Monday “Go Get ’em!” Open Comments

I am so happy to see that the Zimmerman legal team is going after the media, specifically NBC.

Now that the trial to determine whether or not he was guilty of a malicious murder is over, George Zimmerman’s lawyers are stepping up their lawsuit against NBC News for airing edited audio that allegedly made their client look like a racist.

There were compared to “mad doctors”.

Crazy clown doctor
Crazy clown doctor

We all know how maliciously the 911 tape was edited to make Zimmerman sound like a racist. A few unidentified people were fired. Supposedly. /snort in derision

The lawsuit was help up pending the outcome of the murder trial. Now that a Florida jury has decided that Zimmerman is not guilty of all charges, the neighborhood watcher is surging ahead with his lawsuit against the network.
The Washington Post reports that Zimmerman lawyer James Beasley is ready to go forward against NBC—and as soon as possible, at that.
“This verdict of not guilty is just that, and shows that at least this jury didn’t believe that George was a racist, profiling, or anything that the press accused George of being,” Beasley said. “That probably doesn’t get you that much but it’s simply time for us to start the case and hold accountable anyone who was irresponsible in their journalism.”

It sounds like they’ve been chomping at the bit to take on NBC. I say, go get ’em! I’m tired of the media not being held responsible for their misbehavior. Unbridled control results in uncontrolled arrogance. The media should be able to investigate and to report, but they should be factual in doing so.



