Wednesday “Keep It Clean” Open Comments

I recently came across this item, and immediately thought of one particular Couch rezident who might like it:

It got me to wondering about other types of bathing apparatus.
For the little tykes in the woods, you can dump ’em into a bucket.

For a more spectacular splash, you can try some of these. Then there are the walk-in tubs, the shower stalls, the camping showers…we humans seem to have developed a lot of ways to make our hygiene either unique, practical, or spectacular.
During Lovely Daughter’s long trip, she took these along to substitute for a real bath whenever necessary.
I myself, in my foolish and more carefree youth, have been known to bathe with a wet washcloth. In the woods. In winter. Once. No,there were no bathing facilities available. And no, I’m never doing that again. Not without a weapon pointed at me.
But there is no tub big enough to clean up this.



