Friday “Wildly Successful” Open Comments

Following up on the “delusional” theme from yesterday, I find this headline at Breitbart:
Document: Just Six People Enrolled in Obamacare Plans on Launch Day
Cheryl Atkisson better have some body guards. Performing actual journalism could get her a knife in the back.

The administration has refused to release any data on how many people enrolled in plans in the past month. But now CBS’s Sharyl Attkisson has obtained documents requested by the House Oversight Committee which reveal that just 6 people signed up the first day.
As recently as Wednesday, Sec. Sebelius refused to say how many people have signed up for new insurance using the Obamacare exchange. The excuse has been that the numbers are not available. But the documents obtained by CBS show that the administration was keeping track at “twice-a-day ‘war room’ meetings” at CMS.
The notes from these meetings reveal that 6 people signed up on day one. By the end of Wednesday (the 2nd day) the total was 248 nationwide. According to CBS the exchanges “need to average 39,000 enrollees a day to meet the goal of seven million by March 1.”

39,000 enrollees per day. Yeah, good luck with that. Even with a working program, I don’t see it happening. People are starting to realize just how badly they were suckered into voting for these manipulative,conniving weasels.



