Thursday Open Comments

My how the times have changed!

It’s a stretch limo that the folks can’t afford, not the family car.
The dresses may or may not cover the important body parts.
The guys don’t wear suits, they rent tuxes.
There’s tweaking, not talking.
Because the DJ is playing the music so loudly you couldn’t carry on a conversation, anyway.
And there’s not as much class or respect.
If alcohol is not openly being served, the punch will be spiked. (I guess punch spiking has been around since then, actually.)
Girls open their own car doors, because they haven’t been taught about guys being “gentlemen”.
Guys don’t open their dates’ car doors, because they haven’t been taught about being a “gentleman”.
But the car door only opens long enough to get into the back seat, anyway.
Forget a handshake on the first date. Second base is more the norm.
Forget a quick kiss, if you’ve been on more than one date – condoms are more like it.
Oh, it’s nice to think back on kinder times. This won’t apply to all youth these days, just a depressingly large bunch of them.



