In Which We Study Art History

The Medieval period brought many changes in how mankind viewed himself and the world in which he lived. Monks, since they tended to have a bit more free time on their hands without being subjugated by The Man, were at the forefront of the studies which preserved these changes.
We can see this pictorially in how art, particularly painting, depicted this world.
MONK #1: what does it look like when some people are far away but some are closer
MONK #2: draw them all exactly the same size

Exotic animals:
MONK #1: what do whales look like?
MONK #2: pretty much exactly like squirrels or any other animal but in front of a blue background

Babies and still life:
MONK #1: what do babies look like
MONK #2: ….huh good question
MONK #1: kind of like a very old man?
MONK #2: but also baboons
MONK #1: dang whats a table look like
MONK #2: oh wow
MONK #1: i know right?
MONK #2: ahhh i KNOW this

More at the link.



