Wagonburner’s No Title Post

Bronco might just be swerving into something positive.
There’s still ample opportunity to really booger it all up, but at least it’s promising and not based on completely pollyanna assumptions.
It would be better if he’d just get his mocha a$$ outta the way and let the private sector work.

Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are a promising area of investigation.
SMR’s are smaller versions of the reactors currently in use. Most commercial reactors have an output of 1 GWe (gigawatt electrical). SMR’s have an output generally below 300 MWe (megawatt electrical). The thing that make them special is that they can be built in a factory, trucked to an installation site, and installed. Most reactors require several years of construction, lots of safety systems, and billions of dollars to be put into use.
The other huge factor in favor of SMR’s is that they are inherently safe. If coolant is lost, they naturally slow down and cool of to the point where they will not melt.
They could be the wave of the future.



