Friday “Get a Hobby!” Open Comments

As many of you know, I’ve recently picked up my crochet hooks. I’ve completed my first few projects (a shawl for mass, for one – now that our parish has a repaired a/c system, it can be a meat locker at that early morning mass!) and now I’ve rediscovered how relaxing embroidery can be. I’ve almost finished my first item. There’s something really calming about the pulling of thread through the fabric, and seeing something pretty come out of nowhere. Crochet items require I follow a pattern, counting stitches and such, that it can sometimes be a problem doing it while visiting. Embroidery has no such concerns.
So I did a quick search on hobbies. Here are some for men:
Ham radio
Ballroom dancing (I always said there was nothing sexier than a man who can dance!)
Working on cars – classic or otherwise
Gardening – manly gardening, like acres of corn and stuff
…and others
There are some familiar hobbies usually considered “wimmin’s work”:
Sewing – clothing, quilting, embroidery, etc.
Cooking – unless it involves open flame, such as over a campfire or on a grill
Gardening – flowers, usually
Window shopping (but carrying all of those windows home can be a problem!)
Of course, in this day and age, there are no “men’s” or “women’s” hobbies. In my college years, I was eager to build my own VW engine – I even had a chassis. Alas, time and money delayed my adventure into automotive creation until the dream got put permanently on a shelf. Hubby and I both have considered glass blowing and woodworking, but, again – other things got in the way. We like to travel, so maybe we’ll do more of that some day – just get in the car and go. Many women these days shoot as well as any man, and Sarah Palin certainly broke through that “women don’t hunt” barrier.
I’m sure that our recently retired Couch resident can figure out a few hobbies she’d like to pick up!



