEADLINE: DOJ: No contempt charges for former IRS official Lois Lerner

Don’t worry. Trey Gowdy will be all over it and like Mike Pence he’ll prove once again that Culberson really said that replucklicans will use the Powerlessness of the Pu$$hees, not the power of the purse, to not get things done.

April 2, 2015 6:38 pm

I was planning to go to a business seminar tonight, then remembered what day it was.

Going to mass soon instead.

April 2, 2015 6:38 pm

On Twitter this past Tuesday:

Kevin D. Williamson @KevinNR


What man among us, really, hasn’t been high as a Georgia pine on cocaine, dressed as a woman, and tempted to storm Fort Meade?

11:55 AM – 31 Mar 2015

April 2, 2015 5:54 pm

Super Dave, do you only walk your doglets on a pipeline right-of-way, and never along a street where they might wander up into someone’s yard? I am still laughing about a photo that was posted on my neighborhood’s FB Group page yesterday. It showed a woman walking her leashed dog along a street around here, with the dog crapping in… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 2, 2015 5:36 pm

Dang, I’m tarred!! That D@^^#&!!* ole 8048 is going to kill me yet,…BUTT, Lil’Bit and old Small, Back-Up Dawg are chomping at the bits for their walk, later…..as we have bushes/mail boxes to sniff,…good stuff Maynard, just axe the girls. 😀

April 2, 2015 5:04 pm

Whut? A defenseless 42?

April 2, 2015 5:03 pm

I just hope that the somebody starts putting up bill boards in the appropriate neighborhoods that read:

“If Democrats can make Christians serve cake at a Gay Wedding, they can make Halal markets serve pork to Atheists.”

April 2, 2015 5:02 pm

#8 – Ann Coulter

Having won the war on gay marriage (by judicial fiat), now some liberal zealots insist on going house-to-house and shooting the survivors.

I like it.

April 2, 2015 4:46 pm

Flakka Head impales self on fence at Ft. Lauderdale PD yard. See the video. No Darwin award as the impalee survived. That and he looks to be over 15 so he is prolly already a daddy. best comment: Someone asked him if he decided whether or not to break into the police station, and he said “I’m kind of on… Read more »

April 2, 2015 4:39 pm

#27 TP: That would be a great new project for James O’Keefe, but only with body armor and lots of backup.

As it was said by a smart lady on these very pages not long ago:

If it weren’t for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.

April 2, 2015 4:27 pm

Oh noes, did I kilt thah blog with my spew about tax forms? Sorry. 🙁

April 2, 2015 2:23 pm

I’m in great need of an afternoon nap. I’ve been doing Hubs & my 1040 this morning. It’s an odd one, first year we were both on Social Security but had no 1099 income. I did some major rollovers last year, combining 3 separate tax-free accounts into a single new IRA, with a new investment company. There was one withholding… Read more »

April 2, 2015 2:20 pm

#s 31 & 33 –

President Jarrett has succeeded in guarantying that we’ll see World War III, probably in our lifetime.

(aka we “will” see?)

I’d postulate we already ARE seeing WWlll

April 2, 2015 2:09 pm

Christie signed the pardon on Tuesday, stating: I, Chris Christie, governor of the State of New Jersey, by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by the Constitution of the State of New Jersey and the statutes of the state, do hereby grant Shaneen Denise Allen, a full and free pardon for all criminal charges and indictments arising from the… Read more »

April 2, 2015 1:54 pm


April 2, 2015 1:51 pm

#31 – er…………*going to see*??

April 2, 2015 1:39 pm

President Jarrett has succeeded in guarantying that we’ll see World War III, probably in our lifetime.

April 2, 2015 1:39 pm
April 2, 2015 1:25 pm

mharper42 says: APRIL 2, 2015 AT 1:04 PM Do you still have to wash your feet if you wear socks and shoes and haven’t walked on a dusty road? BTW, I appreciate the explanations, as it hadn’t quite sunk in that if you wear sandals while walking on dirty roads, your feet will need washing. But I suppose in the… Read more »

April 2, 2015 1:04 pm

Do you still have to wash your feet if you wear socks and shoes and haven’t walked on a dusty road? BTW, I appreciate the explanations, as it hadn’t quite sunk in that if you wear sandals while walking on dirty roads, your feet will need washing. But I suppose in the modern world, washing someone else’s feet is a… Read more »

April 2, 2015 12:08 pm

Here’s a challenge for you.

