Wednesday Open Comments

Cuccinelli blames his defeat on the RINOs.

A campaign strategist for Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli said that the national GOP abandoned the campaign in its final days.
At the end of the race, Cuccinelli was closing in on Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who eked out a two-point victory on Tuesday despite exit polls that showed McAuliffe was up by seven points.
According to the Washington Post, Chris La Civita said that financial support from national Republican sources dried up on October 1.

In spite of the abandonment by the GOP establishment, and the tons of cash and support by the Dems for McAuliffe, it is probably causing a lot of shorts to be put into the laundry with the very narrow margin of victory. It took the Clintons, the Obamas, AND millions in cash to pull off the squeaker.
But I really don’t like that swirling feeling….



