Monday Miasma Open Comments

Maureen Dowd has the Clintons pegged:

On the heels of the exposé on waste and abuse of funds endemic in Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charity organization, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd writes the former first couple are needy, think too much of themselves, and imagine they are “entitled to everyone’s money.”
Dowd doesn’t hold much back as she slams the Clintons, saying memories of the former first couple are being replaced by reminders of the seediness and greed that always hovered around them like a bad odor. It’s a “nostalgia” that is turning into a “neuralgia,” Dowd writes.
The columnist also laments that there is always another mini scandal just around the corner with the Clintons. The family has a problem, Dowd says; “something is always blowing up. Just when the Clintons are supposed to be floating above it all, on a dignified cloud of do-gooding leading into 2016, pop-pop-pop, little explosions go off everywhere, reminding us of the troubling connections and values they drag around.”
Near the end of her Clinton smackdown, Dowd quotes author George Packer, who noted that after leaving the White House in 1953, Harry Truman lived only on his $112-a-month army pension and insisted that making money off his public service as President was not respectful to the Office.
Dowd points out that Truman’s “quaint” reverence for the presidency is not visible in the Clintons, who seem to view the position as a giant cash register and an excuse for constant self-aggrandizement.

She’s right – there is a miasma that just seems to follow the Clinton’s. It also seems to follow the Obamas. There’s always some scandal, some reminder that they think they’re better than us, that they know better what’s better for everyone else. It is elitism at its slimiest.
What’s worse, there’s a generous pool of useful idiots that don’t sense that bad atmosphere that surrounds these users of people. And they vote.