Wednesday “Florida Cojones” Open Comments

From Urban Dictionary:
Cojones : Spanish slang; meaning having balls, not scared
If you steal from a store, You have BIG cojones
That brings us to a Florida sheriff named Mike Scott. It seems that Mr. Scott is standing up to the NAACP, laying his reasons for not supporting their organization out in plain sight, for all to read. It seems that Sheriff Scott is not too concerned about political backlash, being called racist, or losing his job over this. While his cojones may not be as large as, say these priests (LANGUAGE WARNING), but big enough in this political environment to score points with me.
Fl Sheriff Mike Scott letter to NAACP.PDF-page-001-1
Fl Sheriff Mike Scott letter to NAACP.PDF-page-002
I hope he had a large bunch of kids. We need more like him.



