Weekend “Don’t Go Under!” Open Comments

I saw this story on The Blaze on Thursday, and as I watched the videos I started crying. I, too, was a near-drowning victim – twice. I still remember how terrified I was, and how fortunate I was that I was rescued. Little Sunshine is at the age where she’ll be in the water more. I sent her momma this information. The life she saves may be her child’s. Or someone else’s.
Can you spot the drowing child?

Drowning doesn’t always look like drowning! There may be little splashing and no calling out for help. If you see that, certainly get help to the swimmer who’s in distress, but as you can see, you can be only a few feet away from a dying person and not even know it.

And a simple playful push ends in death:

I got the drowning victim in the first video, only because I had read articles about drowning already and had some idea of what to look for. Had I not been told someone was drowning and know to look for a drowning victim, however, I don’t know that I would have recognized it.
Y’all be careful, and keep an eye out.


