Maundy Thursday

Today is Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday.
It is celebrated as the day when Jesus washed the feet of the apostles immediately prior to the Passover meal.

Jesus performed this act of charity and love to show his apostles that their strength was in their humility. Washing feet was the duty of a servant, not of a King. Christ showed us that the way for us all to achieve kingship is to lower ourselves to be the servants of all.
After he washed the feet of the apostles, he then gave us the gift of the food and drink that never fail.
The Passover meal celebrated before the first Easter became known as the Last Supper since it was the final meal Christ ate while among us in human form. In reality, it is the First Supper, since it was actually the first Mass to be celebrated and the event that gave us the gift of the Holy Eucharist, where Christ would be physically present among the faithful for all of days.

It is essential that we all remember this gift for what it is: the ultimate gift. It is a gift, since there is no way for us to earn or pay for this gift; it is a gift of immeasurable value, given to us all that we may have eternal life in the Grace of our Lord.



