Outdoorsy Dangers

Now that it’s summertime, some of you people might be thinking of indulging in outdoor activities. Some of you will head down to a local lake, river, estuary, or bay for some boating, swimming, and waterskiing. Others will be heading off to the mountains where the weather is a bit cooler for some recreational activities like fishing, camping, and hiking.
As a public service, we would like to make sure that you are aware of some of the dangerous wildlife and how to recognize those dangers and properly protect yourself and keep from getting ate.
This is a black bear:
black bear
This is a brown bear, also known as a grizzly bear:
grizzly bear
Grizzly bears are huge and mean. That salmon it’s eating is likely 18-24 inches long.
So what do you do to protect yourself from bears while you are out enjoying nature, without becoming a very intimate part of it via a bear?
This is a mountain lion, also known as a cougar:

Nice kitty. Here’s how to protect yourself from cougars while enjoying nature:
fight mountain lion
– or –
fight mountain lion 2
There are other dangers in the wild:

Fortunately there are also warning signs for them:
danger rednecks
danger tree-sitters
bigfoot crossing
You don’t even have to venture into the woods to find danger:
urban warning



