Time Machine

About 10 years ago, our friends at NASA/JPL pointed the Hubble Space Telescope at a very small patch of sky in the constellation Fornax. The particular spot was noteworthy in that it was apparently empty.
A couple of years later, there was enough data to compile a view of what was actually in that “empty” patch of sky. It was anything but empty. There are over 10,000 galaxies in that empty space. This view became known as the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.
The furthest ones have a redshift of over 8, which corresponds to over 13 billion light-years away. IOW, the photographs show what these galaxies and other objects looked like over 13 billion years ago.
From this data, a fly-through animation was created.

Additional date was collected and the successor image, the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field was released in 2012. This image combined a total of 2 million seconds of exposure time.



