Tuesday “You Can Only Twist So Far” Open Comments

You can twist the language only so far to avoid the truth before…you’re back at the truth again.

Texas Democrats had numerous training sessions available on the last day of the Texas Democratic Convention. NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, the Texas arm of the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL), hosted a session entitled “Finding Common Ground on Reproductive Rights.” The website for the state Democratic Convention described the course as “Providing pointers and practice to help participants have productive discussions with different audiences on abortion, contraception and reproductive health issues.” The class was designed to “also provide messaging to assist campaigns with addressing questions around reproductive rights.” NARAL told the group that it provides practice sessions in order to help candidates have effective pro-choice messaging.

I’ve always been confused about how they equate “reproductive health” with a process that forcibly and sometimes violently invades a woman’s body and uses techniques that can cause hemorrhage, permanent damage, and even death. Yep, that sounds pretty healthy.

In using a value based message, women were told to discuss their own values while “acknowledging the complexity of the situation” and “encouraging empathy for making a different decision.” NARAL’s strategy to use personal values “is to make it human and real, not just a bumper sticker.”

The “complexity of the situation” could have been made much more simple had the partners involved taken more care before knocking boots. The “different decision” involves killing a human being. It’s already pretty “human and real”.

“Choice” is no longer considered a persuasive issue and the women were told “to stay away from slogan type of words.” They were also told not to use the word “fetus” and “to use more ‘complex’ words like ‘baby’ if that is how you feel about it.”

Yep, a baby is obviously more complex than a callous afternoon appointment. But the fact that they’re now going to admit it’s not a “product of pregnancy” or some such, but are admitting it’s a baby – that may bite them in the proverbial buttocks.
I’ll let you read the rest of the article. These people turn my stomach. But I will put the last paragraph here. This statement is….well, you just have to read it for yourself.

In addressing “the false argument” that Democrats do not support the death penalty but support abortion, Long engaged in a rapid-fire questions response about the difficulty of choice, and people’s different belief systems. The Communications Director said to “shy away from ‘abortion is murder’ because it is so bananas to us.”



