Wednesday Sequestration Open Comments

Another day, another attack on someone else, trying to lay blame on others for one’s own errors.
President Obama has been telling any and everybody he can that the coming “sequestration”, which was his own idea and he signed into law, will “cost hundreds thousands of jobs”.
As you may recall, back in 2011, during a battle over increasing the debt limit, Republicans demanded certain budget cuts in return for increasing the debt limit. The Democrats, sensing that they had the Republicans over a barrel (which they did because of media complicity) held firm in their demands to raise taxes “on the wealthiest among us”. In order to break this deadlock, President Obama suggested the “sequester”, a collection of tax increases and budget cuts that would be so toxic that the two sides would be forced to come to an agreement.
Fast-forward a bit. A few months ago, the Democrats and President Obama successfully fought the Republicans over another debt limit increase, and the Republicans agreed to the Democrats’ tax increase plan, deferring the budget cuts until March 1.
For those who don’t know what day it is, March 1 happens to be next week. The Republicans are demanding budget cuts equal to or greater than the sequester cuts and the Democrats won’t cut anything and want to raise taxes even more.
This leaves the Republicans in a somewhat enviable position where if they do nothing, they get a very large chunk of what they want and the Democrats get – nothing.