Dearborn, Michigan claims the title of Muslim Capital of America.

eYasmeen Bakery – Middle Eastern bakery and deli – halal certified

Shatila Bakery – Middle Eastern bakery

Go ahead, call them up and try to order a wedding cake with this on it:

Allahu Akbar ! Abdullah & Muhammad (with a big heart on it)

April 2, 2015 11:55 am

Katfish says: APRIL 2, 2015 AT 9:54 AM #12 – welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll – I’ve never been a huge Scaggs fan (although I’d never deny his talent) This was 2004…….sounds like he still “had it goin on” Yah, same boat. I listened to the whole thing, and its good. But the problem for me is that the definitive Boz tune is actually… Read more »

April 2, 2015 11:36 am

Super Dave says: APRIL 2, 2015 AT 11:30 AM Dave must be working on his transmogrifier. As a matter of fact, I’ve been doing just that. I had 11 channels hooked up and just for the halibut, I ran them into a dummy load and ran each one with an oscillator and ONE WAS OUT! CRAP!!! This doesn’t surprise me… Read more »

Super Dave
Super Dave
April 2, 2015 11:30 am

Dave must be working on his transmogrifier. As a matter of fact, I’ve been doing just that. I had 11 channels hooked up and just for the halibut, I ran them into a dummy load and ran each one with an oscillator and ONE WAS OUT! CRAP!!! This doesn’t surprise me BTW. So I took a break to eat some… Read more »

April 2, 2015 11:13 am

In a post with some good commentary on the recent Gaystapo attacks on Christians, Mark Styen includes this little nugget sure to make some couch dwellers grin: ~I see Katherine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, has said that we climate deniers are “sinful”. Who knew the Episcopal Church still had sins? Presumably climate denialism is the exception… Read more »

April 2, 2015 11:04 am

I believe that a blind man could see this one coming: HEADLINE: DOJ: No contempt charges for former IRS official Lois Lerner Because I have such a strong desire to keep my breakfast down and not spoil my lunch, I chose not to read past the 3rd or 4th paragraph. Rank corruption on full display, rule of law?!? What the… Read more »

April 2, 2015 10:34 am
April 2, 2015 10:30 am
April 2, 2015 10:22 am

I have read that muslims are so sold on foot washing that there are public footbaths up in the northern states that are eat up with muslim cabdrivers and the like. Now I don’t know if muslims wash their feet all day long for religious reasons or because they are dirty. Which is it?Muslims are supposed to wash feet, hands,… Read more »

April 2, 2015 10:08 am

Muslims are supposed to wash feet, hands, ears before praying 5 times a day.

April 2, 2015 9:55 am

I looked up Maundy and found a reference to washing the feet on that Thursday. I don’t get the religious significance of foot washing — can someone enlighten me?

The story is here.

An explanation is here.

April 2, 2015 9:54 am

#12 – welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll – I’ve never been a huge Scaggs fan (although I’d never deny his talent)

This was 2004…….sounds like he still “had it goin on”

April 2, 2015 9:53 am

#14 M42: THE MESSIAH washed his disciples feet on the night before he was sacrificed.

As far as the muzzies go, who cares?

April 2, 2015 9:50 am

I looked up Maundy and found a reference to washing the feet on that Thursday. I don’t get the religious significance of foot washing — can someone enlighten me? I have read that muslims are so sold on foot washing that there are public footbaths up in the northern states that are eat up with muslim cabdrivers and the like.… Read more »

April 2, 2015 9:48 am

#9 – I don’t know ab so lute ly for Houston……………

BUT – not far north (in between Waco and Whitney TX)
I have seen 100 degree days as early as the first week of May
I have also seen it SNOW 18” on May the 15th (in the early 80s)

April 2, 2015 9:23 am

The superheterodyne deluxe transmogrifier

April 2, 2015 9:22 am

Dave must be working on his transmogrifier.

April 2, 2015 9:18 am

Has it ever froze in Houston after March and before October?

April 2, 2015 9:14 am

Ann Coulter has been channeling Hamous.

April 2, 2015 9:01 am

Good morning Hamsters. Pollen and liveoak blossoms still fly around here today, again covering the patio and walkway at the edge of the back porch that I swept after supper last night. The fountain is full of the blossoms so I scooped them out this morning and added water. Perhaps it’s too soon to have it going. Our ancient native… Read more »

April 2, 2015 9:01 am

APRIL 2, 2015 AT 7:15 AM This morning the BBC reported that the muzzy extremist group, Al Shabbab, has attacked a university in Kenya. So far there are 15 dead, the muzzy students were allowed to leave, the rest are being held by the terrorists and their lives are in grave danger. When will the collective world remove their collective… Read more »

April 2, 2015 8:46 am

Wakka Wakka

April 2, 2015 8:27 am

Lovely just informed that I have an official dance now! She told Sunshine that they would be seeing me today (I’m watching Sunshine while Lovely is in a doctor appointment), and”She keeps repeating ‘Noona Noona’ and doing a happy dance.”

You can all be just as jealous as you want. G’head. Be jealous.

April 2, 2015 8:21 am


April 2, 2015 8:21 am



April 2, 2015 8:09 am
